TABLE 41 Virus and virus like diseases of citrus in India

Disease (related or identical disease) Agent Year of discovery or first report in India (refer.) First seen or found on trees of following species in India Symptomatic hosts in India Symptomless host in India Mechanical transmission Insect vector in India
Natural Experimental
Bud-union crease Not yet reproduced by graft transmission 1972 (1)1 Musambi and Bloodred sweet orange on rough lemon Musambi, Bloodred orange on rough lemon        
Crinkly leaf Virus 1976 (2) Lisbon and Nepali round lemons Lemon Lemon Sweet orange Rangpur lime Kagzi lime²   Yes  
Exocortis Viroid 1968 (3) Mandarin Sweet orange Grapefruit     Mandarin Sweet orange Grapefruit Yes  
Greening BLO 1960 (4) Sweet orange Mandarin Grapefruit Sweet orange Mandarin Grapefruit Tangelo Others Many citrus species Aegle marmelos   Diaphorina citri Kuw.
Impietratura Virus-like 1973 (5) Pomelo Pomelo Grapefruit Sweet orange Pomelo Grapefruit Sweet orange      
Infectious variegation Virus 1977 (6) Lemon Lemon Lemon, Lime Sour orange Sweet orange Herbac. plants   Yes  
Leathery leaf (Satsuma dwarf) Virus 1972 (7) Mandarin (Sikkim "orange") Mandarin   Grapefruit Pomelo Rough lemon Herbac. plants Yes Aphis gossypii
Leaf curl Virus-like 1976 (8)            
Mosaic Virus-like 1975 (9) Musambi sweet orange Sweet orange Sweet orange Kagzi lime Rangpur lime Grapefruit Mandarin Lemon, Pomelo Aegle marmelos     M. persicae A. craccivora
Psorosis young leaf symptoms Virus-like 1986 (10) Sweet orange   Aegle marmelos      
Rubbery wood MLO 1973 (11) Lisbon lemon Lemon Kagzi lime Lemon Lime Mandarin Sweet orange Rangpur lime Sour orange Sweet lime    
Tristeza Virus 1952 (12) 1955 (13) Musambi sweet orange on rough lemon Kagzi lime C. pennive siculata Pomelo Jamberi³ C. maderaspatana Kagzi lime Sweet orange Mandarin on rough lemon   T. citricida A. gossypii A. craccivora M. persicae Dactynorus jaceae
Seedling yellows Virus 1965 (14) Musambi sweet orange on rough lemon 4 Mandarin Kagzi lime Sour orange Lemon and grapefruit seedlings       T. citricida
Wound tumour (vein enation woody gall) Virus 1975 (15)           T. citricida5
Yellow midvein (yellow vein) Virus-like 1986 (16) Lime          

The following key refers to numbered references in the bibliography of Chapter 17.
(1): 15.
(2): 9.
(3): 53, 58.
(4): 8, 18, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 49, 51, 52, 55, 59, 61.
(5): 4.
(6): 76.
(7): 1.
(8): 42.
(9): 7, 26.
(10): 5.
(11): 2, 3.
(12): 57.
(13): 10, 13, 14, 47, 49, 50, 54, 55, 57, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71.
(14): 8, 20.
(15): 41.
(16): 5.
2 Kagzi lime is the Indian equivalent of Mexican lime, C. aurantifolia (Christm.) Swing.
3 Jamberi or rough lemon is normally known to be tolerant of tristeza virus.
4 Symptoms seen were probably those of greening.
5 The agent of vein enation-woody gall is transmitted by T. citricida.

TABLE 42 Geographical distribution of virus and virus-like diseases of citrus in India

Area Disease
Andhra Pradesh                       + S4 +      
Hyderabad     + +       +                  
Kodur   + +                     +      
Tirupati               +   +             +
Arunachal Pradesh                             +    
Along     +                     +      
Baser     +                            
Assam             + +       +   S +    
Burnihat     +   +                 +      
Ranchi                               +  
Chianki     +                            
Ranchi     +                     +      
Delhi   + + + +     +     +     +      
Anand     +                            
Haryana                           +      
Chandigarh     +                     +      
Himachal Pradesh                                  
Dhaulakuan     +                     +      
Jammu and Kashmir                                  
Jammu     +                     +      
Karnataka                             (+)5    
Chetali     +                     +      
Gonicoppal     +                     +      
Kerala                             (+)    
Ambalvoyal     +                     +      
Nellyampathy     +                     +      
Madhya Pradesh                                  
Jabalpur     +                     +      
Prabat Pattan                           +      
Sausar     +                            
Maharashtra                           S +    
Aurangabad     +                            
Nagpur     +                     +      
Poona   + +   +     +     +   + +   + +
Shrirampur + + +     +           +   +   +  
Shilong     +                            
Orissa                         +        
Guma     +                       +    
Udaigiri     +                       +    
Aborar   + +                       +    
Rajasthan                           S (+)    
Bhawani Mandi     +                     +      
Jhalawar     +                            
Jodhpur     +                     +      
Kota   + +           +     +   +   +  
Pilani     +                            
Sriganganagar   + +                 +   +      
Udaipur                       +          
Sikkim                           S +    
Gayalsing +   + + +   +         +   +      
Namchi +   + + +   +         +   +      
Rangpo +   + + +   +         +   +      
Tamil Nadu                             (+)    
Coimbatore   + +                     +      
Uttar Pradesh                                  
Gopeshwar               +     +            
Khanpur     +                            
Pantnagar     +                     +      
Saharanpur +   +                     +      
West Bengal                           S +    
Darjeeling +   + + +   +         + + +   +  
Kalimpong +   + + +   +         + + +   +  

CL=Crinkly leaf-, EX=Exocortis; GR=Greening; IM=Impietratura; IV=Infectius variegation; LC=Leaf curl; LL=Leathery Leaf; MO=Mosaic; MS=Multiple sprouting; OS=Oily specks; PS=Psorosis A; RW=Rubbery wood; SY=Seedling yellows; TR=Tristeza; TC=Presence of T. citricida; WT=Wound tumour; YM=Yellow midvein.

1 Presence of greening is based on symptoms in most cases and must be confirmed by electron microscopy and/or DNA hybridization.
2 Vein enation-woody gall.
3 Yellow vein.
4 S means that severe strains are present.
5 (+) indicates that presence is inferred from reports that T. citricida occurs in southern parts of India (Raychaudhuri, Nariani and Ahlawat, 1977; Ahlawat, 1988a).