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Ahuja, M.R. & Libby, W.J. (Eds.) 1993 Clonal forestry. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) Vol I: Genetics and biotechnology. 277 pp. Vol. II: Conservation and application. 240 pp. (E)

Boland, D.J.; Brophy, J.J. & House, A.P.N. (Eds.) 1991 Eucalyptus leaf oils. Use, chemistry, distillation marketing. ACIAR/CSIRO (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, G.P.O. Box 1571, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, Australia). 252 pp. (E)

Engel, J.M.M. & Hawkes, J.G. (Eds.) 1991 Plant genetic resources of Ethiopia. (Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, the Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP, U.K.; 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011, U.S.A.; 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia). 383 pp. (E). This book includes: de Vletter, J; Forest genetic resources of Ethiopia p. 82–100. (E).

Falk, D. & Holsinger, K.E. (Eds.) 1991 Genetics and conservation of rare plants. (Oxford University Press Inc. 200 Madison Avenue, New York 10016, USA). 283 pp. (E)

Jackson, M; Ford-Lloyd, B.V. & Parry, M.L. (Eds.) 1990 Climatic change and plant genetic resources. (Belhaven Press London and New York). This book includes: Hattemer, H. & Gregorius, H.R; Is gene conservation under global climate change meaningful? pp. 158–166. (E)

Kapoor-Vijay, P. & White, J. (Eds.) 1992 Conservation biology. A training manual for biological diversity and genetic resources. (The Commonwealth Science Council, Malborough House, Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HX, U.K) 248 pp. (E)

Owens, J.N.; Sornsathapornkul, P. & Tangmitchareon, S. 1991 Manual: Studying flowering and seed ontogeny in tropical forest trees. (ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre Project, Muak-Lek, Saraburi 18180, Thailand) 134 pp. (E)

Rojas, M.U. & Castaño, C.U. (Eds.) 1990 Areas protegidas de la cuenca del Amazonas. Diagnóstico preliminar de su estado actual y revisión de las políticas formuladas para su manejo. Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Ambiente - INDERENA, Bogotá, Colombia. 213 pp. (S)

World Resources Institute. 1993 Biodiversity prospecting: Using genetic resources for sustainable development. (World Resources Institute Publications, P.O.Box 4852, Hampden Station, Baltimore, MD 21211, USA). 341 pp. (E)


Carron, L.T. & Aken K.M. (Eds.). 1992 Breeding technologies for tropical acacias. Proceedings of an international workshop held in Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia, 1–4 July 1991. ACIAR Proceedings No.37. 132 pp. (E)

Dvorak, W.S. & Lambeth, C.C. 1992 results of a survey to determine the cone and seed production of Pinus tecunumanii in the tropics and subtropics. Paper presented at the IUFRO meeting “Resolving Tropical Forest Resources Concerns through Tree Improvement, Gene Conservation and Domestication of New Species” held in Cali, Colombia 9–18 Oct. 1992 (IUFRO WP S2.02–08). 5 pp. (E)

FAO 1992 Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Tree Breeding and Propagation held 10–14 July 1990 in Bangkok, Thailand. Part I - Workshop Proceedings and Technical Papers. 130 pp. (E). Part II - Regional Review and Country Reports. 171 pp. (E). (UNDP/FAO Regional Project on Tree Breeding and Propagation RAS/88/025, FAO Regional Office for Asia & Pacific, Phra Atit Road, Bangkok, Thailand)

Gouvernement du Québec. 1992 Les semences forestières. Comptes rendus du colloque, 12–13 février 1992 à Sainte-Foy, Canada. (Service de l'amélioration des arbres, Ministère des Forêts du Quebec, 2700, rue Einstein, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, G1P 3W8, Canada) 208 pp. (F)

Graudal, L. & Thomsen, A. 1992 Some preliminary results of an international evaluation of field trials established within the framework of the FAO project on conservation of forest genetic resources in dry zones. Paper presented at the IUFRO meeting “Resolving Tropical Forest Resources Concerns through Tree Improvement, Gene Conservation and Domestication of New Species” held in Cali, Colombia 9–18 Oct. 1992 (IUFRO WP S2.02–08). 14 pp. (E)

