The Netherlands - Europe

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Mail address PO Box 45, 6700 AA Wageningen
Telephone +31 (83) 709-0144 Fax +31 (83)701-7187 Telex 45888 intas nl
E-mail [email protected]

Sponsoring agency Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries
Nature International (work area), national government (sponsor)
Mission Research, training, advising and consulting services
Financial support Ministry of Development Cooperation, through Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries
Working languages Dutch, English; some staff also speak French and Spanish
Scope of interest Drainage for control of waterlogging and salinity of irrigated areas in arid and semiarid areas, integrated water management of irrigation and drainage systems, irrigation and drainage systems design and performance

Research program
Locations Pakistan (ISWARI), Egypt (WRC and DRI), India (CSSRI), Argentina (INCYTHCRA), Guatemala (DIRYA), U.S. (U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory)
Subjects Waterlogging and salinity control measures (Pakistan, Egypt, India), irrigation systems performance (Argentina), reclamation and drainage of wetlands (Guatemala)
Status All ongoing or starting
Findings Improved drainage criteria, Improved drain envelope design criteria, advances in regional groundwater modeling for decision support

Internal Organization
Chief official Ir. M.J.H.P. Pinkers, Director
Divisions Research and Publications, Training, Consultancy and Advisory Services, Library
Division heads Dr. M.G. Bos, Head and Coordinator, Research and Publications; Ir. G. Naber, Head, Library (E-mail: [email protected])
Professional staff 20
Total staff 38

Office New headquarters with offices and training Facilities completed in 1992
Library Wageningen Soil and Water Library, a specialized land and water Library with 44,000 Publications, 23,000 reprints, and 1,500 journals, serial Publications and annual reports, is managed by ILRI for the University of Wageningen and Agricultural Research Institutes in Wageningen
Computer catalog Yes, using MINISIS
Remote access Available
Computer searches Available
Local databases Country and project databases
Formal networks SURFNET, DATANET (NL)
Subcenters International Waterlogging and Salinity Research Institute (IWASRI), Lahore, Pakistan; Drainage Research Institute (DRI), Cairo, Egypt; Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Karnal, India
Exchange Facilities Annual courses on land drainage, irrigation, computer applications; ad hoc training courses at ILRI or abroad; sabbaticals at ILRI for visiting scientists

Serials Annual report
Other Books, bulletins, bibliographies, reprints of articles published by ILRI staff in journals
Publications list Available

Established in 1955



Mail address Mauritskade 63, 1092 AD Amsterdam
Telephone +31(20)568-8711 Fax +31 (20) 668-4579 Telex 15080 KIT NL

Nature Nonprofit
Mission Research, training
Financial support 2/3 own income, 1/3 financed by Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Working languages Dutch, English, French
Scope of interest Farming systems research, sustainable land use systems, agronomic research. anti-erosion projects, environmental research in cooperation with local anti international institutions, weed control

Research program
Locations Dryland Sites include Burkina Faso, Mali, Kenya, Senegal, Egypt
Subjects Integrated control of the parasitic weeds Striga and Orobanche; salinization anti alkalinization of irrigated soils; development of sustainable farming systems; strategies for integration of women into development programs
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Ir. N.H. Vink, Director General
Divisions (1) Health, (2) Agriculture & Enterprise Development, (3) Tropenmuseum, (4) Training & Communication
Division heads (1) Drs. K.Th. de Wilde, (2) Dr. Ir. A. I Huijsman, (3) H.J. Gortzak, (4) Drs. P.J.Th. Marres
Professional staff 166
Total staff Approximately 500

Library Library collection comprises cat 200,000 books and monographs and 4,500 current periodicals, focusing on tropical and subtropical regions and covering culture, History, social sciences, health, and agriculture
Computer catalog Yes, using MINISIS
Remote access Available
Computer searches Available, including general lists and regular updates
Local databases TROPAG and RURAL database, comprising 100,000+ bibliographic records with abstracts, covering the international literature on tropical agriculture, natural resources, and socioeconomic development in developing countries (available on CD-ROM or in paper copy)
Subcenters Biomedical Research Laboratory, Meibergdreef 39, 1005 AZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Leprosy and Tuberculosis Control, Wibanstraat 135, 1097 DN Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Exchange Facilities On request

Serials Abstracts on Tropical Agriculture (TROPAG) (monthly), Abstracts on Rural Development in the Tropics (RURAL (bimonthly), AIDS Health Promotion Exchange (quarterly). Survey of Activities (yearly), KlT Newsletter (twice yearly)
Other Books reflecting the broad scope of the Institute's activities dealing with current themes in international development; scientific and educational books in the fields of rural development, health, culture, History and anthropology
Publications list Available

Established 1910 as Koloniaal Museum; present name obtained in 1950


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Free University Amsterdam), Centre for Development Cooperation Services (CDCS)

Mail address De Boelelaan 1115, Amsterdam 1081 HV
Telephone +31 (20) 444-9070, 444-9090
Fax +31 (20) 444-9095

Nature Academic
Mission Applied research
Financial support 90% external funding (Dutch government, EC, World Bank, IFAD, through projects and assignments)
Working languages English, Dutch (also French, Portuguese, Spanish, German)
Scope of interest Natural resources management, soil and water conservation, indigenous soil and water conservation, groundwater resources, use of GIS in applied research on natural resource management

Research program
Locations Arid land Locations comprise more than 15 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Botswana (Kalahari Desert) and Namibia
Subjects (1) Soil and water conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa, (2) indigenous techniques of soil and water conservation, (3) water harvesting, (4) groundwater resources evaluation in Botswana, (5) use of incentives in natural resources management
Status (1) completed, (2) and (4) ongoing, (3) Status not given, (5) in planning stage

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. J.P. van Weeren, Director. CDCS; Dr. C.P. Reij, Coordinator, Natural Resources Management Unit
Divisions The NRMU is one of two units within CDCS that are concerned with arid lands topics
Professional staff CDCS: 20 in office, 25 in field; NRMU: 7 in office. 3 in field
Total staff CDCS: 40 in office, 25 in field; NRMU: 8 in office. 3 in field

Office Annex wing of the Free University of Amsterdam
Library About 4,000 titles - books, gray literature, periodicals
Computer catalog About half computerized, using DBase
Formal networks In preparation
Subcenters NRM has staff members working at the University of Namibia, Windhoek; the University of Botswana, Gaborone; and in 1995 will have staff at the University of the North, Transvaal, South Africa
Local networks In preparation

list Available

Established in 1975; previous name, Office of Foreign Relations