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University of Göttingen, Faculty of Agriculture

Mail address Grisebachstrasse 6, D-37077 Göttingen
Telephone +49(551)393-752 Fax +49(551)393-759 Telex 96703 unigoe

Nature National government, academic
Mission Teaching, research
Financial support Government, grants
Working languages English, German
Scope of interest Agronomy, horticulture, sustainability, land use systems

Research program
Locations Göttingen, Germany; Belém, Brazil; IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria; Hisar, India; CIMMYT, Mexico; Evora, Portugal
Subjects Use of secondary forests, soil biology, nitrogen fixation, nitrogen efficiency, phosphorus-efficient varieties of wheat
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Prof. Dr. P.L.G. Vlek
Professional staff 6
Total staff 10

Office In Göttingen, 10 offices, 5 laboratories (chemical and botanical), greenhouses, workshop
Library Special collection with 3,300 monographs, cat 70 current journals, 7,000 reprints, documentation on useful tropical plants
Computer catalog Yes, using DBaselV
Local databases Extensive database on tropical and subtropical crops

Serials Göttinger Beiträge zur Land- und Forstwirtschart in den Tropen und Subtopen
Publications list Available from Verlag Erich Goltze, Hans-Böckler-Str. 7, D-37079 Göttingen. Germany (Telephone. +49 (551) 506-760, Fax: +49 (551) 506-7622)

Established in 1967


University of Stuttgart

Mail address Silcherstrasse 9, D-70176 Stuttgart
Telephone +49 (711) 121 -3760, 121 -3764 Fax +49 (711) 121 -3759

Nature Academic
Mission Research, instruction
Financial support Governmental
Working languages German
Scope of interest Geomorphology, hydrology. geoecology
Locations Saharan Africa, southwestern Africa, western United States, High Arctic Region (Spitsbergen)
Subjects Surface and subsurface crusts in deserts; soils in deserts; playa hydrology and ecology
Status Ongoing
Findings Andisol formation in northwest Spitsbergen; quantification of flooding indexes of playas via satellite imagery; a new explanation of sliding mechanisms on playa surfaces; applications of vegetation index (NDVJ) in Sahel excluded below 250 mm/a; origin and mobilization of CaC03 for calcrete genesis in Namibia; reconstruction of paleoclimates within the last 30 ka in Namibia

Internal Organization
Chief official Prof. Dr. W.-D. Blümel
Divisions Division of Physical Geography
Professional staff 4
Total staff 8

Office Geomorphological laboratory
Library Special collection of books, journals and maps of arid regions
Exchange Facilities Oregon Exchange Program; Exchange Facilities with Arizona State University, Tempe. Arizona

Serials Stuttgarter Geographische Studien (either in Exchange or to be bought directly)
Publications list Available

Major development of desert research in Stuttgart began in 1960; Working Group on Desert Research established in 1974


University of Würzburg

Mail address Am Hubland. 97074 Würzburg
Telephone +49 (931) 888-5555, 888-5585 Fax +49 (931) 888-5544

Nature Academic
Mission Research and university teaching in geography
Financial support State of Bavaria via University budget, research funds mainly from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschalt
Working languages German
Scope of interest Physical geography of arid lands; emphasis on desert geomorphology, landscape History, climatic History (Tertiary and Quaternary)

Research program
Locations Desert and Sahelian regions of Niger and Mali, Namibia, southern Tunisia, Iran
Subjects Niger: landform History, geomorphology, paleoclimatology, vegetation History, remote sensing, savanna development (southern Niger); Mali: vegetation and climatic History of the desert north; Tunisia: chott development, climatic and vegetation History; Namibia: landform History, Gross Brukkaros region and southern Namib Desert, geohydrological processes in northern Namibia, remote sensing; Iran: desert geomorphology
Status Ongoing, except for Iran, where work is to be restarted after a longer interruption
Findings Namibia: Gross Brukkaros' shape is non-volcanic; Sahara: very well developed paleosandstone and iron-crust karstification, early Pleistocene mega-landslides very frequent, complicated late Pleistocene/Holocene lake History, former corrosive phases more important than today's, importance of pre-Pleistocene elements, detailed knowledge of Saharan vegetation History

Internal Organization
Chief official Prof. Dr. Horst Hagedorn, Chairman, Lehrstuhl I (Division 1)
Divisions Arid lands geography (mainly physical geography) is concentrated in Lehrstohl l, one of four Divisions of the Department of Geography as a whole; economic geography of the Maghreb and western Africa are dealt with in Lehrstuhl 3, Economic Geography
Division heads Department faculty working on arid lands topics are: within Lehrstuhl 1, Prof. Dr. Horst Hagedorn, Prof. Dr. Detlef Busche, Dr. Erhard Schulz (vegetation geography), Dr. Barbara Sponholz (geomorphology laboratory); within Lehrstuhl 3, Prof. Dr. Horst-Günter Wagner
Professional staff 6 in Lehrstuhl I, 20 (variable) in Geography Department overall
Total staff 9 in Lehrstuhl 1

Office Standard offices, geomorphology laboratory, remote sensing laboratory
Library 40,000 volumes on all fields of geography, approximately 10% on arid lands; aerial photography collection of I.G.N. photography of the desert parts of Niger; comprehensive map Library with good collection of maps of North Africa
Computer catalog In process
Exchange Facilities Available through DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) or Humboldt-Stipendien

Serials Würzburger Geographische Arbeiten (3-4 volumes per annum, mostly monographs)
Publications list Available for Würzburger Geographische Arbeiten

Geography lectures at the University began in 1887