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Briscoe, C.B. 1989 Field trials manual for multipurpose tree species (Winrock International, Petit Jean Mountain, Morrilton, Arkansas 72110, USA).

Brown, A.H.D., Marshall, D.R., Frankel, O.H. & Williams, J.T. 1989 The use of plant genetic resources. (Cambridge University Press, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP, UK). (382 pp.).

Carter, E.J. 1987 From Seed to trial establishment. DFR user series No. 2, (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, P.O. Box 4008, Yarralumla, A.C.T. 2600, Australia). (125 pp.).

FAO 1989 Utilization of genetic resources: Suitable approaches, agronomical evaluation and use. Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 94. Agriculture Dept., FAO Rome. (115 pp.).

Mc Neeley, J.A. 1988 Economics and biological diversity. Executive Summary and Guidelines for using incentives. (IUCN, Avenue de Mont Blanc, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland) (39 pp.).

Molnar, A. 1987 Forest Conservation in Nepal: Encouraging Women's Participation. Seeds 10. (Seeds, P.O. Box 3923, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163, USA). (20 pp.).

Namkoong, G.; Kang, H.C. & Brouard, J.S. 1988 Tree breeding principles and strategies. (Springer-Verlag, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA). (180 pp.).

Sasson, A. 1986 Quelles biotechnologies pour les pays en développement? (Unesco, 7 place de Fontenoy, F-75700 Paris, France). (200 pp.).

Sasson, A. 1988 Biotechnologies and development. Unesco/Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). (Unesco, 7 place de Fontenoy, F-75700 Paris, France). (361 pp.).

Souté, M.E. (Ed) 1987 Viable populations for conservation. (Cambridge University Press, Pitt Bldg., Trumpington Str., Cambridge CB2 1RP, UK). (189 pp.).

Trujillo Navarrete, E. 1986 Manual general sobre el uso de semillas forestales (Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Medio Ambiente, Ministerio de Agricultura, Diagonal 34, No. 5–16, Apartado Aéreo 13458 Bogotá, Colombia). (55 pp.).


Anon. 1987 Recueil des communications presentées au seminaire national sur les essences forestières locales, tenu à Ouagadougou du 6 au 10 juillet 1987. (Institut de Recherche en Biologie et Ecologie. Tropicale (IRBET) B.P. 7047, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso). (222 pp.).

Anon. 1987 Strategies for classification and management of native vegetation for food production in arid zones. Tucson, Arizona, USA, October 12–16, 1987. US Forest Service, USDA & Secretaria de Agricultura y Recursos Hidraúlicos, México. (Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 240 West Prospect Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521, USA). (257 pp.9). (E, S).

Anon. 1988 Conservation of Diversity in Forest Ecosystems: A Symposium, Davis, California, USA. July 24–25, 1988. Program and Abstracts. (Institute of Forest Genetics, 1960 Addison St. P.O. Box 245, Berkeley, CA 94701, USA). (18 pp.).

Anon. 1988 Proceedings of the Symposium, Genetic considerations in the collection and maintenance of germplasm. Davis, California (USA), 15 Aug. 1986. (Published in Horticultural Science 23 (1)).

Bergman, F. & Kownatzki, D. 1988 The genetic variation pattern of silver fir (Abies alba) in Europe, monitored from enzyme gene loci. In: 5th IUFRO - Tannensymposium. pp. 21–26. (Vyskumny ústav lesného hospodárstva) Marxova 2175, 96092 Zvolen, Czechoslovakia).

Burley, J. & Cossalter, C. 1988 IUFRO Regional Planning Workshop for Eastern and Southern Africa. Report on tree improvement. Lilongwe, Malawi 19–28 October 1988. (IUFRO, Schönbrunn, A-1131 Vienna, Austria). (42 pp. + 66 pp. Anexes).

Eldridge, K.G. & Davidson, J. 1988 Strategies used for domestication and improvement of Eucalyptus for Plantations. (International Forestry Conference for the Bicentennial, Albany (Australia), 25 April – 1 May 1988. (Senior authors address: Dr. K.G. Eldridge, Principal Research Scientist, Division of Forestry and Forest Products, CSIRO, P.O. Box 4008, Canberra A.C.T. 2600, Australia).

