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Appendix 3


The hull that has been made available by the Bureau of Aquatic Products is one of the wooden trawlers that originally composed the fleet of four boats (pair trawling). Two of these boats have been replaced recently by more powerful steel boats and two boats are therefore surplus to fishing requirements. One of the surplus boats is employed as a collecting boat servicing the four trawlers. The remaining boat is therefore available full-time for the use of the lake investigation team.

In September 1989 this hull was slipped for minor repairs and servicing. The accommodation forward was reconstructed. Since then, the engine has been serviced and the vessel is currently in use as a temporary collecting boat during the routine slipping and maintenance of the regular collecting vessel.

This boat therefore appears to be seaworthy and, with relatively minor modifications, suitable for use as a survey vessel. The technical staff responsible for the boats have confirmed this.


The modifications that will be necessary to convert this fishing boat into a suitable research vessel equipped for cruises of up to one week's duration, have been discussed with NPD and the technical staff of the Bureau and the Fish Factory. The following modifications have been agreed to as a compromise that takes into account the limited time available for the work (due to the closure of the fishing enterprise during the winter months).

2 . 1 Engine Replacement

Due to the age of the engine and the replacement that will be required during the life of the project, it is proposed to replace the present engine with locally purchased equipment of similar specifications. This proposal currently awaits clearance from UNDP/FAO.

2.2 Electric Power Supply

In order to provide adequate power supply for lighting, equipment and safe heating it is proposed to install a stand-alone diesel powered 13 kVh 3-phase generator in the engine room. This proposal is currently awaiting clearance from UNDP/FAO.

2.3 Living Accommodation

The accommodation forward is adequate for 4 to 5 workers and additional accommodation, if required, can be easily found in the proposed work spaces. Covered toilet/washing facilities will be provided at the stern. Kitchen accommodation is adequate in its present configuration. With the reduced crew anticipated in its role as a survey vessel, there is ample crew living space available aft.

2.4 Working Accommodation

It is proposed to convert the present fish holds (each approximately 4.5 × 2.5 m in plan) into 2 work spaces. These will be fitted with ample electrical outlets for equipment, lighting and heating. They should also be lined with an insulating wall. Access should be through a weather protected hatchway. For the safety of the vessel it is important that the integrity of the hold bulkheads is not breached. The height of the working deck above the work spaces should be raised to give a comfortable working headroom. The work spaces will be equipped with work benches. Working accommodation on deck will consist of a small weather-protected structure, fitted with electrical services, immediately adjacent to the working deck.

2.5 Boat Accommodation

With one exception, no major changes are foreseen to the structure of the boat, although minor repairs and maintenance may be considered necessary. The captain's bridge accommodation needs some rebuilding. It is essential that the bridge structure is raised to give adequate headroom to bridge crew and any working scientists. This will involve raising the roof and the windscreen. It is not foreseen that this modification will have any significant impact on vessel stability or safety. The interior of the bridge must also be renovated to allow for the replacement of navigation instruments and other equipment. The present upper bunk will be removed to provide a working chart table and location for items of equipment.

2.6 Other Modifications Required

Other modifications to the boat are mainly for considerations of safety. This is particularly important since it will carry a complement of working scientists who are not necessarily used to working on a boat and are therefore at increased risk to accidents. This applies to visiting scientists as well as the lake investigation team.

It is requested that space is found as a locker for the anchor warp and chain. At present this lies loose on the bowpeak and there is a danger of catching the legs of those on deck when the anchor is released.

Demountable bulwark guard rails should be manufactured and fitted.

2.7 Equipment Proposed

Apart from the standard laboratory equipment in the work spaces, the following equipment will be fitted to the boat:

Navigation equipment - satellite receiving equipment is being considered as the most economic alternative for precise positioning on the lake.

Ship-to-shore radio telephone

Echosounder/fishfinder - specifications not finalized

Ships compass

Deck work/navigation lights


Life-raft, and other emergency equipment (extinguishers, lifejackets, flares, etc.)


It has been emphasized to the NPD that this vessel must be ready for trials and commissioning by the beginning of the work season in spring 1990. This timetabling will depend upon the ability of the technical staff at the Fish Factory to complete the refit, and the minimum delays in the delivery and acceptance of the items of specialized equipment.

If this vessel is not ready for the start of the work season, it is possible that major elements of the work programme could be delayed by a whole year, due to the annual seasonality of many of the parameters to be studied.

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