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Mail address GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601
Telephone +61 (6) 249-9111 Fax +61 (6) 249-9999 Telex AA62109
Cable BUROMIN E-mail [email protected] (Mr. Colin Simpson)

Sponsoring agency Department of Primary Industries and Energy
Nature National government
Mission Strategic geoscientific research, national geoscience database development
Financial support Government budget allocation (70%), external funds (30%)
Working languages English
Scope of interest Geological. geophysical and geochemical mapping; groundwater assessment and modeling; mineral/petroleum potential; resource assessment

Research program

Locations (1) Arid and semiarid zones (some 70% of continent), (2) Great Artesian Basin (underlies 20% of continent)
Subjects (1) Geological, geophysical and environmental mapping, (2) Groundwater resources and major aspects of systems operations
Status (1) Ongoing in certain areas, (2) Ongoing
Findings (2) Oldest water dated at 1.2 million years

Internal Organization
Chief official Mr. Harvey Jacka, Executive Director
Divisions (1) Environmental Geoscience & Groundwater, (2) Minerals, (3) Geophysical Observatories and Mapping, (4) Onshore Sedimentary & Petroleum, (5) information Systems, (6) Marine Geoscience & Petroleum
Division heads 11) Mr. Colin Simpson, (2) Dr. Lynton Jaques, (3) Dr. David Denham, (4) Dr. Tom Loutit. (5) Mr. David Berman, (6) Dr. Chris Pigram
Professional staff 200
Total staff 530

Library 15,000 monographs, 3,500 serial titles (2,500 current), 14,250 map sheets, 1,240,000 airphotos, 350 atlases; archive of AGSO/BMR Publications (approximately 38,500 volumes)
Computer catalog No, but holdings on-line via Australian Bibliographic Network
Local databases Central Register of Australian Stratigraphic Names
Formal networks Australian Bibliographic Network (ABN), ILANET, Internet
Exchange Facilities Subject to negotiation; some programs in place

Serials AUSCEO News, Research Newsletter, Work Program, Year Book (free; contact AGSO Sales Centre), AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics
Other Bulletins, reports, records, geological and geophysical maps, miscellaneous Publications, databases. digital data, seismic lines, etc.
Publications list Available in both paper and electronic formats

Established in 1946 as the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics; renamed and reorganized in 1992 as AGSO


Mail address c/o Department of Agriculture, University of Queensland, PO Box 4072, Queensland
Telephone +61 (7) 365-1670 Fax +61 (7) 365-2965

Sponsoring agency Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI), University of Queensland (UQ)
Nature Joint center between QDPI (state government agency) and UQ (academic)
Mission Research, extension, training
Financial support Aus$250,000 per annum core funding by sponsoring agencies; otherwise selt-funding through projects
Working languages English
Scope of interest Sustainable management of arid lands especially on a regional basis, risk analysis of management options, large-scale spatial modeling, integration of environmental and developmental priorities

Research program
Locations CIRM is a facilitation center working as a synergistic link between two major organizations, and CIRM core staff have a number of projects throughout the arid lands of both Queensland and the Northern Territory as well as being involved in continental scale modeling for drought risk; CIRM is also involved in the psych-economic inputs necessary for the development of sustainable land use in Australia's arid lands

Internal Organization
Chief official CIRM is administered under a management committee by two coordinators, Dr. John J. Mott and Dr. David Gramshaw, who represent the two sponsoring organizations
Divisions Arid Land Management, Integrated Catchment Management, Rural/Urban Interactions, Risk Analysis and Spatial Modeling
Professional staff 6 core staff, project staff as needed
Total staff 8 core staff, project staff as needed

Office Offices and laboratories as needed by projects
Library Operational Library only in CIRM; both parent organizations have large libraries with free access and computerized catalogs
Subcenters Experimental Sites throughout northern Australia
Exchange Facilities Visiting scientists welcome, mechanisms for Exchange being developed

Serials Newsletter being developed
Other Some texts in preparation

Established in May 1993; previous name Centre for Sustainable Agriculture and Resource Management


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)

