FAO and ECE forestry outlook studies and economic and statistical publications

1945 to present FAO yearbook of forest products (FAO)
1956 and 1964 Ten-year supplements
1975 and 1982 Country tables
1948 to present Timber bulletin (ECE/FAO)
1953 European timber statistics, 1913-1950 (ECE/FAO)
1959 to present Pulp and paper capacities (FAO)
1970 to present World production capacities - Plywood, particleboard and fibreboard (FAO)
1977 to present Monthly bulletin. Tropical forest products in world timber trade (FAO)
1979 to present Forest products prices (FAO) [with data from 1960]
1987 Forest products: the direction of trade 1976, 1981 and 1982 (FAO)
1988 to present FAO quarterly bulletin of statistics (FAO)
1991 Forest products: the direction of trade, 1985-1989 (FAO)
1992 to present Forest products trade flow data (ECE/FAO) [published annually in the Timber bulletin]
In addition, FAOSTAT·PC (formerly called AGROSTAT·PC) covers data on forest products from 1961 to present in computer-readable form.
1948 World forest resources (FAO)
1955 World forest resources (FAO)
1960 World Forest Inventory, 1958 (FAO)
1966 World Forest Inventory, 1963 (FAO)
1976 Forest resources in the European region (FAO)
1976 Forest resources in the Asia and Far East Region (FAO)
1981 Forest resources of Tropical Asia. (Tropical Forest Resources Assessment Project) (FAO)
1981 Forest resources of Tropical Africa. Part 2: Country briefs. (Tropical Forest Resources Assessment Project) (FAO)
1982 Forest resources of Tropical Africa. Part 1: Regional synthesis. (Tropical Forest Resources Assessment Project) (FAO)
1982 Tropical forest resources (FAO)
1985 The forest resources of the ECE region (Europe, the USSR, North America) (ECE)
1992 The forest resources of the temperate zones: the UN-ECE/FAO 1990 Forest Resource Assessment (ECE/FAO)
1993 Forest resources assessment 1990. Tropical countries (FAO)
1994 Forest resources assessment 1990. Non-tropical developing countries. Mediterranean region (FAO)
1994 The forest resources of the temperate zones. Forest resource information on some newly constituted countries (ECE/FAO)
1995 Forest resources assessment 1990. Global synthesis (FAO)
1947 to present The State of Food and Agriculture (FAO) Special chapters on forestry:
1962 The role of forest industries in the attack on economic underdevelopment
1979 Forestry and rural development
1994 Forest development and policy dilemmas
1961 to present Commodity Review and Outlook (FAO) [chapters on forest products]
1946 Forestry and forest products - World situation,1937-1946 (FAO)
1953 European timber trends and prospects (ECE/FAO)
1961 Timber trends and prospects in the Asia-Pacific region (ECAFE/FAO)
1963 Latin American timber trends and prospects (ECLAC/FAO)
1964 European timber trends and prospects - A new appraisal, 1950-1975 (ECE/FAO)
1967 Timber trends and prospects in Africa (UN/FAO)
1967 Wood - World trends and prospects (FAO)
1969 European timber trends and prospects, 1950-1980: an interim review (ECE/FAO)
1970 Provisional indicative world plan for agricultural development (FAO)
1976 Trends in production, trade and consumption of forest products in Latin America (FAO)
1976 Development and forest resources in Asia and the Far East: trends and perspectives, 1961-1991 (FAO)
1976 European timber trends and prospects, 1950 to 2000 (ECE/FAO) [published as a supplement to the Timber bulletin]
1978 Projections of consumption of industrial forest products (FAO)
1981 Agriculture: toward 2000 (FAO)
1982 World forest products demand and supply 1990 and 2000 (FAO)
1986 Forest products: world outlook projections 1985-2000 (FAO)
1986 European timber trends and prospects to the year 2000 and beyond (ECE/FAO)
1988 Forest products. World outlook: projections Product and country tables, 1987-2000 (FAO)
1993 Agriculture: towards 2010 (FAO)
Pulp and paper
1954 World pulp and paper resources and prospects (Unesco/ECE/ECLAC/FAO)
1960 Outlook for pulp and paper consumption and trade (FAO)
1963 World demand for paper to 1975 - A study of regional trends (FAO)
1977 World pulp and paper demand, supply and trade (FAO)
1986 The outlook for pulp and paper to 1995. Projections of worldwide demand and supply (FAO)
1990 The outlook for pulp and paper to 1995. Paper products: an industry update (FAO)
1994 Pulp and paper towards 2010 - An executive summary (FAO)
Wood-based panels
1958 Fibreboard and particle board (ECE/FAO)
1966 Plywood and other wood-based panels (FAO)
1976 Proceedings of the World Consultation on Wood-Based Panels, New Delhi, India, February 1975 (FAO)
1977 A reappraisal of the outlook for production, consumption and trade in wood-based panels (FAO)
1987 World outlook for forest products consumption and supply with emphasis on panel products (FAO)