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- INRA. Taillis à courte rotation de peuplier sur sol de marais. (France).

- VAN SLYCKEN, J.; BAEYENS, L.; STEVENS, D. Clone-site research in Belgium. (Belgium).

- SMETS, P.; STEENACKERS, V. Juvenile and mature density of different selected poplar clones. (Belgium).

- SMETS, P.; STEENACKERS, V. Height increment during the growing season of different selected poplar clones. (Belgium).

- STEENACKERS, J.; VAN ACKER, J.; STEVENS, M.; STEENACKERS, V. Stem form, volume and dry matter production in a 12 year old circular Nelder plantation of Populus trichocarpa x deltoides "Beaupre". (Belgium).

- CAGELLI, L. Poplar seed germination and storage. (Italy).

- LEFEVRE, F.; FAIVRE RAMPANT, P.; VILLAR, M.; TEISSIER DU CROS, E.; INRA. Populus nigra resource preservation in France. (France).

- ERDOS, L. Poplar cultivation in Hungary. (Hungary).

- HALL, R.B.; HART, E.R.; McNABB, H.S. Developing pest-resistant clones of Populus for biomass energy production. (USA).

- SCHULTZ, J.P.; COLLETTI, J.P.; HALL, R.B. Using Populus and Salix in temperate agro-forestry systems. (USA).

- GARCIA DE LOS RIOS, M.D.; ASTORGA, R.; MANZANERA, J.A.; BUENO, M.A. Fidelidad al tipo de las plantas regeneradas vía amento mediante cultivo In Vitro de Populus tremula L. (Spain).

- SABATTI, M.; SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA, G.; ISEBRANDS, J.; GIORDANO, E. Seeds collection of poplar natural populations from U.S.A. semiarid zones (USA).

- SABATTI, M.; CAPRIOLI, C.; POMARE, B.; SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA, G. Water stress effects on plant growth and biomass distribution of Populus alba clones. (Italy).

- SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA, G.; DEANGELIS, P.; POMPEI, E.; SABATTI, M. Impact of increased CO2 on Populus alba one-year-old plants. (Italy).

- CIRIA, MaP.; GONZALEZ, E.; MAZON, MaP.; FERNANDEZ, J. Efecto del turno de corta sobre la producción de biomasa con fines energéticos en plantaciones de clones (Spain).

- LEPLE, J. CH.; MIRANDA BRASILEIRO, A.C.; MICHEL, M.F.; DELMOTTE, F.; JOVANIN, L. Transgenic poplars: expression of chimeric genes in four different constructs. (France).

- LEPLE, J. CH.; BONADE-BOTTINO, M.; DUMANOIS, V.; CORNU, D.; DELPLANQUE, A.; AUGUSTIN, S.; JOVANIN, L. Obtention of transgenic poplars expressing toxins active against coleopterous. (France).

- VILLAR, M.; GAGET, M.; RAQUIN, C.; LEMOINE, M.; ROUGIER, M.; DUMAS, C. INRA. Pollen-pistil interactions in interspecific crosses in Populus: Consequence for the french INRA poplar breeding programme. (France).

- MENARD, M.; LUISETTI, J. Necrose bacterienne de l'ecorce du peuplier. Xanthomonas campestris pr. populi. (France).

- LEFEVRE, F.; PICHOT, C. (INRA). An integrated breeding strategy for resistance of poplars to Melampsora species. (France).

- STEENACKERS, M.; VAN BRAECKEL, E.; STEENACKERS, V. Selection and breeding of tree-forming willows resistant to Erwinia salicis. (Belgium).

- STEENACKERS, M.; NESME, X.; MENARD, M.; VAUTERIN, L. Characterization of Xanthomonas populi races. (Belgium).

- JACOBI, W.R.; McINTYRE, G.A.; BURKS, S.; GUYON, J.C.; RAMALEY, A.W. Effects of environmental stress on Cytospora canker of aspen.

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