Mail address GPO Box 350, Adelaide, SA 5001
Telephone +61(8)303-8600 Fax +61(8)303-8601

Nature National government
Mission Research
Financial support Government, private industry
Working languages English
Scope of interest Horticulture, particularly improvement of domestic woody perennial horticultural crops

Research program
Locations Adelaide, South Australia; Merbein, Victoria; Darwin, Northern Territory; Brisbane, Queensland; Sydney, New South Wales
Subjects Plant breeding technology, genetic aspects of plant nutrition, reproductive biology, photosynthesis controls, genome interaction in higher plants, postharvest technology
Status Ongoing


Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Elizabeth Williams, Chief of Division
Divisions 2 Research programs (1) Crop Improvement, (2) Crop Management
Division heads Program Managers (1) Dr. Nigel Scott. (2) Dr. Rob Walker
Professional staff 35
Total staff 100

Office Laboratories and glasshouses in Adelaide and Merbein; wine grape laboratory with small-scale vinification equipment in Merbein; shared laboratory Facilities in Darwin and Brisbane
Library 2,800 books, 10,000 periodicals, 255 journal subscriptions; emphasis on plant sciences, particularly horticulture, with some items on irrigation and agricultural engineering

Serials Biennial report or equivalent
Other Booklets on fruit varieties and cultivation
Publications list Available

Established in 1919 as Viticultural Research Station, Merbein; taken over by Council for Scientific anti Industrial Research in 1927 and renamed Commonwealth Research Station, Merbein; renamed Horticultural Research Section and Headquarters Laboratory in 1962 and established in Adelaide; in 1967 became CSIRO Division of Horticultural Research; renamed Division of Horticulture in 1988


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

Mail address PMB 2, Glen Osmond, SA 5064
Telephone +61 (8) 303-8400 Fax +61 (8) 303-8550 Telex 82406AA

Nature National government
Mission Research to support the profitable and sustainable rnanagernent of Australia's soil and land by studying the distribution, properties anti behavior of Australian soils and encouraging application of this knowledge
Financial support Treasury, private consulting contracts
Working languages English
Scope of interest Soil resources assessment and land evaluation, soil organisms and role in plant growth, soil fertility, environmental protection and land rehabilitation, erosion control

Research program
Locations Adelaide, Canberra, Perth, Townsville
Subjects See Scope of interest
Findings Published in Annual Reports of CSIRO Division of Soils

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Roger Swift, Chief
Divisions (1) Soils and Land Resources, (2) Environmental Quality, (3) Rural Production
Division heads (1) Dr. Colin Charters, (2) Dr. Tony Milnes, (3) Dr. Doug Reuter
Professional staff Approximately 80
Total staff Approximately 180

Office Laboratory for Rural Research. Perth; Davies Laboratory, Queensland; soils laboratories, Adelaide and Canberra; and experimental areas usually leased from private landowners or Other government departments
Library Library of 15,000 books and 650 journal titles, specializing in soil science; also strong in land use, conservation and environmental issues
Computer catalog Yes, using GEAC
Remote access Available
Computer searches Available
Formal networks CSIRO Library Network, ABN (Australian Bibliographic Network), AARNet, Internet
Subcenters Canberra laboratory: Black Mountain, GPO Box 639, Canberra, ACT 2601, (Telephone +61 (06) 246-5942, Fax +61 (06) 246-5'365, Telex 61452); Perth laboratory Laboratory for Rural Research, Underwood Avenue, Floreat Pk. Private Bag PO, Wembley, WA 6014, (Telephone +61 (09) 387-0200, Fax +61 (09) 387-8991); Davies Laboratory Private Mail Bag, Post Office, Aitkenvale, Queensland 48 14, (Telephone +61 (077) 719-511, Telex 47181 )
Local networks Yes
Exchange Facilities Several scholarships, awards and opportunities for exchanges exist; contact Personnel Manager, CSIRO Division of Soils

Serials Annual reports
Publications list Available; contact Soils Division Library, Adelaide

