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Director-General's progress report on implementation of decisions taken by the Council at its Hundred and Sixth Session1


97.      The Council recalled that the Director-General had offered to submit periodic progress reports on the implementation of the decisions taken at its Hundred and Sixth Session (30 May 1 June 1994). It took note of the documents submitted, as well as the additional information and clarifications provided by the Director-General throughout the debate. The Council welcomed the Director-General's commitment to the pursuit of a close dialogue with Member Nations. It observed, in this connection, that several avenues had been used to foster such dialogue, including the opportunity provided by the 1994 cycle of Regional Conferences and the convening of meetings with Regional Groups in Rome.

98.      The Council was informed of the attention given to ensuring adequate staff consultations throughout the process, which it considered particularly relevant in the present context of organizational restructuring and wide-ranging reforms.

99.      The Council was informed of the views expressed by the Programme and Finance Committees on the matter, as conveyed in the report of their joint meeting of September 1994.

100.    The Council recognized that the Director-General had sought to proceed with care and deliberation in the implementation of its decisions. It endorsed the considered approach to a complex and multi-faceted exercise, including seeking consensual decisions to the maximum extent possible. In noting the various actions already undertaken as described in the documents, the Council expressed general satisfaction at the progress made in a number of key areas in the period since its last session. Some members expressed the hope that progress in other key areas would be accelerated. The specific reactions of the Council are highlighted below.

Special Programmes

101.    The Council welcomed the initiation of concrete action under the Special Programme on food production in support of food security in low-income food-deficit countries (LIFDCs). It noted that the Secretariat had further refined the objectives, strategy and modus operandi, and asked that the documents relating to this policy framework be made available to Member Nations. The Council agreed that the financial and operational limitations inherent to the budgetary provisions for this programme dictated a high degree of selectivity in the initial phase of the implementation of the Programme.

102.    The Council stressed the distinctive economic aspects relating to production, consumption and access, and the many important factors contributing to food security in the context of development needs of individual Member Nations, the need not to neglect agriculture in less favourable areas, as well as the impact of global factors. It was confirmed that the well-established programmes of the Organization to address these factors would be pursued, while ensuring their integration with country activities under the Special Programme to the extent applicable. The Council recommended that maximum use be made of national experiences, as well as those of the other international development partners active in this area.

103.    The Council noted the expected initiation of the first pilot projects in several countries during 1995, as the result of the exploratory missions which already were in the field. It recognized the importance of ensuring participation of external partners to be forthcoming in this respect. Accordingly, it expressed the wish that the international donor community and financial institutions would be able to support the implementation of the pilot and subsequent phases of the programme.

104.    In this respect, the Council welcomed with interest the wide-ranging consultations held in order to enlist support from external partners and the agreements reached with the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). More generally, in recognizing the critical dependence of lasting food security on the generation of sufficient investment in agriculture, the Council welcomed the information given in the documents on expanding cooperation with financial institutions. The Council noted that the active search for partnerships was not restricted to other intergovernmental organizations, but also encompassed the private sector and the NGO community, including local farmers' organizations. It encouraged further efforts in this direction, as a key to sustainability.

105.    The Council noted with satisfaction that concrete activities were also well under way regarding the Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases under the two initial components on desert locusts and rinderpest, which it had endorsed. Under the locust component, it stressed the importance of increased attention to long-tern actions and took note of the mission sent to the central zone of increased larval resurgence in Eastern Africa and the Arabian peninsula. The Council received assurances that preventive and curative actions against the desert locust in the other regions located in the invasion area would be continued. It noted that donors would be able to consider their response at meetings scheduled in the near future to express their intentions to support preventive and curative actions in infested areas of all the regions concerned. While welcoming the assurance that assistance to other regions affected by the desert locust would be pursued, the Council recommended adequate attention to the environmental dimensions of control operations. The Organization was also urged by several members to also support research efforts, including on biological control of the desert locust.

106.    In respect of the other component of EMPRES, the Council noted the ongoing activities to strengthen FAO support to global rinderpest eradication and expressed its appreciation of the emergency assistance provided to several countries in Africa linked to risks of serious epidemics of rinderpest and contagious bovine pleuropneumonia. In this connection, it underscored the intention to also address other important animal diseases, such as foot-and-mouth disease, particularly in Southeast Asia, Latin America and East Africa.

