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Forest Genetic Resources Information

number 12 : 1983
number 13 : 1885
number 14 : 1885
number 15 : 1987
number 16 : 1988
number 17 : 1989
number 18 : 1990
number 19 : 1991

Published by. Forest Resources Development Branch, Forestry Department, FAO of the UN,
Via delle Terme di Caracalla, I-00100 Rome, Italy.
Also available at all major forestry libraries etc.

AUTHOR INDEX (1983–1991)

Ayling, R.D. & Mubita, A.C. Research programme: conservation of zambezi teak ecosystems through sustainable management and utilization
Barnes, R.D. & Keiding, H. International provenance trials of Pinus kesiya.
Baylis, W.B.H. & Barnes, R.D. International provenance trials of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis.
Boland, D.J. Ironbark seed collections in Queensland, Australia.
Boland, D.J. & Midgley, S.J. Acacia blayana A.B. Court - A new Australian tree with a future?
Bonkoungou, E. Acacia albida Del. - A multipurpose tree for arid and semi-Arid zones.
Boshier, D.H. & Mesén, J.F. Availability of seed of Cordia alliodora (R&P) for progeny testing.
Bowen, M.R. & Eusebio, T.V. Gmelina arborea. Flowering and seed studies. (Abstract)
Burillon, G. The database at the CTFT Seed Laboratory.
Chang, B. & Martinez, H. Germplasm resources of Calliandra calothysus Meissn. in Central America and Panama.
Chang, B. & Martinez, H. Collection of Gliricidia sepium seed in Central America for provenance trials.
Corbasson, M., Roedere, Y & Forni, E. Acacia albida (Del.) Characteristics and ecology of the species, exploration of genetic resources and collection of provenances for international trials.
Corbasson, M. & Souvannavong, O. Terminalia superba Engl. & Diels, current research on biology, physiology and breeding of Terminalia superba.
Corporación Nacional Forestal, Chile. Collection and extraction of Tamarugo seeds.
Cossalter, C. Drought resistant trees and shrubs for dry planting in Bahrain.
17  7–14
CSIRO Treeseed - A management system for the maintenance of tree seed collection.
de Framond, H. Development of genetic resources of multipurpose trees in Sudano-Sahelian Africa.
de Muckadell, J.S. & Malim, P. Preliminary results from rooting juvenile cuttings of some Dipterocarp species.
de Muckadell, J.S. Interim report on the rooting of cuttings from juvenile plant material: (a) Albizia falcataria (b) Araucaria cunninghamii/ A.hunsteinii (Abstract).
Ditlevsen, B. Seed procurement and distribution by the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre.
Filer, D. The ISIS database - international seed information system.
Gibson, G. & Barnes, R. Availability of Central American pines for ex situ conservation stands, provenance resources stands, breeding populations and provenance testing.
Gradual, L. Forest genetic resources. The work and programme of FAO's Forestry Department.
Gunn, B.V. & McDonald, M.W. Eucalyptus urophylla seed collection.
Harwood, C. Provenance collection of Grevillea robusta (silky oak).
Harwood, C. & Williams, E.R. Review of provenance variation in growth of Acacia mangium Willd.
19  9–19
Howcroft, N.S. Seed collections of Acacias carried out in 1986 in Western Province, Papua New Guinea.
Hughes, C.E. International trial of dry zone species.
Hughes, C.E. Gliricidia sepium seed collection for international provenance trials.
Jara, L.F. Provenance trials of Eucalyptus saligna in the Province of Antioquia, Colombia.
Jusheng, H. A brief account of forest tree improvement in China.
14  2–  6
Kageyama, P. & Dias, I. The application of genetic concept to native forest species in Brazil.
13  2–11
Karrfalt, R.P. Note on seed sources of Pinus elliottii and P. taeda in U.S.A.
Lauridsen, E.B.; Kanchanaburagura, C. & Boonsermsuk, S. Neem (Azadiractha indica A. Juss) in Thailand.
Merwin, M.L. & Roffey, S. Seed collection of river oak (Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq.) in New South Wales, Australia. (Availability of seed of Casuarina cunninghamiana from New South Wales and Queensland.
Midgley, S.J. & Gunn, B.V. Acacia aneura seed collection for international provenance trials.