Established in 1945


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

Mail address PO Box 84, Lyneham ACT 2602
Telephone +61(6)242-1600 Fax +61 (6) 241-3343

Nature National government
Mission Research
Financial support 75% direct government support, 25% commercial and indirect government support
Working languages English
Scope of interest Rehabilitation, assessment, grazing management, degradation, conservation. livestock, wildlife, fire, weeds

Research program

Locations Various
Subjects Range management for integrating production and conservation, strategies to rehabilitate degraded landscapes. grazing management and production efficiency of arid rangelands, management of arid Australian ecosystems for tourism, land degradation and its management in arid and semiarid Australia
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Brian Walker, Chief
Professional staff 90
Total staff 260

Library Research collection of 17,000 monographs and 700 periodicals, with strengths in conservation biology, ecology, wildlife management, rangelands management, natural resource management, vertebrate pest control, mammalogy and ornithology
Computer catalog Yes; part of a CSIRO-wide Library network using GEAC 9000
Remote access Available
Formal networks AARNET, Internet
Subcenters Regional laboratories in Perth, Alice Springs, Darwin, and Atherton
Exchange Facilities Ad hoc

Mainly scientific journal Publications and reports
Publications list Available

Established in 1949; renamed in 1987


Mail address Headquarters: c/o Dr. E. J. Heidecker, 39 Norman Street, Fig Tree Pocket, Queensland 4069
Telephone +61 (7) 378-3215 Pax +61 (7) 365-1277 (University of Queensland, which will forward as appropriate)

Sponsoring agency None, but collaborates with Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage in historical research
Nature Private, but with research associations with the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia
Mission Extension of organic landscaping research in a historical Australian garden
Financial support Private, plus sale of organic foods
Working languages English
Scope of interest Hydrogeology, control of dryland leaching, water retention, use of dryland tree legumes (particularly Tamarindus), dryland apiculture with Trigona, historical and visionary aspects of "station" gardens in the Outback of tropical dry Queensland


Research program
Locations Dalrymple Gardens, in Dalrymple National Park on the Burdekin River in seasonally arid tropical northern Queensland, 50 km north of Charters Towers
Subjects Tree legumes (Tamarindus), controlling leaching, water retention, heat, nutrition; historical and visionary aspects of dryland station gardens; apiculture, management of melliferous flora, along with drainage management
Status Ongoing
Findings An organic system based on tree legumes favors retention of water and nutrients; dryland management depends on apiculture and ground birds to control insects; volcanism (Recent) has influenced groundwater, drainage and mineral health (silica) in a profound way

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Eric Heidecker

The site of the first inland settlement in northern Australia in 1862, surveyed as an administration center in 1864; abandoned, then Gainsford Station with the Gardens was established as a Kew-style gardens in 1924; abandoned again in 1946, then redeveloped as a dryland research garden in 1969


New South Wales Department of Conservation and Land Management (CaLM)

Mail address PO Box 77, Condobolin NSW 2877
Telephone +61 (68) 952-033 Fax +61 (68) 953-406

Nature New South Wales (NSW) state government
Mission Research, extension
Financial support NSW government
Working languages English
Scope of interest Rangeland management, rangeland monitoring, soil erosion control, land rehabilitation, erosion process research, grazing management, natural resource management

Research program
Locations Western Division of New South Wales
Subjects Wind erosion, restoration ecology, native species ecology, soil crusts, salinity management, economics of rangelands
Status Ongoing
Findings Principles established for wind erosion management, scald reclamation waterponding, drought management, economics, nondomestic animal management, woody weed ecology and control

Internal Organization
Chief official Peter Davey. Regional Director, Western Region; Warrick Watkins, Director General of CaLM, Sydney
Divisions (1) Soil Conservation Service, (2) Crown Land Services
Division heads Regional Managers: (1 ) D.R. Green, (2) D.A. Campbell

Office Laboratory at Condobolin
Library Regional reference library
Computer catalog Yes, using Pro-Cite
Subcenters Regional Office - Dubbo; Subregional Office - Condobolin; District offices Condobolin, Nyngan, Bourke, Walgett, Hay Buronga, Gobar and Broken Hill; Head office: CaLM, PO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001, (Telephone +61 (02)2286111, Fax +61(02)228-6140)
Local networks Yes
Exchange Facilities By negotiation on case-by-case basis