Hamza, H. 1987 Recherches sur les Acacias en Tunisie pour améliorer la production forestière et pastorale et lutter contre la désertification. In: Actes du Séminaire organisé dans le cadre du Projet-pilote de lutte contre la désertification dans le sud-Tunisien. Djerba (Tunisie), 24–29 novembre 1986, pp. 157–163. Programme sur l'homme et la Biosphére (MAB), Unesco (7, place de Fontenoy, F-75007 Paris, France).

IBPGR 1988 Conservation and movement of vegetatively propagated germplasm: In vitro culture and disease aspects. Report of a sub-committee meeting held at North Carolina State University, USA, 17–19 August 1987. (IBPGR c/o FAO, Rome, Italy).

ICRAF-NFTA 1989 Executive Summary of the International Workshop on perennial Sesbania species in agroforestry systems. ICRAF, Nairobi (Kenya), March 27–31, 1989. (ICRAF, P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya). (16 pp.).

IUCN 1989 Second International Botanic Gardens Conservation Congress -: “Tropical Botanic Gardens Conservation and Development” - Ile de la Réunion, 24–28 April 1989. Abstracts/Résumés. (IUCN Avenue de Mont Blanc, CH-1196 - Gland, Switzerland). (40 pp.). (E/F).

Nather, J. 1986 International Symposium on Seed problems under stressful conditions. Vienna/Gmunden (Austria), 3–8 June 1985. Proceedings. FBVA Berichte-Schriftenreihe der FBVA (Forstliche Bundesversuchsanstalt, Schönbrunn, Tirolergarten, A-1131 Vienna, Austria). (287 pp.).

Namkoong, G. 1988 Population genetics and the dynamics of conservation. Paper presented at a conference held at Beltsville (USA), April 1988. (Paper No. 11574 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh N.C. 27695-7601, USA). (36 pp.).

NFTA 1987 Proceedings of a Workshop on the biological and genetic control strategies for the Leucaena psyllid. Leucaena Research Reports. Volume 7(2). Special Issue (NFTA, P.O. Box 680, Waimanalo, Hawaii, 96795 USA). (109 pp.).

Mhamdi, A.; Hammoumi, M. & Houmymid, M. 1987 Comportement écologique de Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst, dans un périmètre de fixation de dunes continentales. In: Actes du Séminaire organisé dans le cadre du Projet-pilote de lutte contre la désertification dans le sud-tunisien. Djerba (Tunisie), 24–29 novembre 1986. (pp. 41–49). (Programme sur l'homme et la Biosphére (MAB), c/o Unesco, 7, place de Fontenoy, F-75007 Paris, France).

Ottone, J.R. 1983 Ensayo de diversas especies de Eucalyptus en la pre-cordillera Andina, zona de El Bolsón -: zona templada fría a fría - (República Argentina). In: Actas del 5o Congreso Forestal Argentino, La Pampa. (Instituto Forestal Nacional, Av. Pueyrredon 2446, 4o piso, 1119 Capital Federal, Argentina).

Ottone, J.R. 1983 Estudio del crecimiento del Eucalyptus huberana Naudin, en la zona Pampeana (República Argentina). In: Actas del 5o Congreso Forestal Argentino - La Pampa - año 1983. (Instituto Forestal Nacional, Av. Pueyrredon 2446, 4o piso, 1119 Capital Federal, Argentina).


Anon. 1985 Estudio del comportamiento de Apeiba aspera, Cordia alliodora y Jacaranda copaia bajo dos distancias de plantacion en Tumaco Narino, Colombia. Corporacion Nacional de Investigación y Fomento Forestal. (Instituto nacional de Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Ambiente, Diagonal 34, No. 516, piso 2o, Subgerencia de Bosques y Aguas, Apartado Aéreo 13458, Bogota 1, Colombia). (26 pp.).