Muhs, H.J. Present problems in the legislation of forest reproductive materials and the need for harmonization of rules at an international level.
Neil, P.E. Some results from Cordia alliodora and Liquidambar styraciflua provenance trials in Vanuatu.
Nile, E.H. Forest plantation species selection for Western Samoa.
17  2–  6
Okoro, O.O. Flowering of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis in Nigeria.
14  7–  9
Ouedraogo, A.S.; Somé, L.M.; Bance, S. & Bellafontaine, R. A specialized technical institution for forest seed in the Sahelian and Sudanian Zones: Direction des Semences Forestières, Burkina Faso.
Palmberg, C. FAO guidelines for seed ordering.
Palmberg, C. FAO Project on genetic resources of arid and semi-arid zone arboreal species for the improvement of rural living.
Pedersen, A.P. An outline of “Seed Bank”. A database system developed and used by the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre, Denmark.
Purnell, R.C. & Kellison, R.C. A tree improvement for southern hardwoods.
Restrepo, U. & Atehortúa, V. Some results from species and provenance trials of Eucalyptus species in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia.
Rockwood, D.L. Eucalyptus genetic resources in Florida, USA
Roederer, Y. & Bellefontaine, R. Can neem seed be expected to keep their germinative capacity for several years after collection ?
Rothe, G.M. Efficiency and limitations of isozyme studies in forest tree genetics.
18  2–15
Schlegel, F.M. & Tangan, F.T. Ex situ conservation of Phillipine bamboo species.
Styles, B.T. The identity of Schwerdtfeger's Central American pine.
Thomson, L.A.J. & Cole, E.G. Woody plant seed collection in tropical, arid and semi-arid Australia and recommendations for international species trials.
Thomson, L.A.J. & Merwin, M.L. Seed collection of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. in Western Victoria, May–June 1985.
Turnbull, J.; Skelton, D.J.; Subagyono, M. & Hardiyanto, E.B. Seed collection of tropical Acacias in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia.
12  2–15
Uribe, G.R. & Velásquez, L.M.A. Some results from species and provenance trials in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia.
Vercoe, T.K. & McDonald, M.W. Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell. and Acacia seed collections in New Guinea, September–October 1990.
Verzino, G. Activities of the National Prosopis Germplasm Bank, Argentina.

SUBJECT INDEX (1983–1991)

Note from the Editor.-121
Note from the Editor.-131
The application of genetic concept to native forest species in Brazil.Kageyama, P. & Dias, I.132–11
Note from the Editor.-141
Note from the Editor.-151
Note from the Editor.-161
Forest genetic resources. The work and programme of FAO's Forestry Department.Graudal, L.1621–27
Note from the Editor.-171
Forest plantation species selection for Western Samoa.Nile, E.H.172– 6
Drought resistant trees and shrubs for dry planting in Bahrain.Cossalter, C.177–14
Note from the Editor.-181
Development of genetic resources of multipurpose trees in Sudano-Sahelian Framond, H.1821–27
Note from the Editor.-191
Present problems in the legislation of forest reproductive materials and the need for harmonization of rules at an international level.Muhs, H.J.1946–48
Acacia blayana A.B. Court - A new Australian tree with a future?Boland, D.J. & Midgley, S.J.1221–23
Taxonomy of Central American and Mexican pines.-1223
Gmelina arborea. Flowering and seed studies. (Abstract)Bowen, M.R. & Eusebio, T.V1227–28
Flowering of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis-1229
Acacia albida Del. - A multipurpose tree for arid and semi-arid zones.Bonkoungou, E.1330–36
The identity of Schwerdtfeger's Central American pine.Styles, B.T.1347–51
Germplasm resources of Calliandra calothysus Meissn. in Central America and Panama.Chang, B. & Martinez, H.1354–58
Flowering of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis in Nigeria.Okoro, O.O.14  7–  9
Acacia albida (Del.) Characteristics and ecology of the species, exploration of genetic resources and collection of provenances for international trials.Corbasson, M., Roedere, Y & Forni, E.1563–69
Pterocarpus indicus (Data-sheet for endangered species).-168
Terminalia superba Engl. & Diels, current research on biology, physiology and breeding of Terminalia superba.Corbasson, M. & Souvannavong, O.1629–34
