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The present issue of Forest Genetic Resources Information goes to press just after the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 1992. The process leading up to the UNCED Conference, starting with the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden in June 1972, has seen increasing world awareness of the importance of environmental values. The present Conference focused on environmental issues as essential prerequisites of lasting socio-economic growth and sustainable development; and on common, global responsibilities, to be faced through collaboration, cooperation and solidarity between sovereign States.

UNCED was not just another UN Conference, but the largest and most authoritative gathering of political, scientific and technical staff which has ever taken place around the theme of the environment. In addition to discussions held 3–11 June by the Main Committee of UNCED comprising formal and informal meetings as well as interventions in Plenary by governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and other groups, 102 Heads of State took the floor at the Summit Segment of the Conference, held 12–13 June. The closing session on 14 June included interventions by the Secretary-General of UNCED, Mr. Maurice Strong; the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Boutros Boutros-Gali; and the President of Brazil, Mr. Color de Mello.

An account on the outcome of UNCED and issues considered of major interest to our readers are included in this number of FGRI. The present number further includes i.a. information on collection and availability of research quantities of seed; accounts on in situ and ex situ conservation of plant and forest genetic resources; early results from provenance trials of a cold- and drought-resistant tree, Hippophae rhamnoides, extensively sampled in China with FAO support; and brief news items of interest.

To facilitate reference to back numbers of FGRI, an Index of articles contained in FGRIs 12–19 is also included; the previous Index, covering the first ten years of existence of FGRI, was published in FGRI no 12 (1983). Readers who do not have access to back numbers and who wish to get hold of specific articles published in such issues, are advised to contact national forestry libraries or research institutes, many of which are on the regular mailing list of FGRI. This Division of FAO can also, upon request, provide photocopies of specified articles published in back numbers.

Brief articles or write-ups of global interest from our readers are always welcome. Such articles should generally not exceed 2,000 words. The Secretariat retains the right to edit material accepted for publication. The address of the Secretariat is:

Chief, Forest Resources Development Branch
Forest Resources Division
FAO of the UN
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome, Italy
(Fax: (39) (6) 5797.5137: or .3152)

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