Headquarters' restructuring

107.    The Council noted the information regarding phase IV of the restructuring exercise under way. It recognized that this phase aimed in particular at the details of the Professional staff mix required by the new organizational structure at Headquarters and in field offices, and envisaged the eventual reallocation of posts and reformulation of post descriptions. It also involved the revision, as necessary, of the various functional statements in the FAO Manual. While realizing the need to proceed carefully to provide a firm and considered basis for staff redeployment and/or recruitment for the new structure, the Council expressed the wish for early completion of this phase, in order to reduce to a minimum the period of uncertainty attendant to restructuring, the transitional costs and its consequential impact on programme delivery. In this connection, the Council noted the implementation calendar proposed by the Director-General.

108.    While noting with concern that difficulties were encountered in attracting highly qualified applicants, especially to high-level senior positions, the Council expressed the wish that the Organization should have, in the near future, all the staff it required to operate effectively.

Decentralization and field offices

109.    The Council noted that within the range of measures it had endorsed to enhance decentralization and strengthen the field office structure of FAO, follow-up action in the period since its last session had focused primarily on the necessary consultations leading to the establishment of five sub-regional offices and the redeployment of FAO staff at present serving in the joint divisions with the UN Regional Economic and Social Commissions.

110.    The Council was pleased to note that new modalities of cooperation, including arrangements for the continuation of the activities hitherto carried out by the joint divisions, had been discussed with the Secretariats of the Regional Commissions.

111.    As regarded the establishment of sub-regional offices, the Council considered the criteria for the selection of their sites appropriate. It also took note of the fact that for two of the five offices, consensus solutions had been reached. Accordingly, the Council encouraged the countries concerned to find consensus solutions for the remaining offices in order to have all of the sub-regional structures functioning as soon as feasible during 1995.

112.    Some members reiterated their offer to host the sub-regional offices in their regions. Several members recalled the need for the eventual establishment of additional sub-regional offices serving countries in their regions.

113.    The Council welcomed the initiative of the Director-General to organize a special audit exercise, with a view to assessing the performance of the existing field offices of the Organization, prior to making related management decisions. It was informed that a generally positive picture had emerged from this special exercise and encouraged regular reviews of this nature in the future.

114.    The Council took note of the preparatory steps for the gradual replacement of internationally recruited staff in FAO country offices other than the FAO Representatives themselves, by National Professional Officers, bearing in mind its scheduled discussion of the matter under a successive agenda item.2

115.    In addressing the enhanced decentralization policy, the Council underlined the need for accompanying arrangements, in particular for delegation of authority, and was informed of the fact that this had to be addressed within the more general context of streamlining administrative procedures and modernization of information systems otherwise pursued by the Director-General.

116.    The Council felt that the efforts made to facilitate the redeployment of staff affected by restructuring should be continued.

Communications infrastructures

117.    The Council looked forward to the greatly enhanced capacity for the exchange of information between Headquarters and field offices, among the latter and more generally between FAO and the outside world, as was expected from the implementation of the Wide Area Network project. Apart from new communication facilities and their impact on the image of the Organization, the Council underscored the relevance of this initiative in the present technological context and its potential contribution to streamlining administrative procedures.

New cooperation agreements

118.    The Council welcomed the initiative of the Director-General in proposing several novel cooperative agreements with Member Nations, aiming at ensuring a wider range of expertise and achieving substantial cost savings in programme implementation. It noted that the first three covering: the use of experts for Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC); the similar use of experts for cooperation among countries in transition in Central and Eastern Europe; and cooperation with academic research institutions, had been widely circulated to Member Nations.

119.    The Council was pleased to observe that these agreements in general had been well received, particularly the one on TCDC, as evidenced by the number of governments which had formally signified their participation. During the debate, several members confirmed their government's interest or announced their intention to join the other signatories of agreements of this type in the near future.

120.    The Council noted that finalization of two other agreements to support the participation of young professionals from developing countries in the implementation of FAO programmes and the use of retired experts from Civil Services of Member Nations and retired UN system and FAO staff was expected shortly. Several members also expressed interest in participating in these agreements.

World Food Summit

121.    At the invitation of the Chairman, members of the Council referred to the proposed World Food Summit during their interventions on this agenda item.

