Energy for sustainable rural development projects - Vol.1: A reader

Table of Contents



Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 1991

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1 - Basic energy concepts

1. Introduction
2. Forms of energy
3. Energy conversion
4. Energy and power
5. Energy sources
6. Some notes on energy terminology
7. Energy flow
8. Energy units and dimensions
9. Energy losses and efficiency
10. Equivalence and replacement of energy forms
11. Energy balance
12. Process energy requirements and gross energy requirements
13. Examples of calculations of energy conversions

Chapter 2 - Energy concerns and the project cycle

I. Project identification

1. Project identification
2. Identification of energy constraints
3. Identification of opportunities
4. Preliminary screening of project alternatives

II. Project preparation

1. Project preparation
2. Beneficiary participation in project design
3. Detailed analysis of energy constraints and requirements
4. Design of energy components

III. Project appraisal
IV. Project monitoring and evaluation
V. Conclusions

Chapter 3 - Economics of energy in agriculture and rural development projects

Key economic efficiency issues
Non-economic efficiency criteria
Case studies applying foregoing concepts
Towards some synthesis

Chapter 4 - Comparison of energy alternatives for small-scale irrigation

1 Technical calculations

1.1 Farm size and crops
1.2 Water requirements
1.3 Energy requirements
1.4 specific fuel consumption
1.5 Plant sizing to meet peak loads

2. Economic analysis

2.1 Project costing assumptions and estimates
2.2 Base case technology choice alternatives
2.3 Base case cost and revenue comparisons
2.4 Economic pricing
2.5 Sensitivity analyses


Chapter 5 - Agro-forestry, a new fashion of old tradition?

I. A new interest
II. Agro-forestry; adding trees to farming systems?
III. Agro-forestry techniques
IV. Financial and economic implications

A. Benefits and costs to the farmer
B. The government's perspective

V. Preparation and implementation issues

A. Rural appraisals
B. Project components
C. National and local institutions

VI. Conclusions


Appendix 1
Appendix 2 (a)
Appendix 2 (b)