Harwood, C.E. (Ed.) 1992 Grevillea robusta in Agroforestry and Forestry. Proceedings of an international workshop held 28–31 August 1990 in Nairobi, Kenya. (Published by ICRAF, United Nations Avenue, P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya.) 190 pp. (E)

Ibrahim, Z. 1992 Acacia mangium: A review on reproductive biology, tree improvement and hybridization. In: Awanng, K. & Taylor, D.A. (Eds.) Tropical Acacias in East Asia and the Pacific. Proceedings of a first meeting of the Consultative group for Research and Development of Acacias, held in Phuket, Thailand, June 1–3 1992. (Winrock International F/FRED, c/o Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, P.O. BOX 1038, Bangkok 10903, Thailand) pp. 18–22. (E)

IUFRO. 1992 Proceedings of the international symposium on population genetics of forest trees. Corvallis, Oregon, USA, July 31 – August 2, 1990. Special issue of “New Forest”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 6 (1992) 427 pp. (E)

Kenya Forestry Seed Centre. 1993 Report of Workshop of African Tree Seed Centres. Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania, 24/7 – 7/8 1993. (Kenya Forestry Seed Centre, P.O. Box 20412, Nairobi, Kenya). 27 pp. (E)

Libby, W.J. 1991 Use of genetic variation for breeding forest trees. In: Plant Breeding in the 1990s. Proceedings of the Symposium on Plant Breeding in the 1990s. Held at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, March 1991. 539 pp. (E)

Lindgren, D. (Ed.) 1993 Pinus contorta - From untamed forest to domesticated crop. Proceedings of a meeting with IUFRO Working Party S2.02.06 “Pinus contorta provenances and breeding” and “Frans Kempe symposium”. August 24–28, 1992, Umeå, Sweden. (Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen for skoglig genetik och vaxtfysiologi, S-901 83 Umeå, Sweden). 416 pp. (E)

Vanderbelt, R.J. (Ed.) 1992 Faidherbia albida in the West African Semi-Arid Tropics. Proceedings of a workshop held 22–26 April 1991 in Niamey, Niger. (ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh 502 324, India & ICRAF P.O. BOX 30677, Nairobi, Kenya). 206 pp. (E)


CATIEE 1992 Enraizamiento de estacas juveniles de Cedrela odorata. Silvoenergia no. 51. (Diseminación del cultivo de árboles de uso multiple, CATIE-RENARM-ROCARP 596–0150 Turrialba, Costa Rica). 4 pp. (S)

Dallmeier, F. (Ed.) 1992 Long-term monitoring of biological diversity in tropical forest areas. Methods for establishment and inventory of permanent plots. MAB Digest 11. (UNESCO, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris, France). 72 pp. (E)

Dvorak, W.S. & Shaw, E.A. 1992 Five year results for growth and stem form of Pinus tecunumanii in Brazil, Colombia and South Africa. CAMCORE, Bulletin on Tropical Forestry No. 10 (CAMCORE, North Carolina State University, Box 7626, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7626, USA). 22 pp. (E)

FBVA Vegetative Vermehrung von Fichte für Hochlagenaufforstungen. 1991 Physiologische und Phänologische Probleme der Anpassung. FBVA Berichte 59, 1991. (Forstliche Bundesversuchanstalt, A-1131 Wien, Austria). 73 pp. (German)

Giannini, R. 1991 Tecnologie avanzate per il miglioramento genetico degli alberi forestali. In: Annali (40) 1991. (Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali, Tipografia Coppini & C., Firenze, Via dei Serragli 49, Italia): 31–55. (Italian)

Gras, M. d.l.A. 1991 Robinia pseudoacacia L. Annotazioni da una rassegna bibliografica. (SAF - Centro di Sperimentazione Agricola e Forestale, Via dei Crociferi 19, 00187 Roma, Italy) 59 pp. (Italian).

Hor, Y.L. 1993 Seed testing for selected tropical trees in ASEAN region. Review Paper No. 2, (ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre Project, Muak-Lek, Saraburi 18180, Thailand) 83 pp. (E)

Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura. 1990 ANNALI. (Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura, Viale Santa Margherita, 80, 52100 Arezzo, Italy). The publication includes: Ducci, F. & Veracini : Criteri di scelta e sistema di valutazione di fenotipi superiori nel miglioramento genetico di latifoglie a legname pregiato, 57–80 pp. Vol 21. 229 pp (Italian).