122.    The Council agreed that this initiative of the Director-General was both timely and pertinent in the light of the challenges facing individual countries and the international community in achieving lasting food security for all at the earliest possible stage. The Council considered that raising awareness of this major world problem at the highest level and securing conceited international action were the key objectives being pursued, and that these would be well served by convening a successful Summit. Some members indicated their intention to draw these views to the attention of their governments in the process leading up to their decisions on the proposed Summit. The Council observed that important intergovernmental discussions and major events scheduled during 1995, in particular those linked to the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization, would provide useful stepping-stones for the Summit.

123.    The Council therefore underlined the importance of a well-targeted and well-focused Summit, relative to which appropriate and timely preparations in close association with Member Nations and in cooperation with relevant international institutions were critical considerations to a fruitful outcome. In this light, the Council stressed the importance of an optimal timing for the Summit. In any case, preparatory documents in general and the draft policy documents and the draft Plan of Action in particular should be made available to FAO Member Nations in time for the session of the CFS in April 1995 so as to permit a constructive and detailed dialogue of substance up to and at the June 1995 Council. In this context, the Council requested the Director-General, in consultation with the Chairman of the CFS, to study the possibility of having the topic of the World Food Summit on the agenda of the Twentieth Session of the CFS in April 1995, and took note with appreciation of the efforts that would be made by the Secretariat to provide the appropriate documentation in time for this session of the CFS.


124.    The Council welcomed the progress reported on a number of key aspects of the implementation of Council decisions since its last session.

125.     The Council confirmed that this action should lead to a reinvigoration of the Organization, especially allowing it to strengthen its role as a centre of excellence. It encouraged the Director General to pursue the further implementation of the restructuring in full transparency, and looked forward to being apprised fully of further progress at future sessions.

Reports of the Sixty-ninth (Rome, 20-28 April 1994) and Seventieth (Rome, 12-16 September 1994) Sessions of the Programme Committee3

126.     The Council noted that besides consideration of the Director-General's proposals regarding his Review of FAO's programmes, structures and policies and the subsequent progress report, at its scheduled sessions of 1994 the Programme Committee had inter alia completed its cycle of reviews of FAO programmes which it traditionally carried out in non-Conference years and as usual had considered a number of Joint Inspection Unit (JIU)-related documents. The Council endorsed in this connection the views and recommendations of the Programme Committee in respect of Programmes 2.1.6 Nutrition, 2.1.7 Food and Agricultural Information and Analysis and 2.1.8 Food and Agriculture Policy, as well as of Major Programmes 2.2 Fisheries and 2.3 Forestry.

127.     In reiterating the importance it attached to the advice of the Programme Committee, especially of a strategic nature, the Council endorsed the proposal made by the Committee that it focus, but not limit, its review of programmes in non-Conference years to activities under budgetary Chapter 2: Technical and Economic Programmes, and draw up at its Spring 1995 session a list of subjects for future in-depth consideration which the Council would review at its June 1995 session, while leaving the door open to addressing any other issues as the Council itself, or the Director General, might invite the Committee to consider.

128.     The Council also endorsed the suggestion made by the Committee that FAO request the JIU to undertake a study of the difficulties experienced by the Organization in the recruitment of qualified staff for lack of competitive conditions of service, in the light of similar experiences in the UN system.

Reports of the Seventy-eighth (Rome, 21-28 April 1994) and Seventy-ninth (Rome, 12-16 September 1994) Sessions of the Finance Committee4

129.     The Council reviewed the reports of the two sessions of the Finance Committee.

Budgetary performance5

130.     The Council noted the comments of the Finance Committee and endorsed the Annual Report of Budgetary Performance to members for 1993.

Review of the methods of work of the Finance Committee6

131.     The Council recalled that, at its Hundred and Sixth Session (30 May - 1 June 1994), it had decided that the provisional agenda and related list of Committee documents be distributed to all members and that documents be made available to interested members on request. The Council noted that the Finance Committee had made the necessary amendments to Rule V of the Rules of Procedure to provide for such distribution of documents while making appropriate arrangements to safeguard the confidential nature of any document, if required. The Council was informed that such requests should be addressed in writing to the Secretary General of the Council.

Study by the External Auditor on the application of the lapse factor7

132.    The Council examined the report of the Finance Committee on the Study by the External Auditor on the application of the lapse factor.