Eucalyptus genetic resources in Florida, USA.Rockwood, D.L.1640–41
Flueggea flexuosa (Muell. Arg.).-1742
Review of provenance variation in growth of Acacia mangium Willd.Harwood, C. & Williams, E.R.19  9–19
Neem (Azadiractha indica A. Juss) in Thailand.Lauridsen, E.B.; Kanchanaburagura, C. & Boonsermsuk, S.1925–33
(Incl. methodology of collection and seed orchard technology)
Seed collection of tropical acacias in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia.Turnbull, J Skelton, D.J. Subagyono, M. & Hardiyanto, E.B.122–15
Ironbark seed collections in Queensland, Australia.Boland, D.J.1224–26
Acacia aneura Seed collection for international provenance trials.Midgley, S.J. & Gunn, B.V.1321–29
Seed procurement and distribution by the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre.Ditlevsen, B.1342–46
Collection of Gliricidia sepium seed in Central America for Provenance Trials.Chang, B. & Martinez, H.1450–55
Collection and extraction of Tamarugo Seeds.Corporación Nacional Forestal, Chile.1456–57
Provenance seed stands and provenance conservation stands.-1460–61
Seed collection of River Oak (Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq.) in New South Wales, Australia. (Availability of seed of Casuarina cunninghamiana from New South Wales and Queensland).Merwin, M.L. & Roffey, S.1551–55
Seed collection of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. in Western Victoria, May–June 1985.Thomson, L.A.J. & Merwin, M.L.1556–60
Seed collections of Acacias carried out in 1986 in Western Province, Papua New Guinea.Howcroft, N.S.1614–16
Can neem seed be expected to keep their germinative capacity for several years after collection?Roederer, Y. & Bellefontaine, R.1730–33
Seed bank databases.-1837
The ISIS Database - international seed information system.Filer, D.1838–40
An outline of “Seed Bank”. A database system developed and used by the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre, Denmark.Pedersen, A.P.1841–43
The database at the CTFT Seed Laboratory.Burillon, G.1844–46
Treeseed - A management system for the maintenance of tree seed collection.CSIRO1847–48
Eucalyptus urophylla seed collectionGunn, B.V. & McDonald, M.W.1934–37
Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell. and Acacia seed collections in New Guinea, September – October 1990.Vercoe, T.K. & McDonald, M.W.1938–42
(Incl. information on seed centres)
Seed of Acacia species for humid tropical areas.-1219–20
New list of seed suppliers.-1225
FAO Guidelines for seed orderingPalmberg, C.1230–31
Availability of seed of arid zone species for research purposes.-1312–17
Availability of Central American pines for ex situ conservation stands, provenance resources stands, breeding populations and provenance testing.Gibson, G. & Barnes, R.1337–41
Seed available from the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre, Denmark.-1345–46
Note on Seed Sources of Pinus elliottii and P. taeda in U.S.A.Karrfalt, R.P.1362–63
Latin American Forest Seed Bank (BLSF).-1366
A Specialized Technical Institution for Forest Seed in the Sahelian and Sudanian Zones: Direction des Semences Forestières, Burkina Faso.Ouedraogo, A.S.; Somé, L.M.; Bance, S. & Bellafontaine, R.1410–14
Forest Genetic Resources Centre in Mexico-1522
Announcements of availability of seeds.-1524–25
Information to be provided (to the extent possible) when ordering seeds for experimental purposes.-1526
Availability of Seed of Cordia alliodora (R&P) for Progeny Testing.Boshier, D.H. & Mesén, J.F.1530–35
Forest Tree Seed bank in Nicaragua.-1570
Seeds available from the National Tree Seed Laboratory (NTSL), USA.-1571
Seeds available from the Research Institute of Forestry, the Chinese Academy of Forestry.-169–10
Prosopis seed available from Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina.-1734
Seed available from Centro de Genetica Forestal, A.C., Mexico.-1734–36
Forest Tree Seed bank in Costa Rica.-1849
Seeds available from the National Forest Seed Company, Vietnam.-1851
Activities of the National Prosopis Germplasm Bank, Argentina.Verzino, G.1943–43
Information on the Forest Seed Bank in Santiago del Estero, Noir, F.A.1944–45
Eucalyptus seeds for sale from Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais (IPEF), Brazil.-1950
Seeds for sale from Corporacion Nacional Forestal de Chile (CONAF).-1951
(Incl. species, provenance and progeny trials)
International provenance trials: Acacia mangium.-1215