Krishnapillay, B. 1992 Development of seed testing standards for Dipterocarpus alatus, Dipterocarpus intricatus and Hopea odorata. Technical Publication No. 15, (ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre Project, Muak-Lek, Saraburi 18180, Thailand) 25 pp. (E)

Nana-Sinkam, S.C.; Tankou, M. & Haribou, A. 1992 Biotechnology revolution: a panacea or myth to African agriculture and food crisis? (UN Economic Commission for Africa, Joint ECA/FAO Agriculture Division (JAFR), Africa Hall, P.O. Box 3001, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) 52 pp. (E)

Ramírez, J.A. 1992 Guía para la selección, recolección y manejo de semillas de pino piñonero con fines de reforestación. Folleto Technico no. 3 (Secretaria de Agricultura y Recursos Hidraulicos, SARH. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciónes Forestales y Agropecuarias, Av. Santos Degollado 1015, Col. Cuauhtemoc C. P. 78270, Apdo. Postal 1538-B, San Luis Potosi, S.L.P. Mexio) 20 pp. (S)

Sigurgeirsson, A. 1992 Insight into the evolution of Picea inferred from choloplast DNA. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Umea, Sweden). 207 pp. (E)

Sirikul, W. 1992 Constraints to seed ontogeny and seed production in Thailand: an overview. Technical Publication No. 14, (ASEAN -Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre Project, Muak-Lek, Saraburi 18180, Thailand) 11 pp. (E)

Uribe, C.C. 1993 Situación Actual de la Conservación en la Región Amazónica. Field document, with support from FAO project GCP/INT/483/NET, IUCN, EEC (Tratado de Cooperación Amazonica, Av. 10 de Agosto no. 3560 y Mariana de Jesús, Edifico Metrocar, 4to.piso, Quito, Ecuador. 111 pp. (S)

Vasconcelos Mendes Benedito. 1992 Preservacão da Biodiversidade e, em particular, das Caatingas do Semi-Arido do Nordeste do Brazil. (Colecão Mossoroense, ESAM, Mossoró -RN, Brazil) Série “B” 29 pp. (Portugese).


Alpert, P. 1993 Conserving biodiversity in Cameroon. AMBIO 22 (1): 44–49. (E)

Appanah, S. & Manaf, M.R.A. 1990 Smaller trees can fruit in logged Dipterocarp forests. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 3 (1): 80–87. (E)

Bawa, K.S. 1992 Mating systems, genetic differentiation and speciation in tropical rain forest plants. Biotropica 24 (2): 250–255. (E)

Boyle, T.J.B., Liengsiri, C. & Piewluang, C. 1990 Genetic studies in a tropical pine - Pinus kesiya I Inheritance and linkage of some isozymes. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 3 (1): 35–43. (E)

Boyle, T.J.B., Liengsiri, C. & Piewluang, C. 1991 Genetic studies in a tropical pine - Pinus kesiya II. Genetic variation among four populations in Northern Thailand. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 3 (4): 308–317. (E)

Boyle, T.J.B., Liengsiri, C. & Piewluang, C. 1991 Genetic studies in a tropical pine - Pinus kesiya III. The mating system in four populations from Northern Thailand. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 4 (1): 37–44. (E)

Boyle, T.J.B. 1992 Biodiversity of Canadian forests: Current status and future challenges. The Forestry Chronicle 68 (4): 444–453. (E)

Danthu, P.; Roussel, J.; Dia, M. & Sarr,A. 1992 Effect of different pretreatments on the germination of Acacia senegal seeds. Seed Science and Technology 20 (1): 111–117. (E)

Dogra, P.D. & Thapliyal, R.C. 1993 Gene resources and breeding potential. Neem Research and Development, Society of Pesticide Science 3: 27–32 (E)

Durel, C.-E. 1992 Gains génétiques attendus après sélection sur index en seconde génération d'amélioration du pin maritime. Revue forestiére française 4: 341–355. (F)

Hodge, G.R & White, T.L. 1993 Advanced-generation wind-pollinated seed orchard design. New Forests 7:213–236 (E)

Khasa, P.D. 1992 Scarification of limba seeds with hot water, 150 bleach, and acid. The Tree Planter's Note 43 (4): 150–152 (E)

El-Kassaby, Y.A. 1992 Domestication and genetic diversity - should we be concerned? The Forestry Chronicle 68 (6): 687–700. (E)