133.    The Council accepted the Finance Committee's recommendation to adopt the External Auditor's proposed operational definition of the lapse factor, that is:

The lapse factor is a budgetary device aimed at reducing the budgetary provision for Regular Programme established posts to take into account the effects of vacancies arising from separations and usual delays in recruitment, including recruitment to new posts, on salaries and common staff costs expenditure. A Regular Programme established post is considered vacant when there is no incumbent against either the established post or against another post formally declared to be funded from the established post.

134.    The Council welcomed the proposed methodology as recommended by the External Auditor and endorsed by the Finance Committee. In particular, the Council endorsed the proposal that the lapse factor should be calculated as the turnover rate times the recruitment lead time and that these rates should be calculated separately for the Professional and General Service categories.

135.    The Council also accepted the recommendation that the impact of the establishment of new posts on budgetary provisions should be handled by costing them only for the period during which they were expected to be filled.

136.    The Council endorsed the view expressed by the Finance Committee that the lapse factor to be applied for a biennium should not only reflect historical turnover rates, but also changes in the policy of the Organization as might affect current recruitment practices. It noted that the parameters which determined the lapse factor would have to be monitored in the future, and the resulting values of each parameter indicated, at the Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) planning stage, in order to derive the proposed lapse factors for each biennium.

137.    The Council commended the Director-General for his prompt attention to the request of Conference, and the Finance Committee for its detailed review of the study and its clear recommendations. It was felt that the new approach dispelled the doubts associated with past methodologies and provided useful and realistic results.

138.    The Council decided that the above methodology be used as the basis for determining the lapse factor in the next budget, and that the Director-General be invited to make specific proposals for each factor and the resulting rates in the context of the preparation process for the Programme of Work and Budget 1996-97.

139.    The Council concluded that the application of the methodology should be monitored closely by the Finance Committee in the forthcoming period, with a view to determining its future application.

Financial position of the Organization: 8 Collection of assessed contributions (outstanding and in arrears)

Status of contributions 8

140.    The Council considered the financial position of the Organization which compared favourably with that of recent years. Concern was expressed over the high level of arrears outstanding and the possible detrimental effect of this fact on the implementation of the Programme of Work. One member noted that over ninety percent of the total arrears outstanding was due from only

eight Member Nations and appealed to the Member Nations with outstanding contributions and arrears to pay their budgetary contributions as soon as possible. The Council noted that incentive schemes could prove useful in encouraging Member Nations to pay their contributions. Accordingly, and in spite of unsatisfactory recoveries, it decided that the existing scheme should be given further trial but that the Director-General should also be encouraged to explore other alternatives, in particular as regarded the experience of other UN organizations. While appreciating the often difficult financial situations of some countries, emphasis was nonetheless placed on the importance for all Member Nations, irrespective of size, to honour their financial obligations towards the Organization.

141.    The Council noted the status of contributions at 21 November 1994 compared with the same date in 1993, as well as the details of amounts received from each Member Nation during 1994 and of outstanding contributions, as shown in the Appendix E to this report.

(for comparison)



Amounts outstanding at 1 January



Current assessments

311 432 500.00

317 330 000.00

Contributions in arrears

133 615 355.47

150 237 185.89


445 047 855.47

467 567 185.89

Receipts 1 January to 21 November

Current assessments

278 207 058.79

267 598 965.36

Contributions in arrears

25 070 859.45

42 948 915.20


303 277 918.24

310 547 871.56

Amounts outstanding at 21 November

Current assessments

33 225 441.21

49 731 043.64

Contributions in arrears

108 544 496.02

107 288 270.69


141 769 937.23

157 019 314.33

a Of which US$1 032 500.00 relates to the Tax Equalization Fund.

b Of which US$550 000.00 relates to the Tax Equalization Fund.

Current assessments (Appendix E sets out details of receipts and of amounts outstanding)

142. The month-end cumulative percentages of 1994 assessments received during the ten-and-a-half months of 1994, as compared to receipts during the preceding four years, was shown in the following statistics.

Percentages of current assessed contributions received

(Cumulative - year to date)


















































































a Receipts at 21 November 1994, all other figures at month end.

