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1.        The Hundred and Seventh Session of the Council was held in Rome from 15 to 24 November 1994 under the Chairmanship of José Ramón López Portillo, Independent Chairman of the Council.

Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable1

2.        The Council noted the Declaration of Competence and Right to Vote presented by the European Community and adopted the Agenda and Timetable of the Session with the following amendments: (a) deletion of Item 15.3 (Audited Accounts: World Food Programme 1992-93);

(b) indication of Item 8.3 (Implementation of General Resolution 48/162 on the Transformation of the CFA into an Executive Board) as being "for information" and not "for discussion"; (c) addition of a sub-Item 20.5 (Proposed Amendment to Staff Regulation 301.136 (National Professional Officers)) "for decision" under Item 20 (Other Constitutional and Legal Matters). The Agenda, as amended, is reproduced in Appendix A to this report.

3.        Some members expressed concern regarding the delay in receipt of documents for its Hundred and Seventh Session. The possibility was mentioned of postponing, at future sessions of the Council, the discussion on documents that were not available in a timely manner.

Election of three Vice-Chairmen, and designation of the Chairman and members of the Drafting Committee2

4.        The Council elected three Vice-Chairmen for its Session: Jürgen Oestreich (Germany), Ahmed Mer'i (Syria), Dixon Nilaweera (Sri Lanka).

5.        The Council elected Mr Adel M. Aboul-Naga (Egypt) as Chairman of the Drafting Committee with the following membership: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Cape Verde, Cyprus, Egypt, France India, Indonesia, Japan, Libya, Norway, Uganda and Venezuela.

Statement by the Director-General3

6.        The Director-General delivered his statement to the Council. The full text of this statement is given in Appendix D to this Report.

1 CL 107/1-Rev.2; CL 107/INF/l-Rev.l; CL 107/INF/20; CL 107/PV/1; CL 107 PV/13.

2 CL 107/INF/9; CL 107 PV/1; CL 107/PV/13.

3 CL 107/INF/5; CL 107/PV/1; CL 107/PV/13.

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