Ferreira, M. 1992 Melhoramento e a silvicultura intensiva clonal. IPEF, Piracicaba 45: 22–30. (Portuguese)

Grace, J.C.; Carson, M.J. & Carson, S.D. 1991 Climate change - implications for Pinus radiata improvement. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 21 (2/3): 123–134. (E)

Haines, R.J. 1993 Biotechnology and the genetic improvement of forest trees. Biotechnology and Development Monitor 15: 3–5. (E)

Horne, R.; Watts, G. & Robinson, G. 1991 Current forms and extent of retention areas within a selectively logged blackbutt forest in NSW: a case study. Australian Forestry Vol. 54 (3): 148–153. (E)

Huang, Y.; Karnosky, D.F. & Tauer, C.G. 1993 Applications of biotechnology and molecular genetics to tree improvement. Journal of Arboriculture 19 (2): 84–98. (E)

Ishwaran, N. 1992 Biodiversity, protected areas and sustainable development. Nature & Resources Vol 28 (1): 18–25. (E/F/S)

Kumar, A.; Pal, M. & Kumar, S. 1992 Mass production of field planting stock of Dendrocalamus hamiltonii vegetatively through macro-proliferation. The Indian Forester 118 (9): 638–646. (E)

Ledig, T. 1992 Human impacts on genetic diversity in forest ecosystems. OIKOS, Copenhagen 63: 87–108 (E)

Mbah, J.M. & Retallick, S.J. 1992 Vegetative Propagation of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. Commonwealth Forestry Review 71 (1): 52–56. (E)

McKenney, D.W.; Davis, J.S.; Turnbull, J.W. & Searle, S.D. 1993 Impact of Australian tree species selection research in China: an economic perspective. Forest Ecology and Management 60: 59–76. (E)

Mercier, S. & Langlois. 1993 Relationship between Epilobium angustifolium phenology and Picea glauca seed maturation. Forest Ecology and Management 59: 115–125. (E)

Namkoong, G. 1992 Biodiversity - Issues in genetics, forestry and ethics. The Forestry Chronicle 68 (4): 438–443. (E)

Rawat, J.K. & Sharma, S.K. 1992 Conservation of biological diversity in the Garhwal Himalayas. The Indian Forester 118 (5): 352–360. (E)

Siebeck, W. & Barton, J. 1992 The Implication of Applying the Legal Concept of Trust to Germplasm Collections at CGIAR Research Centers. Diversity 8 (3): 29–35. (E)

Simons, A.J. 1992 Genetic improvement of non-industrial trees. Agroforestry Systems 18: 197–212. (E)

Owino, F. 1992 Improving multipurpose tree and shrub species for agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems 19 (2): 131–137. (E)

Liengsiri, C.; Piewluang, C & Boyle, T.J.B. 1990 Characterization of isozymes of three tropical tree species -effect of extraction and running buffers on staining intensity and resolution. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 3 (2): 111–122. (E)

Vázquez-Yanes, C. & Orozco-Sergovia. 1992 The rain forest in tropical America: Forest dynamics, reforestation, seed handling, and problems of management. The Tree Planter's Note 43 (4): 114–119 (E/S)

Villaqlobos, V.M.; Ferreira, P. & Mora, A. 1991 The use of biotechnology in the conservation of tropical germplasm. Biotech. Adv. 9: 197–215. (E)

Wright, J.A. & Osorio, L.F. 1992 Results of provenance and family within provenance trials of Pinus tecunumanii in Colombia, South America. Forest Ecology and Management 55 (1–4): 107–116. (E)

Yang, R & Yeh, F. 1992 Genetic consequenses of in situ and ex situ conservation of forest trees. The Forestry Chronicle 68 (6): 720–729. (E)

Young, N.D. 1992 Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPS) and crop improvement. Expl. Agric. Vol. 28: 385–397 pp. (E)

Forest Genetic Resources Information no. 21. FAO, Rome (1993)

1. Individual papers included in Proceedings or books will not be listed under (iii) or (iv).

2. Throughout the list, addresses of publishers or authors are given in brackets after the reference, whenever possible. Please write to these addresses directly, should you wish to have a copy of the publication/article in question.

3. E: available in English
F: available in French
S: available in Spanish

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