Anon. 1986 Boletim Tecnico do Instituto Florestal, V40-A. Partes I,II. Edicão Especial. (Instituto Florestal, Caixa Postal 1.322-01000, São Paulo S.P., Brazil). This Special Issue on Tree Breeding and Genetics contains a number of articles of interest, among which:

Fernandes, P.D.S. Tensôes de crescimento em progênies de Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake. (pp. 616–638).

Filho, D.V. d.T.; Pires, C.L. d. S. & Rosa, P.R.F. d. Teste de origens de Pinus caribaea. (pp. 332–343).

Nogueira, J.C.B.; Siqueira, A.C.M.F.; Moraes, E. & Iwane, M.S.S. Estudo de progênies e procedências do Amendoim, Pterogyne nitens Tul. (pp. 357–366).

Nogueira, J.C.B.; Siqueira, A.C.M.F.; Moraes, E. & Iwane, M.S.S. Teste de progênies e procedências da Aroeira, Astronium urundeuva (Fr. All.) Eng. (pp. 367–377).

Nogueira, J.C.B.; Siqueira, A.C.M.F.; Zanatta, A.C.S.; Moraes, E. & Iwane, M.S.S. Teste de progênies e procedências de Pan d'alho, Gallesia gororema Vell. Moq. (pp. 344–356).

Pires, C.L.d.S. & Parente, P.R. Competicâo de espécies e origens de Eucalyptus na regiâo de Moji-Mirim-Sp. (pp. 314–315).

Silva, A.D.d. & Romanelli, R.C. Estudo da regeiçâo em mudas de Pinus elliottii var. elliottii enxertada com material geneticamente correlacionado e nâo correlacionado. (pp. 249–280).

Sigueira, A.C.M.F.; Nogueira, J.C.B.; Zanatto, A.C.S.; Mariano, G. & Cruz, I.I.d. O gequitibá-rosa, Cariniana legalis (Marts.) O. Ktze.: una espécie em extinçâo. (pp. 291–301).

Sigueira, A.C.M.F.; Nogueira, J.C.B.; Zanatto, A.C.S.; Moraes, E. & Zandarim, M.A. Conservaçâo dos recursos genéticos da Guarucaia, Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub. (pp. 302–313).

Zanatto, A.C.S.; Parente, P.R.; Pires, C.L.d.S. & Filho, D.V.d.T. Comportamento do híbrido E. grandis x E. urophylla, E. umbra nas regiôes de Mori-Mirim e Luiz Antonio-S.P. (pp. 326–331).

Anon. 1987 Massif d'Oku - Cameroun. (Centre Universitaire de Dschang, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie Departement de Foresterie, B.P. 138, Yaounde, Cameroun) (128 pp.)

Bonkoungou, E.G. 1987 Monographie de Acacia albida Del., espèce agroforestière a usages multiples. (Inst. de Recherche en Biologie et Ecologie Tropicale, B.P. 7047, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso). (93 pp.).

Bonner, F.T. 1988 Seeds of woody plants. In: Advances in Research and Technology of Seeds, Part II, pp. 81–112. (Wageningen Agricultural University, General Foulkesweg 64, P.O. Box 342, NL-6700 AH Wageningen, Holland).

Campbell, R.K. & Sugano, A.I. 1987 Seed zones and breeding zones for Sugar Pine in South-western Oregon. (Forest Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, USDA, 3200 Jefferson Way, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, USA) (18 pp.).

Carrión, J.A.P. & Sanchez, L.A.G. 1986 Los huertos semilleros: estudios básicos para su establecimiento en España. (Publicaciones del Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Servicio de Publicaciones, Paseo de Infanta Isabel, 1–28014 Madrid, España). (128 pp.).

Chin, H.F. & Pritchard, H.W. 1988 Recalcitrant seeds: a Status Report. Bibliography 1979–87. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (c/o FAO Rome). (28 pp.).

Ditlevsen, B. & Robbins, A.M.J. 1988 Tree improvement: an outline and plan of action for Nepal. (HMGN/EEC/ODA National Tree Seed Centre Project, Hattisar, Naxal, Kathmandu, Nepal). (51 pp.).

