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This has been successfully accomplished with the provision of working space for all team members in an adjoining suite of offices.

The team members are now actively engaged in a literature search and evaluation, and the preparation of an annotated bibliography.

It was hoped to include this bibliography on a computer data base, but this work is delayed until a suitable data base programme is available.


The Lake Investigation Team has had two periods of training and orientation during the initial 3 months of the project start-up.

An orientation seminar was held from 30 August to 2 September 1989 in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of knowledge about the fisheries, limnology and general lake biology of Qinghai Lake. This seminar was led by the senior staff members of the Bureau and the two sub-project team leaders.

From 10 to 24 September a training course was held at the General Extension Station for some 30 Bureau staff members. This group included the members of the project teams* The course included two field visits, to fish farm pond sites and to Qinghai Lake and the Qinghai Fisheries Factory and its facilities. Details of the training course programme are given in Appendix 2.


Apart from some minor items of office equipment, the major equipment items received on site have been the computers and their ancillaries.

The computers have been installed in a suitable room adjacent to the TA office accommodation and function well although they await some final adjustment to the ancillary disc drive which has, apparently, faulty software. This problem is currently being resolved from FAO Headquarters.

Additional software, appropriate to the needs of the project, is also being sent via FAO Headquarters.

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