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Case study no. 2 - Participative planning in rural energy: Concepts, methodology and experience in Coquimbo, Chile*

* by A. del Valle, Energy Research Programme (PRIEN) Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

I. Introduction
II. Conceptual background
III. Participative planning methodology
IV. The Coquimbo experience

This case study is based on an experience of participative development in Chile which has been unfortunately interrupted for lack of funding. It describes the philosophy and methods more in depth than the actual achievements. Its main lessons are not really specific to rural energy, but it shows the importance of participative planning in this field, as well as its difficulties and particularly the long time-frame which is common to all participative efforts.

The experience is to be compared with the next case study which, with a similar approach of participative action-research, did receive some government support and could carry on the experience longer.

Both papers insist on the importance of animation for innovation rather than assessment and planning as the entry point in a cycle which must in any case include both action and evaluation in an iterative process.

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