Duarte, A. 1988 Consideraciones sobre el cuidado, atención y protección de semillas forestales. Forestal-Boletín de Reseñas (Centro de Investigación Forestal del Ministerio de la Agricultura, Calle 174 No. 1723 entre 17-B y 17-C, Reparto Siboney, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba). (26 pp.).

Dvorak, W.S. & Donahue, J.K. 1988 Pinus maximinoi seed collections in Mexico and Central America. CAMCORE - Bulletin on Tropical Forestry No. 4, 1988. (CAMCORE - North Carolina State University, School of Forest Resources, Box 8007, Research Annex West, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-8007, USA). (47 pp.). (E, S).

Edwards, D.G.W. 1987 Methods and procedures for testing tree seeds in Canada. Forestry Technical Report 36. (Canadian Forestry Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, 506 West Burnside Road, Victoria B.C., V8Z 1M5, Canada). (33 pp.). (E, F).

FAO 1986 Guidelines for seed exchange and plant introduction in tropical crops. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 76, FAO, Rome. (207 pp.).

FAO 1988 Non-timber uses of selected arid zone trees and shrubs in Africa. FAO Conservation Guide No. 19. FAO, Rome. (176 pp.).

FAO 1988 Nitrogen Fixing Trees for Wastelands. RAPA Publication: 1988/9. (FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand). (103 pp.).

FAO 1989 Conservación in situ de recursos genéticos. Officina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe (Casilla 10095, Santiago, Chile). (52 pp.).

IBPGR 1988 Conserving the wild relatives of crops. IBPGR/IUCN/WWF (International Board for Plant Genetic Resources c/o FAO, Rome, Italy). (45 pp.).

Irving, D.E.; Gashoka, K.J. & Skeates, D.A. 1987 Small-scale seed extractory. Forest Research Note 43. (Ministry of Natural Resources. Maple, Ontario, Canada LOJ IEO).

IUCN/WWF 1989 The Botanic Gardens Conservation Strategy. (IUCN, 1196-Gland, Switzerland). (56 pp.).

Krogstrup, P. 1989 Micropropagation of Juvenile Norway Spruce. Forest Tree Improvement No. 22. KVL - ARBORETET. (Arboretet, kirkegaardsvej 3A, DK-2970 Hoersholm, Denmark). (10 pp.).

Lester, D.T. & DeBell, D.S. 1989 Geographic variation in Red Alder. (Forest Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, USDA, Box 500, Olympia, Washington 98502, USA). (8 pp.).

Martin, B. 1987 Amélioration génétique des Eucalyptus tropicaux. Contribution majeure à la foresterie clonale. (Ecole nationale du Genie Rural des Eaux et des forêts, 14 rue Girardet, F-54042 Nancy Cédex, France). (2 vols, 218 pp. + 332 pp.).

Monteuuis, O.; Sarran, P. & Dutel, R. 1988 Production de semis de séquoia géant en pépinière forestière moderne. AFOCEL/ARMEF Informations-Forêt no 1, Fascicule 336, pp. 49–63. (AFOCEL/ARMEF, Domaine de l'Etançon, F-77370 Nangis, France).

Morello, J.; Burkart, R. & Marchetti, B. 1988 Problemática del manejo de las areas protegidas: situación actual y tendencias. Temas de Conservacion de la Naturaleza en America Latina no 11, p. 15–21. (Administración de Parques Nacionales, Santa Fé 69o, Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Pehap, A.; Simak, M; Tenmark, R. & Neffati, T. 1987 Treatment of pine cones with ethylene gas. Arbetsrapporter no 16 (Institutionen för Skogsskötsel, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, S-90183 Umea, Sweden). (19 pp.).

Piedra, T.E. 1988 Distribución natural de los pinos en México. Nota Técnica no 1/1988. Centro de Genética Forestal, A.C. (Apartado Postal 104, Chapingo, Mexico C.P. 56230). (6 pp.).

