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Agricultural Research Centre

Mail address 9 Cairo University Street, Giza
Telephone +20 (2) 572-0608, 572-5549, 723-000 Fax +20 (2) 572-0608

Sponsoring agency Ministry of Agriculture
Nature National government
Mission Research
Financial support Government funds
Working languages Arabic
Scope of interest Desertification, energy, remote sensing, renewable natural resources

Research program
Locations Middle delta of Nile, desert area (Nubaria)
Subjects Farm water management studies in the Nile Delta, joint research and development project on composite water-holding substances for arid regions
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. N. M. El-Mowelhi, Director
Divisions Soils Survey, Soil Amelioration, Soils Chemistry and Physics, Plant Nutrition, Crop Water Requirement, Agricultural Microbiology, Land Drainage, Sandy and Calcareous Soils, Saline and Alkali Soils
Division heads Drs. M. El-Nahal, M. Abd El-Mottaleb, Awatif A. Wahdan, A. Mammai, H. Eid, M. Hassan, M. Moukhtar, M. Abd El-Naim, Salma Gawail
Professional staff
Total staff 614

Office 50 offices, 175 laboratories
Library Collection covering 40 topics, with 1,316 books, 183 references, 52 periodicals, 275 PhD theses, 330 MSc theses
Subcenters 13 regional experimental stations covering the Nile Delta, desert area, upper and lower Egypt
Exchange Facilities The institute encourages the Exchange of scientists with Other international institutions

Established in 1903 as Department of Agricultural Chemistry; reorganized in 1957 to concentrate on soils and renamed General Directorate of Soils; obtained current name in 1971


Alexandria University, Botany Department

Mail address Moharram Bey, Alexandria
Telephone +20(3)229-19 Telex 54467 UNIVY UN

Nature Academic
Mission Ecological research
Scope of interest Vegetation, nutrients, hand use, mapping and cartography, phytogeography, coastal deserts, crop protection, biomes

Research program
Subjects Vegetation analysis, nutrient cycling, land use maps, phytosociology, crop production modeling in northwestern coastal desert of Egypt

Internal Organization
Chief official Plant Ecologist
Professional staff 12

Office Ecology laboratory
Subcenters Burg El Arab, Omyed (biosphere reserve)

Progress reports

University established in 1942


American University in Cairo

Mail address 24 Falaki Street, Falaki Building, Bab El-Louk. PO Box 251 1, Cairo
Telephone +20(2)357-6330 Fax +20(2)355-7565 Telex 92224 AUCAI UN
Cable VICTORIOUS E-mail [email protected]

Nature International, private, academic
Mission Research, extension, training
Financial support Grants, consultancies
Working languages English, Arabic
Scope of interest Desert agriculture and irrigation management, desert technology and renewable energy, desert communities, socioeconomics and environmental impacts of development

Research program
Locations South Tahrir and Sadat City Sites, between Cairo and Alexandria
Subjects Desert farming systems; horticulture, including selection and management of appropriate varieties and species; animal husbandry; agroforestry; training. socioeconomic aspects of desert development; on-farm research and demonstration; solar, wind, biogas applications; on-site demonstrations of alternative model farms for new farmers and for agribusiness
Status Ongoing
Findings Identified and evaluated crop rotations appropriate for sandy soils, fertilizer and water requirements, irrigation, and management for various crops; completed building based on passive solar architecture; all activities being assessed economically and socially

Internal Organization
Chief official Professor M. Hosny El-Lakany, Director
Divisions Units of Desert Agriculture, Desert Technology and Renewable Energy, Desert Community, Training
Division heads M.R. El-Amir, Head, Desert Community Unit; H. Nabil, Head, Training Unit
Professional staff 20 (FTE)
Total staff 70

Office 250 mē of Office space, 210 ha of plots
Library Interdisciplinary collection on desert agriculture, renewable energy, architecture and socioeconomics at Sadat City
Computer catalog Yes, using DOBIS/LIBIS
Remote access Available
Computer searches Available
Formal networks BITNET
Subcenters South Tahrir: desert agriculture using conventional techniques; Sadat City: desert agriculture using nonconventional techniques (solar pumping and irrigation)
Local networks Yes
Exchange Facilities Available for funded scientists from Other agencies

