TABLE 31 Stubborn in sweet orange trees in certain regions of Iran in November 1985 as diagnosed by visual symptoms and/or Spiroplasma citri

Location Varieties Origin Stubborn diagnosis
Mahdasht orchard (Mazandaran province) Moro Mediterranean 1933-19341 Visual: 7,8,9²
Kotra Citrus Experiment Station (Mazandaran province) Valencia on P. trifolatia and sour orange W & N 1963-19643 Visual: 5, 8 S. citri culture
Gillette navel W & N. 1963-64 Visual: 3, 8
Hamlin on P. trifoliata W & N. 1971 Visual: 3, 8. S. citri culture
Khorram Abed Citrus Experiment Station (Mazandaran province) Salustiana W & N, 1971 Visual: 5. 13, S. citri culture
Ramsar Citrus Experiment Salustiana W & N, 1971 Visual: 3, 8, S. citri culture
Station (Mazandaran province) Hamlin on P. trifoliata Nucellar line obtained in Iran Visual: 2, 3, 4, 8,13, S. citri culture
Hamlin W & N. 1971 Visual: 2, 3
Valencia on P. trifolatia W & N, 1963-1964 Visual: 4, 8. S. citri culture
Minab Citrus Collection (Hormozgan province) Salustiana W & N, 1971 Visual: 1, 2, 3, 13
Skaggs bonanza W & N, 1971 Visual: 1, 2, 3, 8
Washington navel W & N. 1971 Visual: 1, 2. 3
Jiroft Development Organization (Kerman province) Navel orange W & N, 1971 Visual: 1, 2, 6, 8, 11, 12
Campbell Valencia W & N, 1971 Visual: 1, 2, 3, 6,13
Salustiana W & N, 1971 Visual: 1, 2, 3, 6. 8.13
Skaggs bonanza W & N, 1971 Visual: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, S. citri culture
Parent navel W & N. 1971 Visual: 1, 2, 3, 6, 10
Washington navel W & N, 1971 Visual: 1, 2. 3, S. citri culture
Sweet orange Local Visual: 1, 2, 3 S. citri DNA-DNA hybridization
Abas Abed orchard, Jiroft (Kerman province) Washington navel Jiroft Dev. Organ. Visual: 1. 2. 3, 6, 7. 8
Moïn orchard at Jezeh (Khafr, Fars province) Local Local Visual: 1 to 8, 12,13, S. citri culture

1 Year of budwood importation.
2 Numbers refer to the following symptoms:
1: stunting of tree (Fig. 152 compared with 15 1);
2: tree with bushy growth (Figs 147, 148, 152, 285, 286, 288, 289);
3: tree with poor crop (Fig. 147 compared with 146);
4: leaf mottle (Figs 153, 154, 158);
5: shoots carrying leaves with yellow lips and margins (Figs 155, 160 to 163);
6: small, spoon-shaped leaves (Fig. 150);
7: off-season flowering (Fig. 149);
8: fruits of various sizes and ages (Figs 149, 164);
9: fruit with inverse coloration (peduncular and is orange while stylar end is still green) (Fig. 167 compared with 166);
10, acorn-shaped fruit (Fig. 165);
11: fruit with closed navel (Fig. 165);
12: lopsided fruit (Figs 168, 303);
13: fruit with aborted seeds (Figs 168, 304).
3 W & N: Willits and Newcomb nurseries, California.