Serials Soil Notes, Range Notes, Technical Review Series, Western Division Newsletter (on request, no subscription available)
Other Land system maps and reports, Management Burn Manual, Property Planning Handbook, and others
Publications list Available

Since 1991, incorporates NSW Soil Conservation Service (established 1939) and Western Lands ComMission (established 1901)


Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries

Mail address PO Box 8760, Alice Springs, NT 0871
Telephone +61 (89) SIX-111 Fax +61 (89) 518-112 Telex 81222AA

Nature Regional government
Mission Research, extension
Working languages English
Scope of interest Animal health, horticulture, range management, animal husbandry, weed control, industry assistance, quarantine

Research program
Locations Central Australia
Subjects Animal production, with emphasis on breeder fertility, animal selection and artificial breeding programs; disease investigation; horticulture, including native cut flowers; range management studies, including effects of grazing pressure, significance of rabbits, use of fire as control of excessive populations of trees and shrubs, control and monitoring of weed species Status Ongoing
Findings Methods of disease eradication in cattle

Internal Organization
Chief official Secretary, Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries; Director, Alice Springs
Total staff

Office Offices, laboratories, field Facilities
Library 850 journal titles (300 current), 5,000 monographs, photographs, slides, reports, videos
Computer catalog Yes, using Datatrek
Computer searches Available
Local databases Departmental Publications indexed for Australian Bibliography of Agriculture
Subcenters Ti Tree Research Farm, Horticulture Research Station
Exchange Facilities Limited

Serials Alice Springs Rural Review (write to be included on free mailing list)
Other Technical bulletins, Ag notes, Tech notes
Publications list Available

Established in 1947 as Northern Territory Animal Industry and Agriculture Branch


Northern Territory Government, Power and Water Authority

Mail address PO Box 1096, Darwin, NT 0801
Telephone +61 (89)827-234
Fax + 6l(89)410-703

Nature Regional government
Mission Resource management, research, extension
Financial support Government appropriation, cost recovery
Working languages English
Scope of interest Resource assessment, sustainable water resources management

Research program
Locations Arid land-related research is conducted in the arid southern half of Australia's Northern Territory, by the regional Office in Alice Springs
Subjects Mainly resource sustainability projects for community water supplies; also regional resource investigation and monitoring
Status Varies; ongoing program
Findings Large groundwater storages, long residence times; infrequent recharge, occurring after extreme rainfall; high natural nitrate concentrations in groundwater

Internal Organization
Chief official Mr. N. A. Watson, Director of Water Resources Division; Mr. Peter McDonald, Water Resources Manager South (Regional office, Alice Springs)
Divisions Resource Management, Drilling/Bore Testing, Laboratory, Administration
Professional staff 6 at regional office
Total staff 25 at regional office

Office 900mē
Library Small technical library, plus collection of internal reports going back to 1 955
Computer catalog VAX/VMS (text editor only); database not yet developed
Computer searches Available on request
Subcenters Regional office: PO Box 1521, Alice Springs, NT 0871
Local networks Yes
Exchange Facilities No formal Facilities/programs

Serials Waterwise (monthly newsletter)
Other Maps, technical reports, Other Publications
list Available on request

Established in 1955


Queensland Department of Lands, Land Protection Branch

Mail address PO Box 187, Charters Towers, Queensland 4820
Telephone +61 (77)873-300 Fax +61 (77) 873-969

Nature Regional government
Mission Research, extension
Financial support Regional government, external funding from private and government services Working languages English
Scope of interest Agronomy, entomology, zoology, ecology, extension, exotic tropical weeds and feral animals with emphasis on IPM

Research program
Locations North Queensland coastal lands and rangelands
Subjects Main weed species: Cryptostegia grandiflora, Acacia nitotica, Mimosa invisa, Lantana camara, Parthenium hysterophorus, Prosopis spp., Ziziphus rnauritania, Thunbergia grandiflora
Status Ongoing
Findings Management strategies for Cryptostegia grandiflora; chemical control for Thunbergia grandiflora