Serials Desert Development Digest (free newsletter); Advances in Desert and Arid Land Technology and Development
Other Advances in Casuarina Research and Utilization, Proceedings of the Second International Casuarina Workshop
Publications list Available

Established in 1979; previous name, Desert Development Demonstration and Training Project


Cairo University

Mail address University of Cairo Post Office, Giza 12613
Telephone +20 (2) 727-022,727-213, 727-364 Fax +20 (2) 628-884, 727-556

Nature National government, academic
Mission Research, instruction
Financial support Government
Working languages Arabic, English
Scope of interest Desertification, renewable natural resources, wildlife

Research program
Locations Eastern and western deserts (phytogeographical affinities), Sinai Peninsula, the oases, the Nile-land
Subjects Systematic revisions, floristic studies, phytogeographical affinities, conservation measures, ethnobotanical and archaeobotanical research, biodiversity of the flora of Egypt
Status Ongoing
Findings 75% of flowering plants systematically revised, in preparation for a modern flora of Egypt; Volume I of a Plant Red Data Book of Egypt published 1992; archaeobotanical research in progress, in preparation for a historical flora of Egypt

Internal Organization
Chief official Prof. Dr. M. Nabil El Hadidi, Keeper of the Herbarium
Professional staff 16
Total staff 20

Library 12,000 books, 200 specialized periodicals, 750,000 reprints, maps, pamphlets, 750,000 microfiches
Subcenters Desert Research Station, Km. 34, Cairo-Suez Desert Road

Serials Publications of Cairo University Herbarium, continued as Taeckholmia
Other Annotated List of the Flora of Sinai (ea. M.N. El Hadidi), published as Taeckholmia /2 (1989); The Plant Red Data Book of Egypt. 1. Woody Perennials (1992); The Date Palm: A Boon for Mankind (Egyptian Studies Association no. 2, 1990); A Key to Egyptian Grasses, 1992
Publications list Available

Founded in 1925 as Herbarium of Egyptian University



Mail address Salah Salem Rd., Post Bag Ataba No. 11511, Abbassiya, Cairo
Telephone +20(2)831-242 Fax +20(2)820-128 Telex 22695 UN GEOSU

Sponsoring agency Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources
Nature National government
Mission Research
Financial support Government
Working languages Arabic, English
Scope of interest Remote sensing for natural mineral, ore, and groundwater resources in the Egyptian territories, regional geological mapping, mineral prospecting, evaluation of mineral deposits, granting mineral exploration and exploitation rights

Research program
Locations (1) Throughout Egypt, (2) Dahsour area, (3) Sinai Peninsula, (4) Eastern Desert and Sinai Peninsula
Subjects (1) Exploration and evaluation of mineral and ore resources, (2) study of earthquake of 12 October 1992, (3) exploration of ores for energy production and of groundwater, (4) geological and geophysical mapping
Status Ongoing
Findings (1) Gold, tin, copper, etc. are promising; (2) earthquake occurred at full moon, epicenter depth was 10-15 km, vertical acceleration was 15.034 cm/secē; (3) Coal seams exist at 700 m depth, and rechargeable groundwater aquifers have been located; (4) 800 sq km have been mapped

Internal Organization
Chief official
Gaber Naim, Geologist, Chairman of the Board
Divisions Information and Documentation Center, and Departments of: Regional Geology, Geophysics, Drilling and Mining Works, Projects, Assessment of Ores, Exploration, Central Laboratories, Mines and Quarries, Planning and Follow-up, Companies, Technical Cooperation
Professional staff
Total staff 2,687

Office Laboratories for chemistry, mineralogy, ore dressing, photogeology, cartography; geological museum
Library 82,000 Publications
Computer catalog Yes, using BRS Search System
Computer searches Available
Local databases Mineral databases
Subcenters Marsa Alam, El Fayum Center
Exchange Facilities A vail able