International provenance trials of Eucalyptus deglupta.-1216–18
Notes from the IUFRO meeting on Frost- Resistant Eucalypts, France, Sept. 1983-1236–37
International Trial of Dry Zone Species.Hughes, C.E.1318–20
Planned international provenance trials: Liquidambar styraciflua L.-1336
Preliminary results from rooting juvenile cuttings of some Dipterocarp Muckadell, J. & Malim, P,1364–64
International provenance test of redwood (Sequoia sempervirens).-1365
A Brief account of forest tree improvement in China.Jusheng, H.14  2–  6
Interim report on the rooting of cuttings from juvenile plant material: (a) Albizia falcataria (b) Araucaria cunninghamii/ A. hunsteinii (Abstract).de Muckadell, J.S.1458–59
Woody plant seed collection in tropical, arid and semi-arid Australia and recommendations for international species trials.Thomson, L.A.J. & Cole, E.G.1537–49
International provenance trial of Terminalia superba.-1561–62
A Tree Improvement for Southern Hardwoods.Purnell, R.C. & Kellison, R.C.1572–76
International provenance trials of Pinus patula.-1577–78
A brief account of forest tree improvement in China. (amendment)-1578
Some results from species and provenance trials in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia.Uribe, G.R. & Velásquez, L.M.A.1617–20
International provenance trial of Pinus kesiya.-1628
Casuarina cunninghamiana field trials in California.-1635
Gliricidia sepium Seed collection for international provenance trials.Hughes, C.E.1636–39
Some results from Cordia alliodora and Liquidambar styraciflua provenance trials in Vanuatu.Neil, P.E.1715–19
Some results from species and provenance trials of Eucalyptus species in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia.Restrepo, U. & Atehortúa, V.1720–23
International provenance trials of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis.Baylis, W.B.H. & Barnes, R.D.1724–25
International provenance trials of Pinus kesiya.Barnes, R.D. & Keiding, H.1726–29
Efficiency and limitations of isozyme studies in forest tree genetics.Rothe, G.M.18  2–15
Provenance collection of Grevillea robusta (Silky Oak).Harwood, C.1817–20
Provenance trials of Eucalyptus saligna in the Province of Antioquia, Colombia.Jara, L.F.1920–24
Conservation of forest genetic resources-1231
FAO Project on genetic resources of arid and semi-arid zone arboreal species for the improvement of rural living.Palmberg, C.1232–35
Conservation of rare hardy plants: a case in point.-1353
In situ conservation of forest genetic resources in Cameroon.-1415–31
In situ conservation of forest genetic resources in Peninsular Malaysia.-1432–49
In situ conservation of forest genetic resources.-154
In situ conservation of forest genetic resources in Peru: A case study.-155–22
Final statement on the FAO/IBPGR/UNEP project on genetic resources of arid and semi-arid zone arboreal species for the improvement of rural living, 1979–1987.-162–10
Research Programme: Conservation of zambezi teak ecosystems through sustainable management and utilization.Ayling, R.D. & Mubita, A.C.1611–13
In situ conservation.-1743
Ex Situ conservation of Phillipine Bamboo species.Schlegel, F.M. & Tangan, F.T.1828–31
FAO activities in in situ conservation of plant genetic resources.-192
Strategies for the establishment of a network of in situ conservation areas. (4th Session of the FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources).-193–8
Symposia on native species in Latin America.-1238
Proposed meeting: IUFRO Casuarina working group.-1311
IUFRO Symposium, “Human Impacts on Forest” (Strasbourg, 17–22 September 1984).-146
Proceedings on genetic improvement strategies in tropical forest trees-1462
IUFRO Research Planning Workshops for Developing Countries.-1523
Proceedings of the IUFRO Research Planning Workshop for Asia, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 1984.-1594
Proceedings of the IUFRO Research Planning Workshop for Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 1986.-1595
International workshop on Prosopis.-1627
International workshop on perennial Sesbania species in agroforestry systems.-1714
Second international Casuarina workshop.-1734
FAO/CTA symposium on plant biotechnologies for developing countries.-1737–42
First international workshop on genetic resources and conservation of Prosopis.-1744–47
14th Session of the AFC/EFC/NEFC Committee on mediterranean forestry questions - Silva Mediterranea.-1748–49
