Figure 2

Review and Decision Model for evaluating proposed introductions of aquatic organisms (Kohler and Stanley, 1984) (Simplified by B. Steinmetz, unpublished correspondence)


Review level

Opinionnaire value


Review level I


Is the need valid and are no native species available that could serve the stated need?

< 2

> 2

- reject

- to next question


Is the organism safe from over-exploitation in its native range?

< 2

> 2

- reject

- to next question


Are safeguards adequate to guard against importation of disease/parasites?

< 2

> 2

- reject

- to next question


Would the introduction be limited to closed system?

> 3

< 3

- approve

- to review level II

Review level II


Would the organism be unable to establish a self-sustaining population in the range of habitats that would be available?


> 3

< 3


- approve

- to review level III

Review level III


Would the organism have mostly positive ecological impacts?

< 2

< 3 > 2

> 3

- reject

- to review level IV

- to next question


Would most consequences of the introduction be beneficial to humans?

< 2

< 3 > 2

> 3

- reject

- to review level IV

- approve

Review level IV


Is database adequate to develop complete species synopsis

< 3

> 3

- conduct detailed lit. rev.1)

- to next question


Does database indicate desirability for introduction?

< 2

< 3 > 2

> 3

- reject

-conduct research 2)

- approve


Would benefits exceed risks?

< 2

> 3

- reject

- approve

1) thereafter next step question 9.

2) research focused on potential impact on indigenous species and habitats. thereafter question 10. Value < 3 > 2 restart research.

* see Table 1 of Kohler and Stanley.