Piedra, T.E. 1988 Glosario de terminos de genéticos y mejoramento genético forestal. Boletin Técnico no 2. Centro de Genetica Forestal A.C. (Apartado Postal 104, Chapingo, Mexico C.P. 56230). (58 pp.).

Richardson, M.J. 1989 An annotated list of seed-borne diseases. (International Seed Testing Institute (ISTA), P.O. Box 412, Ch-8046 Zürich, Switzerland). (300 pp., price Swiss Fr. 75).

Rios, R.V. & Klop, A. 1987 Compartamiento de especies y procedencias de Eucalyptus en Uraba, Colombia. Serie Técnica no 22. Corporacion Nacional de Investigación y Fomento Forestal (Parque la Florida, A.A. 091676/0951153, Bogotá, Colombia). (30 pp.).

Roussel, J. 1986 Conditionnement des semences forestières. Centre National de Recherches Forestières (Route de Pères Maristes, B.P. 2312, Parc Forestier de Hann-Dakar, Senegal). (15 pp. + 7 pp. annexes).

Ruiz, C.B. 1988 Revisión y analisis de la bibliografía nacional sobre el genero Prosopis. l. parte (Consejo nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Oficina de Política Científica y Tecnológica, Camilo Carrillo 120, Jesus Mariá, Lima, Perú). (92 pp.).

Schubert, T.H.; Whitesell, C.D. 1985 Species trials for biomass plantations in Hawaii: a first appraisal (USDA, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, P.O. Box 245, Berkeley, California 94701, USA). (13 pp.).

Simak, M. & Bergsten, V. 1988 Data base on forest seed literature published in Sweden up to 1975. Rapporter no 23. (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, S-90183 Umea, Sweden). (62 pp.).

Solorzano Soto, R. 1986 Diseño y aplicación en Costa Rica de una metodología para la planificación operativa de un sistema de reservas forestales y zonas protectoras. Tesis Mag. Sc. Turrialba, Costa Rica, UCR/CATIE. (CATIE - Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, 7170 Turrialba, Costa Rica).

Styles, B.T. & Hughes, C.E. 1988 Variabilidad de los pinos centroamericanos: taxonomía y nomenclatura de los pinos y otras gimnospermos. Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Forestales, Corporación Hondureña de Desarrollo Forestal (Centro Nacional de Investigación, Forestal Aplicada, Apartado Postal no 2, Siguatepeque, Honduras C.A.). (20 pp.).

Wheeler, B. 1988 Leucaena trial shows some clear trends in psyllid resistance. NFTA News, 1988 no 2: 2–3. (Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association, P.O. Box 680, Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795, USA).

White, K.J. 1986 Practical tree Breeding strategies, and practices and programmes in the Bharbar Terai of Central Nepal. Sagarnath Forest Development Project (Ministry of Forests, Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, Nepal). (46 pp.).

Willan, R.L. 1988 International transfer of forest seed. Technical Note no. 35 (May 1988). (DANIDA Forest Seed Centre, Krogerupvej 3A, DK-3050 Humlebaek, Denmark) (20 pp.).


Abo El-Nil, M. & Wochok, Z.S. 1986 Seed weight and in vitro bud induction potential in Pseudotsuga menziesii cotyledons cultured in vitro. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 16 (3): 283–288.

Adegbehin, J.O.; Okojie, J.A. & Nokoe, S. 1988 Growth of Eucalyptus tereticornis and Pinus caribaea at different sites in Northern Nigeria. Forest Ecology and Management 23 (4): 261–272.

Ahmad, H.b.D. 1989 Growth performance and chromosome count of Acacia mangium plantlets derived from cultured nodal explants. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 1 (3): 263–267.

Ahmed, P. 1987 Vegetative propagation of Acacia albida: a promising species for farm - forestry in arid areas. Indian Forester 113 (7): 459–465.

Anon. 1988 Biological diversity in the context of ecosystem structure and function: Proposal for an IUBS (International Union of Biological Sciences) Program submitted by the U.S. National Committee for IUBS. Biology International 124: 15–17.

