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The extension methodology of identifying target farmers, training them in fish culture and developing them into model farmers who serve as extension agents was very effective. Over the lifetime of the project, 401 target farmers were trained, many of whom became model farmers. All target farmers served as demonstration and extension centers, resulting in the uptake of fish culture by 2000 secondary farmers.

It is estimated that fish production from aquaculture increased 42 % as a direct result of the project. Impact on incomes of fish farming families was highly significant with average income from fish farming rising from 40,000 Kip/yr to 270,000 Kip/yr.

Within its time frame, staff and budget limitations the project was unable to develop farmers' groups as vehicles for credit to low income farmers. Middle income target farmers did form groups in a few villages at the suggestion of the project staff, but these groups have not yet begun to function collectively.

LAO/89/003 was instrumental in developing technical capacity in the Dept. of Livestock and Fisheries at the national and provincial level. Where district officers were trained, significant improvements in fish production were achieved. However, staffing at the district level is insufficient for adequate monitoring of target and secondary farmers. It is also insufficient to meet the growing demand for technical assistance.

Major constraints confronting fish culture development are:


1.    Extend the project for one year. This period should focus on the identification and training of, and supply of primary inputs to, low income farmers' groups. Secondarily, monitoring of secondary farmers should be implemented to assure the proper transfer of technology from model farmers.

2.    Following the extension, a new 4 year project should be funded. Its objectives would be to increase fry and fingerling production, particularly through the private sector, and extend fish culture to low income farmers' via farmers groups. The former would be done by upgrading provincial fish farms and promoting small scale hatchery development in the private sector at both entrepreneurial and farmer levels.

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