Lebanon - West Asia

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American University of Beirut (AUB)

Mail address 850 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022,USA
Telephone +961 (1) 343-002 Fax +1 (212) 478-1995,145-0231
Telex 20801 LE Cable AMUNOS, BEIRUT

Nature Private, non-profit, academic
Mission To develop region served by AUB by sponsoring international workshops and conferences on agriculture and food and by training individuals in regional nutritional and rural agricultural needs and problems
Financial support Students' tuition fees, contributions from donor organizations
Working languages English
Scope of interest Horticulture, livestock, renewable natural resources, agronomy, plant protection, agricultural economics, food technology, nutrition, animal sciences, soils, irrigation, mechanization

Research program
Locations Agricultural and Research Center (AREC) in Beka'a Valley; AUB campus
Subjects Several Subjects in the areas of animal science, crop production, food technology, irrigation, nutrition, plant protection, poultry science, and soils and mechanization
Status Some completed, some ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Adib T. Sand, Dean
Divisions (1) Agricultural Economics and Development, (2) Animal Science, (3) Crop Production and Protection, (4) Food Technology and Nutrition, (5) Soils, Irrigation and Mechanization
Division heads (1) Dr. Bassam Hamdar, (2) Dr. Elie Barbour, (3) Dr. Yussf Abu Jawdeh, (4) Dr. Nahla Baba, (5) Dr. Ramy Zuryak; also Dr. Shady Hamadeh, AREC Coordinator
Professional staff 29
Total staff
60 regular staff

Office One 3-story and one 2-story building
Library Collection in agriculture and science, with 18,081 monograph titles, 802 serial titles, 72 non-book materials titles
Computer catalog In process
Remote access Will be available in future
Computer searches Will be available in future
Subcenters AREC in Beka'a Valley, 100-ha training and research center

Serials FAPS Bulletin (occasional)
Other Research Publications and handbooks
Publications list Available

AUB established in 1866; FAFS established in 1952 as Faculty of Agricultural Sciences