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Ross Hynze, Director, Research
Divisions (1) Entomology, (2) Agronomy, (3) Ecology, (4) Zoology, (5) Extension
Division heads (1) Marie Vitelli, (2) Joe Vitelli, (3) Mirranie Barker, (4) Jim Mitchell, (5) Keith Noble
Professional staff
Total staff 19

Office Laboratories and glasshouses for chemical, biological and ecological weed control research
Library Small focused library
Exchange Facilities Visitors welcome, but no special funding available

Serials Annual reports, free extension leaflets
Publications list Available

Established in 1985


Queensland Government

Mail address GPO Box 46, Brisbane 4001, Queensland
Telephone +61 (7) 239-31 1 1, 239-3320 Fax +61 (7) 239-6221 Telex 41620

Nature Regional government
Mission Research, extension, regulation, forestry production, water conservation
Financial support Consolidated revenue, Wool Research and Development Corporation, Meat Research Corporation, Land and Water Research and Development Corporation
Working languages English
Scope of interest Pasture agronomy, woody weed control, animal husbandry, animal nutrition, sustainable land management

Research program
Subjects Pasture agronomy, woody weeds, animal husbandry, animal nutrition, sustainable land management, land reclamation
Findings Contact officer-in-charge at relevant center

Internal Organization
Chief official Mr. T. Fenwick, Director-General
Divisions Agricultural Production, Agribusiness, Land Use and Fisheries, Forest Service, Water Resources, Corporate Services
Professional staff 3,500
Total staff 4,500-45% in research and resource activities, 10% in full-time extension, 20% in administration, 25% in regulatory and service work

Office Office and laboratory space at each location
Library Small libraries at each location; large central Library in Brisbane
Computer catalog Yes, using Oracle
Remote access Available
Computer searches Available
Formal networks AARNET
Subcenters Regional Office at Longreach; experimental areas at Charleville, Toorak and Longreach; Other Sites on graziers' properties
Exchange Facilities Office and laboratory Facilities available for limited number of visiting scientists, single quarters at Toorak

Serials Annual reports, regional and industry newsletters, marketing newsletters, business group and program reports
Other Technical monographs, wide range of Publications
list Available; contact Manager, Information Services

Toorak Sheep Field Research Station founded in 1951; Charleville Pastoral Laboratory founded in 1968; Arid Zone Research Institute (Longreach) opened in 1988


University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Mail address Via Broken Hill, New South Wales 2880
Telephone +61 (80)912-511 Fax +61 (80)912-510

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Financial support Farming, UNSW grant
Working languages English
Scope of interest Livestock, wildlife, remote sensing, water resources, erosion

Research program
Locations Fowlers Gap
Subjects Sheep, kangaroos

Internal Organization
Chief official Officer-in-Charge
Total staff 3 full-time, I permanent part-thee, 3 casual

Library 1,000 items
Serials Annual reports, research series

Established in 1966 as Station of University of New South Wales; previously under control of Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales


University of Western Australia

Mail address Hackett Drive, Crawley, Perth, Western Australia 6009
Telephone +61 (9) 380-3769 Fax +61 (9) 380-1029
E-mail [email protected] (Professor S.D. Bradshaw)

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Financial support Federal funding
Working languages English
Scope of interest Adaptation of native fauna

Research program
Locations Pilbara region of NW state, Barrow Island, Rottnest Island, Garden Island
Subjects Vertebrate ecophysiology
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Professor S.D.Bradshaw
Professional staff 9
Total staff 27

Office New building (three stories)
Library Access to University Library
Computer catalog Yes
Remote access Available
Computer searches Available
Formal networks AARNET, Internet
Subcenters Harry Waring Marsupial Reserve, Rottnest Island Research Station, Garden Island Research Station, Pemberton Research Station
Exchange Facilities Avail able

list Available

University founded in 1913; Zoology Department established in 1923


University of Western Australia
FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE Nedlands, Western Australia 6009