Barnes, R.D. 1988 Tropical forest genetics at the Oxford Forestry Institute. Commonwealth Forestry Review 67 (3): 231–241.

Beardsell, D. & Mullet, J. 1984 Seed generation of Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng. from low and high altitude populations in Victoria. Australian Journal of Botany 32: 475–480.

Bonner, F.T. 1987 Collection and care of sweetgum seed (Liquidambar styraciflua). New Forests 3: 207–214.

Bousquet, J.; Cheliak, W.M. & Lalonde, M. 1987 Genetic diffeerentiation among 22 mature populations of green alder (Alnus crispa) in Central Quebec. Can. J. Forest Res. 17: 219–227.

Bousquet, J.; Cheliak, W.M. & Lalonde, M. 1987 Genetic diversity within and among 11 juvenile populations of green alder (Alnus crispa) in Canada. Physiol. Plant 70: 311–318.

Burges, I.P. 1988 Provenance Trials of Eucalyptus grandis and E. saligna in Australia. Silvae Genetica 37 (5–6): 221–227.

Carson, M.J. 1986 Advantages of clonal forestry for Pinus radiata - Real or imagined? New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 16 (3): 403–415.

Castro Dutra, R.D. 1987 Fenologia de dez espécies arboreas nativas do cerrado, Brasilia. Brasil Florestal 14 (62): 23–41.

Cheliak, W.M., Yeh, F.C.H. & Pitel, J.A. 1987 Use of elechophoresis in tree improvement programs. The Forestry Chronicle, April 1987: 86–96.

Choubey, O.P., Prasad, P. & Mishra, G.P. 1988 Studies of teak plantation and mixed natural forest in M.P.I.: Phytosociology, distribution, species diversity and some quantitative parameters of tree species. Journal of Tropical Forestry 4 (1): 22–35.

Coolbear, P.; Dourado, A.M.; Rimbawanto, A. & Firth, A. 1988 Seed maturation precedes cone ripening in New Zealand Pinus radiata. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 18(2): 139–148.

Coolbear, P.; Rimbawanto, A. & Firth, A. 1988 Artificial ripening of prematurely harvested cones of New Zealand Pinus radiata and its effect on seed quality. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 18(2): 149–160.

Dunstan, D.I.; Mohammed, G.H. & Thorpe, T.A. 1986 Shoot production and elongation on explants from vegetative buds excised from 17 to 20 - year - old Pseudotsuga menziesii, New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 16 (3): 269–282.

Edson, S.M.; Kageyama, P.Y. & Ferreira, M. 1988 Variação genética e interação progênies x locais em Eucalyptus urophylla. Publicaçó do IPEF, Piracicaba 39: 53–63.

Emery, B.M. & Ledig, F.T. 1987 Provenance variation in Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. in California. Silvae Genetica 36(3–4): 172–180.

Eusebio, T.V.; Chey, V.K.; Newman, V. & Catherinus, J. 1989 A note on the optimal time for ground collection of Gmelina arborea Roxb. fruits. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 1(3): 296–298.

Fabre, J.P. 1988 Possibilités d'infestation par les pucerons: Cedrobium laportei Remaudière, Cinara cedri Mimeur (Homoptera, Lachnidae), chez le genre Cedrus. Ann. Sci. For. 45(2): 125–140.

Ferrand, J.C. 1988 Electric heating units in pollination bags avoid damage to flowers by spring frost. Les Annales des Sciences Forestières. 45(2): 157–160.

Filer, D.L. 1988 A database for tree improvement and seed bank management: SISTEM (Commonwealth Forestry Review 67(3) 243–251.

Fowler, C.; Lachkovics, E.; Mooney, P. & Shand, H. 1988 The laws of life: another development and the new biotecnologies. Development Dialogue 1988(1–2): 1–350.

Greenaway, W.; Jobling, J. Scaysbrook, T. 1989 Composition of bud exudate of Populus x inter-americana clones as a guide to clonal identification. Silvae Genetica 38(1): 28–32.

