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The Corporación Nacional Forestal of Chile (Region III, Atacama), has informed us about the availability of seed for sale of the following species, collected in the 1991 collection season:
Schinus molleAlbizzia lophanta
Leucaena leucocephala*Acacia capensis
Prosopis chilensisCaesalpinea spinosa
Acacia cavenRobinia pseudoacacia*
Geoffroea decorticansRicinus communis.
(* introduced)
Seedlots will be accompanied by information on provenance, as well as data on seed purity, germination percentage, number of seeds per kilogram and date of collection.
For further information please contact: Ing. R. Romero A., Asesor Direccion Ejecutiva, Atención: Ing. R. Hernandez Gentina, Director Regional - Dirección III Región; Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF), Avenida Bulnes 285, Santiago, Chile.

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