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The Fourteenth Session of “Silva Mediterranea”, involving the African Forestry Commission (AFC), the European Forestry Commission (EFC) and the Near East Forestry Commission of FAO (NEFC), was held from 9 to 13 October 1989 in Athens, with the participation of specialists from 18 member countries and 2 observer countries.

One of the main topics discussed was activities and progress of the Research Networks established within the framework of the Committee. Some main points are reproduced below.

i) Research Network on Cedrus spp. (Coordinator O. M'Hirit, Morocco)

Cedars, and more particularly the Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica Manetti) and the Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani Barrel), occur naturally in two distinct distribution areas: North Africa, including Morocco and Algeria (C. atlantica); and Asia Minor, including Lebanon, Syria and Turkey (C. libani). Cedars are adapted to difficult conditions, hardy and resistant to fires; they possess high-quality wood, and are therefore widely used in plantations in the Mediterranean region.

Secretariat Note FO:SCM/89/6 of the 14th Session of the Committee, summarizes the activities of the research network on cedars. A basic document, “Present state of knowledge on the cedar: elements for a research programme”, has also been prepared and is available from FAO's Forestry Department at request.

Regarding selection and genetic improvement of cedars, it can be noted that an inventory of cedar genetic resources and the identification of seed stands started in 1972 in Morocco, in 1982 in Turkey and in 1986 in Algeria. A large-scale programme was also established between 1972 and 1978 in France; it covers 12 comparative plantations on five different sites of the French Mediterranean region. The comparison concerns 68 provenances: Cedrus atlantica - 26 provenances from Morocco, 22 provenances from France, 4 provenances from Algeria; Cedrus libani - 6 provenances from Lebanon, 3 provenances from Turkey, 1 provenance from Syria; Cedrus deodara - 3 provenances from Afghanistan, 1 provenance from India; Cedrus brevifolia - 2 provenances from Cyprus. In addition, a trial of 14 Moroccan provenances has been established on 6 sites in Italy.

Although all the experiments are still in their early stages, preliminary results from France indicate superior vigour of C. atlantica as compared with C. libani. However, the latter species seems more drought-resistant.

A seminar on Cedrus spp. will be organized within the framework of the network in Antalaya, Turkey, 22–27 October 1990.

ii) Research Network on Pinus pinea (Coordinator O. Ciancio, Italy)

During the first phase of this network, a document was produced based on 286 references, summarizing the state of knowledge on the species. A monograph on the present state of knowledge has also been produced (both documents are available from FAO's Forestry Department at request).

The future work programme, described in Secretariat Note FO:SCM/89/7, is planned to include coordinated research on (i) fruit production; (ii) wood production; (iii) multiple uses (wood, fruit, grazing); and (iv) protection of the environment and recreational use.

iii) Research Network on Mediterranean Conifers (Coordinator A.V. Tocci, Italy

A network on selection of coniferous seed stands, was set up in 1970 by the former Committee on the Coordination of Mediterranean Forestry Research, with the aim of organizing joint provenance tests of Pinus halepensis, P. brutia and P. eldarica. Seed was collected from 51 stands in 19 countries.

Results from species and provenance trials originally established in 10 countries, have recently been summarized by the Network, based on relevant references in the literature (“Principal results of trials of provenances of Pinus halepensis, P. brutia and P. eldarica”, available from FAO's Forestry Department at request).

The work programme of the network for the next two years is summarized in Secretariat Note FO:SCM/89/8.

Also the Research Networks on (iv) Multipurpose Species (incipient); and (v) Forest Fire Management were reviewed and discussed by the Committee.

In addition, two special topics were included in the Agenda of the 14th Session of the Committee: (i) present situation and evaluation of the role of the Mediterranean forests, covering forests products other than wood for industry and the role of forest resources in tourism and recreation; and (ii) strengthening international forestry cooperation in the Mediterranean region.

For additional information please contact:

Mr. B. Ben Salem
Senior Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for the Near East, RNEA
c/o Forest Resources Division
Forestry Department
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome, Italy

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