Gregorius, H.R. 1988 The meaning of genetic variations within and between sub-populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 76: 947–951.

Haeruman Js, H. 1988 Conservation in Indonesia. Ambio 17(3): 218–222.

Haines, R.J. & Nikles, D.G. 1987 Seed production in Araucaria cunninghamiana: the influence of biological features of the species. Aust. For. 50(4): 224–230.

Höhne, I.; Schmeckebier, B. & Kopp, S. 1988 Möglichkeiten zur Mechanisierung bei der autovegetativen Vermehrung von Nadelbaumarten, insbesondere der gemeinen Fichte. Beiträge für die Forstwirtschaft 22(1): 30–33.

Hough, J.L. 1988 Obstacles to effective management of conflicts between national parks and surrounding human communities in developing countries. Environmental conservation 15(2): 129–136.

Hughes, C.E. & Styles, B.T. 1987 The benefits and potential risks of woody legume introductions. The International Tree Crops Journal 4: 209–248.

Hühn, M. 1988 Multiclonal mixtures and number of clones. I. Number of clones and yield stability (Deterministic approach without competition). Silvae Genetica 37 (2): 67–73.

Jesus, R.M.d.; Dias, G.B.N. & Cardoso, E.M. 1988 Eucalyptus/Leucaena experiment - growth and yield. Publicaçó do IPEF, Piracicaba 39: 41–44.

Kapur, S.K. & Dogra, A.S. 1987 Provenance trial of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Punjab. Indian Forester 113(7): 471–475.

Kapur, S.K. & Dogra, A.S. 1987 Species-cum-provenance trial of Eucalyptus in Punjab. Indian Forester 113(4): 238–242.

Katiyar, R.S.; Sharma, G.D. & Mishra, R.R. 1987 Asymbiotic seed germination and seedling development in Coelogyne punctulata and Aerides multiflorum. Indian Forester 113(8): 574–577.

Kirmse, R.D. & Fisher, J.T. 1989 Species screening and biomass trials of woody plants in the semi-arid Southwest United States. Biomass 18: 15–29.

Kleinschmit, J. 1985 Conservation of the genetic diversity of forest trees. Forst - und Holzwirtschafft 40(9) 235–254.

Kulakov, V.E. 1986 Establishing seed orchards on the basis of experimental plantations. Lesnoe khozyaistvo 12: 26–28. (In Russian, summary in (E)).

Ledig, T.F. 1988 The conservation of diversity in forest trees -: why and how should genes be conserved? BioScience 38(7): 471–479.

Lindgren, D. & El-Kassaby, Y.A. 1989 Genetic consequences of combining selective cone harvesting and genetic thinning in clonal seed orchards. Silvae Genetica 38(2): 65–70.

Loehle, C. & Namkoong, G. 1987 Constraints on tree breeding: growth tradeoffs, growth strategies and defensive investments. Forest Science 33(4): 1089–1097.

Lugo, A. 1988 Diversity of tropical species - questions that elude answers. Biology International, Special Issue 19. (International Union of Biological Sciences, Secretariat, Boulevard de Montmorency 51, F-75016 Paris, France) (37 pp.).

Maithani, G.P., Bahuguna, V.K., Rawat, M.M.S. & Sood, O.P. 1989 Fruit maturity and interrelated effects of temperature and container on longevity of neem (Azadirachta indica) seeds. The Indian Forester 115(2): 89–96.

Maithani, G.P.; Bahuguna, V.K.; Sood, O.P. & Rawat, M.M.S. 1987 Preliminary studies on germination and longevity of Carissa opaca Stapf. seeds. Indian Forester 113(11): 725–728.

Mala, J. & Chalupa, V. 1986 Pestování Aseptickych Kultur Smrku (Picea abies L.) A Douglasky (Pseudotsuga menziesii mirb. (Franco)), in vitro. Práce Vúlhm 69: 61–83.

Merkle, S.A.; Adams, W.T. & Campbell, R.K. 1988 Multivariate analysis of allozyme variation patterns in coastal Douglas-fir from Southwest Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 18(2): 181–187.

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