195 Publications, 40 maps
Publications list Available

Established in 1896 as Geological Survey


Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation DESERT RESEARCH CENTER

Mail address I Mathaf El Mataria St., Mataria, PO Box 11753, Cairo
Telephone +20 (2)243-5449 Fax +20 (2) 245-7858

Nature National government
Mission Research, extension
Financial support Governmental
Working languages Arabic, English
Scope of interest Renewable natural resources, range management, agronomy, horticulture, livestock management and production, remote sensing

Research program
Locations Northwestern and eastern coast, eastern and western deserts, Sinai Peninsula, Sewa, New Valley, Upper Egypt
Subjects Exploration and evaluation of desert aquifers; development of productive and test water wells; groundwater monitoring in desert and newly reclaimed areas; surveying and evaluation of surface water in coastal regions; management of newly reclaimed desert soils with respect to their agricultural use and development; performance trials of field, fodder, fruit and vegetable crops; formulation of agricultural practices, cropping systems and farming types under different desert conditions; protection and improvement of range forage resources; increasing productivity of animals subjected to constraints of desert conditions; socioeconomic studies (in desert governorates and newly reclaimed regions) in the fields of marketing, cooperatives, settlement and labor; monitoring and control of desertification; establishment of greenbelts around newly constructed cities, roads and factories
Status Some completed, some ongoing
Findings Development of leguminous and cereal plants for production in desert soils, by means of biofertilization techniques; development of sand dune fixation techniques with wood, fodder and economic plants; development of medicines from desert plants

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. M.A. Etman, Professor and President of the Center
Divisions Divisions of Water Resources and Desert Soils, Ecology and Cultivation of Arid l ends, Animal and Poultry Production, Socioeconomic Studies
Division heads Prof. Dr. Tomader T. El Hadidy, Prof. Dr. A.M. Hegazi, Prof. Dr. R.A. Gurgis, Prof. Dr. Salah El Zoughby
Professional staff 275
Total staff 1,150

Office 100 mē Office space, 88 mē laboratory space
Library Moderate-sized collection
Subcenters Maryout Research Station. near Alexandria; Ras Sudr Research Station, South Sinai; El Sheikh Zwied Research Station, North Sinai; El Maghara Research Station, Central Sinai
Exchange Facilities Exchange Facilities and programs are available for visiting scientists from different countries all over the world

Serials Desert Institute Bulletin (biannual); series of special Publications including detailed scientific reports in various fields of desert research
Publications list Available

Established in 1937 as the Fouad Desert Research Institute; name changed in 1951 to Desert Research Institute; obtained present name in 1990


Ministry of Scientific Research

Mail address 101, Kasr El Eini St., Cairo
Telephone +20 (2) 354-0173, 355-7110 Fax +20 (2) 355-7110
Telex 93069 ASRT UN

Nature National government
Mission Application of remote sensing and GIS in the study of natural resources
Financial support Governmental and contractual
Working languages English, Arabic
Scope of interest Remote sensing, natural resources, desertification, GIS

Research program
Locations Covering the whole area of Egypt
Subjects Application of remote sensing and GIS techniques to the study of mineral and water resources, environmental problems, mapping and surveying
Status Ongoing
Findings Identifying factors affecting desertification, areas vulnerable to floods in differing degrees, some promising areas for mineral production, target areas suitable for development

Internal Organization
Chief official Prof. Dr. Engr. Mohamed Abdel Hady, President and Chairman of the Board; Prof. Dr. Hussein A. Younes, Vice President
Divisions Departments of Geology, Soil, Agriculture Applications, Survey and Photogrammetry, Computer Image Processing; Photo Laboratory
Division heads Dr. Maged L. El Rakaiby, Head, Geology Department; Dr. Hoda Onsi, Head, Computer Department
Professional staff 30
Total staff 180

Office 25 offices, 6 laboratories (computer, survey and photogrammetry, geology, soil, agriculture, photographic and measurements)
Library Multidisciplinary collection of documents, reports and maps, 2,500 textbooks, periodicals, photographs, atlases, slides
Exchange Facilities Available