Tropical tree seed research.-1837
IUFRO symposia on forest tree seed.-1849
Breeding tropical trees: population structure and genetic improvement, strategies in clonal and seedling forestry. (Proceedings from an IUFRO Conference).-1850
Proceedings of the second international Casuarina workshop.-1851
Mass production technology for genetically improved forest tree species.-198
IUFRO/CNSF symposium, field tour and workshop on tree seeds.-1919
Tropical trees: potential for domestication.-1948
New Commission on Forest Tree Seed, Brazil-1228
Re-activation of IUFRO Working Party on Seed Orchards.-1228
IUFRO Special Coordinator for Developing Countries.-1256
Proposal for the establishment of an international genebank and the preparation of a draft international convention for plant genetic resources-1256
International undertaking and FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources-1359–61
ISTA News Bulletin no. 77, Oct. 1984-1471–72
Sixth Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources-153
Report and recommendations of the 9th World Forestry Congress in Mexico, 1985: Conservation of forest genetic resources.-1527–29
FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources and FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources.-1733
Seventh Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources.-1832–36
23rd International Seed Testing Congress.-1951
Recent circular letters from the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre.-1226
Technical information from the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre, Humlebaek (Denmark).-1239
Handbooks on dry-zone species.-1240
Recent literature of interest.-1241–54
Plant and animal genetic resources newsletters-1255
News on species-specific or regional newsletters-1256
New Newsletter (Info-MAB)-1311
Publications on Australian Acacias and other species.-1341
Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter No.58-1346
Recent technical notes and circular letters from the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre.-1352
Nitrogen fixing tree research reports.-1365
Reports of seed collections by CSIRO Division of Forest Research, Australia during 1983–84.-1367–71
Recent literature of interest.-1372–79
Conservation of genetic resources: Data book on endangered arboreal species and provenances.-1431
Recent technical notes from the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre.-1459
Recent literature of interest.-1463–70
SEPASAT Newsletter-1473–74
A guide to forest seed handling with special reference to the tropics.-152
Databook on endangered tree and shrub species and provenances.-1525
The EMBRYON. (newsletter)-1549
Tree Seed Handling. A manual for field staff in Nepal.-1550
Genetics and the forests of the future, UNASYLVA.-1555
Multipurpose tree & shrub seed directory.-1569
Recent literature of interest.-1579–92
Technical notes and other publications from the DANIDA Forest Seed Centre.-1593
Les Ressources Génétiques Forestièrers en France. Tome 1: Les Conifères.-1610
Nature et Faune. (newsletter)-1613
Flora, Fauna y Areas Silvestris. (newsletter)-1634
News sheet: Mejoramiento Genético y Semillas Forestales para América Central.-1639
Recent literature of interest.-1642–50
Recent catalogues and lists of seed suppliers.-1749
Recent literature of interest.-1750–60
Forest Tree Genetic Improvement in Africa (newsletter).-1760
African Forest Seed News (newsletter).-1760
Biological diversity, its conservation and use for sustainable agricultural, forestry and fisheries development.-1816
Biotechnology and Development Monitor. (newsletter).-1820
Recent catalogues and list of suppliers of woody species.-1850
Red list of Chilean terrestrial flora.-1850
Recent literature of interest.-1852–68
Recent publications from DANIDA Forest Seed Centre.-1869
Special issue of Forest Ecology and Management on conservation of diversity in forest ecosystems.-1870
South Pacific Forestry Newsletter.-1945
New documents from Colombia.-1949
Recent catalogues and list of suppliers of seeds of woody species.-1949
Recent literature of interest.-1952–71
Recent publications from DANIDA Forest Seed Centre.-1972
Australian dry-zone Acacias for human food.-1972
Survey of training facilities in seed handling and technology-149
Leucaena psyllids causing dieback in plantations of Leucaena spp.-1550

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