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1. The Committee recommended that in the final version of the Programme it should be made clearer that the main objective was to combat degradation of the Mediterranean forest and improve its management. Since most of the causes of degradation of the forest lay outside the forestry sector itself, the Committee stressed the importance of an integrated and multidisciplinary approach with regard to both the general conceptual framework of the programme and its application within each country, where it should involve those responsible for and working in all the sectors concerned (para. 53).

2. The Committee recommended that the problems and proposals for action in the region's northern countries be treated more fully and precisely in the Programme, and that the decisions taken by UNCED and the results of the negotiations now under way on international agreements on the environment also be taken into account (para. 54).

3. The Committee also recommended that in its final version the Programme deal in more detail with certain important questions, in particular those relating to demography, forestry research, management of the natural forests, the role of the forest in water flow and quality, and the introduction of forestry themes into school programmes (para. 55).


4. The Committee recommended that its Rules of Procedure be modified so that its Officers be elected at the beginning of each session and not at the end as had been the case so far (para. 68)

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