Serials Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing
Other Space atlases, maps (geological, drainage, soil, land use), project reports
Publications list Available

Established in 1971 as Remote Sensing Center; changed to current name in 1991


National Research Centre

Mail address Al-Tahrir Street, Dokki, Cairo
Nature National government

Mission Pure and applied research
Scope of interest Soil classification, drainage, degradation, salinity, fertility; nitrogen fixation; remote sensing; irrigation systems

Research program
Locations Wadi El Natroun, Siwa Oasis, Monayef Oasis, Mariout, Nile delta, Enshas
Subjects Soil survey, water requirements study, drainage efficiency evaluation, evaluation of efficiency and economics of sprinkler irrigation, remote sensing techniques in agriculture

Internal Organization
Chief official Director
Professional staff 31

Library National Research Centre Library has 12,000 volumes

Serials Scientific Review of the National Research Centre (quarterly)

National Research Centre was established in 1939 and began operation in 1947; Soil and Water Laboratory created in 1956


University of Assiat, Aswan Branch

Mail address Faculty of Science, University of Assiut, Aswan
Telephone +20 (97) 480-446, 480-447 Fax +20 (97) 312-760

Nature Academic
Mission Research, education
Financial support UNEP, British Council, Supreme Council of Universities, International Development Research Centre, USAID
Working languages Arabic, English, Russian
Scope of interest Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in hyper-arid environments, conservation, sustainable development

Research program
Locations Wadi Allaqi/Lake Nasser area
Subjects Ecological studies on the main components (biotic and abiotic) of arid ecosystems, impact of man on the desert environment, conservation of desert lands and biodiversity, rangeland management, agriculture, renewable energy, hydrogeology

Internal Organization
Chief official Professor A.E. Belal, Director, Unit of Environmental Studies and Development
Professional staff 5 professionals working in desertification control or dryland development
Total staff 34 (part-time)

Subcenters Field station in Wadi Allaqi, 170 km south of Aswan: experimental farm for cultivation of desert trees

Wadi Allaqi eco-development working papers, technical reports, articles

Wadi Allaqi project established in 1988


Water Research Center

Mail address PO Box 13621/5, Delta Barrage, Kanater, Cairo
Telephone +20 (2) 218-9383, 218-9841 Fax +20 (2) 218-9153
Telex 20275 WRC UN E-mail [email protected] (central address, National Water Research Institute; use subject line to direct to specific recipient)

Sponsoring agency Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources
Nature National government
Mission Research
Financial support Egyptian government, joint foreign projects
Working languages Arabic, English
Scope of interest Agricultural land drainage, water management, water resources, environmental engineering, hydraulics, soil physics, soil science

Research program
Locations Nile Delta of Egypt
Subjects Drainage technology and criteria, reuse of drainage water for irrigation, environmental impact of drainage water reuse on soils and crops, application of mathematical models in the field of irrigation and drainage
Status Ongoing
Findings Introduction of modern techniques in the field of drainage and implementation, development of criteria for drainage water reuse in irrigation, development of mathematical model for simulating water management, determination of the impact of drainage on water table, soils and crop yields

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Safwat Abdel-Dayem, Associate Professor, Director Divisions (1) Open Drainage Division, (2) Covered Drainage Division, (3) Economic Evaluation, (4) Special Studies Unit, (5) Laboratory Unit
Division heads (1) Dr. Shaden Abdel Gawad, Associate Professor; (2) Dr. M. Bakr Abdel Ghani, Senior Researcher; (3) Dr. Nadia El-Bahnasawi, Senior Researcher; (4) Eng. Mohamed Essa, Researcher; (5) Dr. Gamal Abdel-Nasser, Senior Researcher
Professional staff 63
Total staff 117

Office 710 mē Office space; 150 mē laboratory space
Library About 450 books, periodicals, journals, proceedings, technical reports
Local databases Monthly and annual drainage water quantity and quality
Formal networks EGYPTNET, Bitnet
Subcenters Nile Delta regions
Exchange Facilities Avail able

Serials Technical papers and reports
Other Textbook on land drainage in Egypt
Publications list Available

Established in 1975