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The FAO Regional Project entitled “Improved Productivity of Man-Made Forest through Application of Technological Advances in Tree Breeding and Propagation” (RAS/91/004), “FORTIP”, is funded by UNDP and executed by FAO in collaboration with 10 countries in the South East Asian region. The project became operational in December 1991, and is programmed for a period of five years. The project is based in the Philippines and the following countries are participating: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

The major thrusts of the project include:

In keeping with the above mandate the project is vigorously pursuing research and development programmes in the region, with the active cooperation of both governmental and non-governmental organizations; the main aim is to help member countries become self-reliant in the production of good quality planting material in the future.

Through twinning operations, carried out within the framework of the project, transfer of technology from “Centres of Excellence” to selected institutions in the member countries is pursued. It is hoped that this will lead to continuing, lateral transfers of technology among member countries.

The project publishes a semi-annual newsletter entitled, “Tree Breeding and Propagation News”.

For further information please contact:

Dr. Vivekanandan, CTA/PC, FORTIP Secretariat,
UNDP/FAO Regional project
Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB),
P.O. Box 157, College
Laguna 4031
(Fax. 0063-94-2809 or 0063-94-3628).

Forest Genetic Resources Information no. 21. FAO, Rome (1993)

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