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Dear Editor,

I am a postgraduate research scientist in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne where I am studying the suitability of the tropical leguminous shrub Sesbania sesban for inclusion in arid and semi-arid zone agroforestry.

I read with great interest the recent issue of Unasylva with arid zone agroforestry and found it both inspiring and of great practical use for focusing on the directions that such research should follow in the future.

I was especially impressed by A. Diop's wonderful cover illustration.... It is so unusual to see a "perfect illustration" of arid zone agroforestry portrayed in this way.... I thank you once again for a most informative and rewarding issue....

N. Jackson
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Dear Editor,

I am working at the Royal Tropical institute in Amsterdam and am engaged in a research project aimed at the promotion of small-scale forest enterprises. I would like to make two requests. In a special issue of Unasylva I read about the Seventeenth Session of the Latin American Forestry Commission, held in February 1991 in Venezuela. I am very interested in obtaining a copy of the complete commission report because I understand that, on the agenda of this meeting, particular attention was paid to small-scale enterprises and their potential contribution to rural and forest development.

I would also like to know more about the FAO project, Promotion and Technical Assistance to Small-scale Forest Enterprises. Could you please send me information on this project, including its aims, results produced so far, etc.

Dr J. Langbroek
Rural Enterprise Promotion
Royal Tropical Institute
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Editor's reply

Per your request, we have sent you a copy of the report of the Seventeenth Session of the Latin American Forestry Commission. With regard to your second point, the project on Promotion and Technical Assistance to Small-scale Forest Enterprises is still in the pipeline.

Dear Editor,

Ormanin Dostlari (Friends of the Forests) is a newly formed NGO operating in northern Cyprus with the aim of increasing public awareness of forestry needs.

Of particular concern is the need to preserve the increasingly threatened stands of olive and carob, which are still widely used for firewood. We are keen to bring to your attention this concern, for forestry matters are taken very seriously in this part of Cyprus - Friends of the Forests is one of eight environmental NGOs which are active and enjoy wide support. We would be particularly interested in receiving copies of Unasylva on a regular basis.

P.T. Cant
Ormanin Dostiari
Mersin, Turkey

Dear Editor,

On page 24 of Unasylva, 167, you mention a paper by Mr R. Razadan, credited to the Asia-Pacific Forest Industries Development Group in Kuala Lumpur. I would be very grateful if you could send me their address. I would also like the address of the Center for International Trade in Forest Products at the University of Washington, Seattle. In the same issue, there is a picture of stacked bagasse in Cuba. Can you tell me the source of the picture and where I can obtain a copy?

Anil Agarwal
Centre for Science and Environment
New Delhi, India

Editor's reply

The Asia-Pacific Forest Industries Development Group has been disbanded (only temporarily, we hope). However, for information about the group and its activities you may contact the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Mallwan Mansion, Phra Am Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand. The address for the Center for International Trade in Forest Products is c/o Forestry Department, University of Washington, Seattle. The bagasse photo originally comes from the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture in Havana. You might try contacting them directly or through your embassy.

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