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5.0 Recommendations

LAO/89/003 should be extended one year and be followed by a new project which would address the major issues of fry and fingerling supply and extension of fish culture to the rural poor.

Provincial officials maintain that 3 to 5 more years of external assistance are necessary to put fish culture on a sustainable basis. Such a time frame would allow adequate monitoring of target and secondary farmers to insure that the proper culture protocols are disseminated by them. Concurrently, district and provincial staff would increase their practical experience. It would also allow time to establish fry and fingerling production in the private sector.

5.1 Extension of LAO/89/003

5.1.1 Justification

LAO/89/003 successfully introduced scientific fish culture to the country and developed an effective extension mechanism following national policy of the selection and training of target farmers.

The extension of fish culture to the rural poor was predicated on the formation of farmers' groups. Within the time frame and staff limitations of LAO/89/003 it was not possible to initiate the formation of these organizations. Consequently, fish culture has primarily benefitted middle income farmers.

Target farmers identified and trained during 1995 need continued monitoring to ensure the establishment of proper culture protocols. While the spinoff to secondary farmers from target farmers has been very effective, no monitoring of the latter was possible under LAO/89/003.

National funds, provincial and district staff are insufficient to continue the level of monitoring undertaken during the project. This monitoring must be continued if the momentum for the spread of fish culture is to be maintained.

5.1.2 Immediate objective one

Improve income and nutrition of low income farmers through the introduction of fish culture.

Success criteria: Integrated fish farming and rice-cum-fish culture established among low income farmers in each of the 10 targeted provinces of the project.

Problems of technology transfer to low income farmers identified and solutions proposed. Credit needs of low income fish farmers identified and communicated to Agriculture Promotion Bank.

Output 1.2: At least one low income farmers' group in each target province engaged in rice-cum-fish farming, pond culture or integrated aquaculture.

Activity 1.2.1: Formation of low income farmers' groups by project staff in collaboration with provincial and district extension officers and village chiefs.
1.2.2:Training farmers' groups through in situ courses and local study tours to model farmers.
1.2.3Provision of basic inputs to farmers' groups including nets, water pumps and fry for first stocking.
1.2.4Monitoring farmers' groups by extension and project staff.
1.2.5Credit needs analysis by extension staff and project personnel.
1.2.6National workshop on the formation of poor farmers groups for fish culture extension.

5.1.3 Immediate objective two

Strengthen the fish culture extension system at the village level.

Success criteria: Improved fish production among secondary farmers in each of the 10 targeted districts of the project.

Output 1.3: Monitoring system developed and implemented for secondary farmers.

Activity 1.3.1: Identification of secondary farmers, that is those farmers who learned fish culture from project model farmers.
1.3.2Fortnightly monitoring of selected secondary farmers.
1.3.3Identification of training needs and implementation of on-site training courses for secondary farmers in each target province.
1.3.4Feedback to model farmers through their participation in training and via extension staff.

Inputs 5.1

Government: NPD and support staff, extension personnel at provincial and district levels, office facilities, use of vehicles.

External donors/UNDP: Support for UNV, funding for travel, formation of farmers groups, training, project monitoring and evaluation. Budget allocation estimated at $150,000.

5.2 The need for a new fish culture extension project.

A one year extension of LAO/89/003 should be followed by a project of 3 years duration. This new project should be contiguous with the extension of LAO/89/003. The extension is designed as a bridge between the old and the new project to enable the momentum of LAO/89/003 to be carried into the new project.

The new project would continue the focus on extension of fish culture to farmers' groups. It would also address the problem of fry shortages through up grading of provincial fish farms and promotion of hatchery technology in the private sector.

The development objective will be to contribute to food self sufficiency, increase the income and nutrition of low income rural folk in Lao PDR through the expansion of fish culture in rural areas.

5.2.1 Immediate objective one

Increase the supply of quality fish fry and fingerlings produced by the public and private sectors.

Success criteria: Achievement of full capacity production of 3 –5 cm fry in provincial fish seed farms in 10 target provinces and the establishment of a new fish seed farm in Xekong Province. Operation of mini-hatcheries in the private sector. Increased fingerling production by the private sector in 10 target provinces.

Output 5.2.1 Physical improvements to hatchery infrastructure in 10 provincial fish farms.

Activity Installation of tube wells, pumps and overhead tanks at 10 provincial fish farms. of demonstration mini-hatcheries at the above provincial fish farms. On-the job training of fish farm staff in mini-hatchery operation. of hatchery buildings to improve hygiene. of improved brood stock of Chinese and Indian major carps and common carp. of depreciated equipment supplied under LAO/89/003 and LAO/82/014. and operation of a provincial fish seed farm in Xekong Province.

Output 5.2.2. Increased hatchery production by small scale private mini hatchery operators in 10 target provinces.

Activity Selection of target hatchery operators based on interest and ability to finance mini-hatchery. of mini-hatchery operators at provincial fish farms. of basic inputs like fry for brood stock development and hormones for startup operations. and technical backstopping of mini-hatchery operators.

Output 5.2.3. Commercial fingerling production by target farmers.

Activity Select target farmers with interest in fingerling production who have appropriate physical facilities (space for nursery ponds, existing nursery ponds, etc.) target farmers in fingerling production protocols in each of 10 targeted provinces. and technical backstopping for fingerling producers.

5.2.2 Immediate objective two.

Improve income and nutrition of low income farmers through the introduction of fish culture.

Success criteria: Integrated and pond fish farming and rice-cum-fish culture established among low income farmers in each of the 10 targeted provinces of the project. Problems of technology transfer to low income farmers identified and solutions proposed. Credit needs of low income fish farmers identified and communicated to Agriculture Promotion Bank.

Output 5.2.2: Low income farmers' group in each target province engaged in rice-cum-fish farming, pond culture or integrated aquaculture.

Activity Formation of low income farmers' groups by project staff in collaboration with provincial and district extension officers and village chiefs. farmers' groups through in situ courses and local study tours to model farmers., of basic inputs to farmers' groups including nets, water pumps and fry for first stocking. farmers' groups by extension and project staff. needs analysis by extension staff and project personnel. workshop on the formation of poor farmers groups for fish culture extension.

Inputs 5.2

Government: National project director and supporting staff, extension staff at provincial and district level, office space for UNV's at provincial level.

External donors/UNDP: Funds for support of UNV's, monitoring and training, upgrading of provincial fish farms, replacement of depreciated equipment supplied under LAO/89/003, twice yearly project monitoring and terminal project evaluation. Technical consultancy costs and provision of APO's. Estimated support required for 4 years is $1,000,000.

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