143. At 21 November 1994 the position of Member Nations (and the number with arrears outstanding), with comparative figures at the same date during the four preceding years, was as follows:

Number of Member Nations

Current assessments


% received

Paid in full

Part paid

No payment





































144.     The Council noted that receipts at 21 November 1994 of the 1994 assessments were higher than those at the same date in 1993, and that the situation compared favourably with any of the other three years in consideration.

145.     However, only 64 Member Nations had paid their current assessments in full, while a further 18 had made a partial payment, leaving 87 Member Nations who had made no cash payment at all during 1994.

Contributions in arrears

(Appendix E sets out details of amounts outstanding)

146.     At 21 November 1994, a total amount of US$108 544 496.02 of arrears of contributions remained. Sixty-four Member Nations had made cash payments as at 21 November 1994, of which 23 had paid their arrears in full. Amounts of more than US$1 million were due from eight Member Nations, totalling US$97 912 337.72 and representing 90.20 percent of the arrears outstanding.

Replenishment of the Special Reserve Account and advances to the Working Capital Fund

147.     Of the total amounts outstanding at 1 January 1994 of US$12 929 903 and US$1 987 792 respectively, 30 Member Nations had made cash payments as at 21 November 1994, leaving balances of US$12 178 023 and US$1 739 000, respectively outstanding on 21 November 1994.

Need for all Member Nations to pay current assessments and arrears

148.    The Council expressed concern that notwithstanding the Director-General's appeals to Member Nations for payment of their arrears and outstanding contributions, 105 Member Nations

had made no payment or only partial payment of 1994 assessed contributions, and 75 Member Nations still owed arrears for 1993 and prior years.

149.    The Council urged therefore that all Member Nations pay their outstanding arrears and current assessed contributions in full as soon as possible, in order to enable the Organization to continue to fulfil its mandate.

Audited Accounts

Regular Programme 1992-939

UNDP 1992-9310

150.    The Council noted with satisfaction that the opinions of the External Auditor on the financial statements of the Regular Programme and UNDP for the biennium 1992-93 were not subject to any qualification.

151.    The Council noted the observation of the External Auditor on the balance between delegation of authority to the field offices and the need for adequate control and review by Headquarters. It welcomed the intention of FAO to publish a manual of financial rules and procedures which would reflect both the authority/powers delegated at each level and the corresponding levels of responsibility and accountability. Emphasis was placed on adequate controls to identify cases of non-compliance with Headquarters policy and procedures and the need to remind field personnel of their financial responsibilities. In this regard, the Council also took note of the External Auditor's views in relation to the need for adequate training for field personnel in financial reporting requirements, adequate use of imprests and administrative procedures.

152.    The Council endorsed the recommendations of the Auditor outlined in his reports and requested that the Secretariat take prompt action to ensure they were implemented. It noted that reports on follow-up action would be submitted on a regular basis to the Finance Committee.

153.    The Council commended the outgoing External Auditor for the excellent services rendered to the Organization as Auditors over the years.

154.    The Council agreed to forward the following resolution to the Conference for adoption:

Draft Resolution for the Conference
Audited Accounts


Having considered the report of the Hundred and Seventh Session of the Council,

Having examined the following Audited Accounts and the External Auditor's Reports thereon:

     Regular Programme 1992-93                                                                                            C 95/5

     United Nations Development Programme 1992-93                                                            C 95/6

Adopts the above Audited Accounts.

Revised Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 1994-9511

155.    The Council approved the Revised Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 1994-95 submitted to it with the following changes:

     a)   the Hundred and Ninth Council Session would be convened in Rome on 18 and 19 October 1995, in order to enable full participation in its work by government representatives attending the Ministerial Meeting and the Fiftieth Anniversary event in Quebec City ending on 16 October;

     b)   the Twenty-eighth Session of the Conference would be convened in Rome from 20 October to 2 November 1995; and

     c)   the Hundred and Tenth Council Session would be convened in Rome on 3 November 1995.

156.    The Council noted that the dates of the session of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources would not overlap with those of the June 1995 Council Session.

157.    The Revised Calendar as approved is reproduced as Appendix F to this report.

Personnel matters12

158.    The Council took note of the most recent developments in the area of personnel matters, in particular with regard to the ad hoc special measure for the Rome post adjustment and the General Service salary survey, as well as the views expressed by the representative of the staff bodies and the representative of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) in their addresses to the Council.

