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This quarterly journal is compiled from the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau (CAB) Abstract Database and published by CAB International (U.K.) in association with the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR). Each issue contains one review article and abstracts on plant genetic resources (Vol 2 (1) March 1993 contained some 800 abstracts).

The abstracts cover the following issues, mostly for crops but also for forestry species: plant genetic resources (in general), conservation strategies, taxonomy, population diversity and dynamics, reproductive biology, germplasm collection, in situ conservation, wild species and plant communities, ethnobotany and socioeconomics, seed conservation, in vitro conservation, biotechnology, gene banks and their management, germplasm documentation, networks, information transfer and training, germplasm enhancement and use, plant health, quarantine and safe movement of germplasm, reports, conferences and new books. Each issue of the journal has an author index and a subject index.

For more information please contact: CAB International Information Services, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, U.K. Tel: (491) 32111, Fax: (491) 33508

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