Telephone +61(9)380-2565 Fax +61(9)380-1002

Nature Academic
Mission Teaching, research
Financial support Australian government, external research agencies
Working languages English
Scope of interest Agricultural economics; natural resource economics; management of bioeconomic systems; applied statistics and econometrics; grain marketing; plant breeding, especially legumes; weed and pasture plant biology, especially legumes; ecology of natural resource management; genetic resources; population genetics of pasture and weed ecosystems; reproduction biology of Australian plants; soil physics, especially physicochemical soil processes; soil chemistry; pedology, especially properties and development of' west Australian soils; mineralogy; soil microbiology, especially ecology of symbiotic soil microorganisms; plant nutrition; plant pathology, especially Rhizoctonia; nutrition, physiology and reproduction of sheep (also Other animals including pigs, goats, emus, deer, marron); improvement, management and physiology of new horticultural crops; physiology of fruit, vegetable and vine crops

Research program
Locations University of Western Australia
Subjects Major topics include: Bio-economic modeling for pest and wildlife management, studies of soil water availability using computer-assisted tomography, mobility of pesticides in soil and groundwater contamination, soil microbiology for revegetation, managing soil fertility for sustainable production, development of' management strategies for sheep production in south Western Australia. dynamic modeling of dryland salinity abatement. anti work on possible dryland crops and forage plants at the Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture


Internal Organization
Chief official Professor Bob Lindner, Executive Dean
Divisions Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Plant Sciences, Animal Science, Agricultural & Resource Economics. Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, Centre for Premium Quality Wool
Division heads Dr. L. Abbott (E-mail: [email protected]), Dr. 1. Williams (E-mail. [email protected]), Professor P. Cocks (E-mail [email protected]), A/Professor R. Fraser (E-mail: [email protected])
Professional staff 28 teaching and research academic staff, 12 research-only academic staff
Total staff 106


Office Offices, well-equipped laboratories for a wide range of activities, glasshouses, field station, animal house, farm Facilities
Library Well-equipped Library funded by the University, with extensive monograph collection and subscriptions to leading journals in key disciplines
Computer catalog Yes, using INNOPAC
Remote access Available
Computer searches Available
Formal networks AARNet, Internet
Subcenters Field station 15 km from center of Perth, Allendale Farm 60 km east of Perth
Exchange Facilities Visiting scientists (e.g., study team opportunities) and collaborative research actively encouraged; the University financially supports a distinguished visitors program

Books published include: Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiencies: Subterranean Clover and Wheat (1983), Reproduction in Sheep (1984), Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiencies: Lupins (1986), Symptoms of Nutrient Disorders: Faba Beans and Field Peas (1991)

Faculty of Agriculture established in 1936


Western Australian Department of Agriculture

Mail address Baron-Hay Court, South Perth 6151, Western Australia
Telephone +61 (9) 368-3333 Fax +61 (9) 474-3759 Telex 93304AA

Nature Regional government
Mission Extension, market development, research
Financial support Government, industry
Working languages English
Scope of interest Livestock management; rangeland management, ecology and monitoring; remote sensing

Research program
Locations Various, throughout Western Australia
Subjects (1) Arid shrubland management, (2) fire ecology in tropical grasslands, (3) use of remote sensing for monitoring rangeland condition change
Status (1) Complete, (2-3) ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. M. D. Carroll
Divisions Corporate Services, Animal Industries, Plant Industries, Policy Analysis and Industry Development, Regional Operations
Professional staff 18
Total staff 38

Office Shared with Other sections of the Department
Library Central shared facility
Subcenters Kununurra Regional Office (Frank Wise Research Station, Kununurra, WA 7643; Mr. J. Morrissey, Regional Manager); Carnarvon Regional Office (Department of Agriculture, Carnarvon, WA 6701; Mr. T. Hill, Regional Manager)
Exchange Facilities Limited; occasional sabbaticals

Serials Journal of the Western Australian Department of Agriculture
Other Technical bulletins, rangeland resource surveys
Publications list Available

Established in 1894