Rome post adjustment

159.    The Council was informed that, in accordance with the powers delegated to him by the Commission, the Chairman of ICSC had decided that the conditions for removal of the special measure had been met and that it should, therefore, be discontinued. The Director-General, however, was of the firm view that the conditions for the discontinuance of the special measure had not in fact been met, and had decided in February 1994 to continue the special measure on a provisional basis until the issue was satisfactorily clarified.

160.    The Council was informed that the Director-General had placed the issue before the ICSC itself at its fortieth session and that the Commission had decided:

    a)   to reaffirm the Commission's authority under the ICSC statute to establish post adjustment classifications;

    b)   to discontinue the special measure as from July 1994, thereby not impuning the decision of the Director-General;

    c)   to conduct a place-to-place cost-of-living survey in Rome as soon as possible, and

    d)   to establish a working group to address specific issues regarding operation of the post adjustment system, including a mechanism for dealing with abrupt and substantial devaluation of the local currency at Headquarters duty stations.

General Service salary survey

161.    The Council was informed that a comprehensive salary survey for General Service staff in Rome had been originally scheduled by the ICSC to take place in early 1994. In correspondence with the ICSC, FAO had, however, for management reasons requested the postponement of the survey by one year.

162.    As, however, the requested postponement would have disrupted the schedule of surveys at Headquarters duty stations, the ICSC had agreed only to delay the survey to the latter part of 1994 and to review the results at its Forty-first Session in the spring of 1995. While not completely satisfied that sufficient effort had been made to accommodate the needs of the Organization, the Director-General had reluctantly indicated that FAO would cooperate with the decision of the ICSC within the context of the overall priority which would have to be accorded to the restructuring of the Organization.

163.    The administrations of the other Rome-based organizations and the staff representatives were requested to nominate their participants to serve on the Local Salary Survey Committee (LSSC) established in accordance with the survey methodology. However, the staff representatives indicated they would not participate, as their membership had decided to boycott the salary survey and any other form of cooperation with the ICSC. The Council was informed, however, that the work of the survey would move forward, as there was no recourse open to the Director-General to appeal against the decision of the Commission.

164.    The Council noted that the 4.69 percent gross increase in the salaries of General Service Staff, which would have become due effective 1 June 1994, had been postponed pending the results of the survey in line with the ICSC survey methodology. Any adjustment determined by the survey to be justified would be retroactive to 1 June 1994.


165.    The Council noted that it had no decision-making authority over the matters discussed, and that until the ICSC surveys were completed, the competitiveness of FAO's scale of remuneration could not be known.

166.    The Council complimented the Director-General for his efforts in consulting the staff, and in taking their concerns into account. The Council also reiterated the provisions of its Resolution 1/102 of November 1992 relating to conditions of service of the Professional and General Service staff.

1 CL 197/4, paras 1.1-1.17; 107/14; CL 107/14-Sup.l; CL 107/PV/7; CL 107/PV/8; CL 107/PV/13.

2 See paragraphs 190-195 below.

3 CL 106/4, paras 1.1-1.62; CL 107/4, paras 2.1-2.76; CL 107/PV/8; CL 107/PV/13.

4 CL 106/4, paras 2.1-2.100; CL 107/4, paras 3.1-3.116; CL 107/PV/8; CL 107/PV/13.

5 CL 106/4, paras 2.29-2.33; CL 107/PV/13.

6 CL 107/4 paras 3.105-3.110; CL 107/PV/13.

7 CL 107/4, paras 3.5-3.16; CL 107/PV/8; CL 107/PV/9; CL/107/PV/13.

8 CL 107/4, paras 3.17-3.38; CL 107/LIMIt; CL 107/PVI9; CL 107/PV/13.

9 C 95/5; CL 107/4, paras 3.39-3.46; CL 107/PV/9; CL 107/PV/13.

10 C 95/6; CL 107/4, paras 3.39-3.46; CL 107/PV/9; CL 107/PV/13.

11 CL 107/3-Sup.l-Rev.l; CL 107/INF/16-Rev.l; CL 107/PV/12; CL 107/PV/13.

12 CL 107/INF/22; CL 107/INF/22-Sup. 1; CL 107/PV/8; CL 107/PV/13.

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