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Chung, T.Y. 1991. Status and prospects of plant biotechnology in the Republic of Korea.

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Persley, G.J. 1991. The application of biotechnology to agriculture in developing countries. In: Getubig, I.P. Jr, V.L. Chopra & M. S. Swaminathan, eds. Biotechnology for Asian agriculture - public policy implications, p. 265-272. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Asian and Pacific Development Centre (APDC). 324 pp.

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Sasson, A. 1991. Implications of plant biotechnology for Asian agriculture. In I.P. Getubig, Jr., V.L. Chopra & M.S. Swaminathan, eds. Biotechnology for asian agriculture public policy implications, p. 273-304. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Asian and Pacific Development Centre (AADC). 324 pp.

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Singh, R.B. 1990. Current status and future prospects of plant biotechnologies in developing countries in Asia. p. 141-162. L A. Sasson & V. Costarini, eds. Plant biotechnologies for developing countries. Proceedings of an International Symposium organised by CTA and FAO, Luxemburg, 26-30 June 1989. 368 pp.

Singh, R.B. 1991. FAO's initiatives in plant biotechnology and germplasm conservation with special reference to the Asia-Pacific Region. In A.H. Zakri, M.N. Normah, M.T. Senawi & A.G. Abdul Karim, eds. Conservation of plant genetic resources through in vitro methods, P. 137-54. Kuala Lumpur, Forest Research Institute Malaysia/Malaysian National Committee on Plant Genetic Resources. 270 pp.

Singh, R.B. 1992. Potentials and challenges of biotechnology and FAO's role. In: Zakri, A.H. (ed.) Commercialization of biotechnology in a developing economy. pp. 101106. Proceedings of a round-table meeting held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27-29 January, 1991. Banji, Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 178 pp.

Singh, R.B. 1993. The future of agro-biotechnology in a global village. Paper presented at the Symposium on Agro-Biotechnology, Solutions for a Global Village, Brussels, 16 October, 1993. 16 pp.

Steele, K.W. & Cooper, K.M. 1991. The role of biotechnology in crop production: a New Zealand perspective. Paper presented at the FAO Regional Expert Consultation on the Role of Biotechnology in Crop Production, Bangkok,Thailand, 18-21 June, 1991. 19pp.

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Swaminathan, M.S. 1991. Biotechnology and a better common present: a synthesis. In I.P. Getubig, Jr., V.L. Chopra & M.S. Swaminathan, eds. Biotechnology for Asian agriculture - public policy implications, p. 1-9. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Asian and Pacific Development Centre (APDC). 324 pp.

Swaminathan, M.S. & Hoon, V. 1994. Methodologies for recognizing the role of informal innovation in the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources. Proceedings No. 9. Madras, CRSARD. 46 pp.

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Zakri, A.H. 1991. Role of biotechnology in crop production in Malaysia. Paper presented at the FAO Regional Expert Consultation on the Role of Biotechnology in Crop Production, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-21 June, 1991. 9 pp.

Zakri, A.H. ed. 1992. Commercialization of biotechnology in a developing economy.

Proceedings of a round-table meeting held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27-29 January, 1991. Banji, Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 178 pp.

Zamora, A.B. & Barba, R.C. 1990. Status of tissue culture activities and the prospects for their commercialization in the Philippines. Australian J. of Biotechnology, 4: 49-53.

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