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Mail address Serrano 115 dpdo., 28006 Madrid
Telephone +34 (1) 562-5020 Fax +34 (1) 564-0800

Sponsoring agency Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Nature National government
Mission Research
Financial support Government, private sector
Working languages Spanish
Scope of interest Desertification, Mediterranean lands agronomy, soils, water and contamination

Research program
Locations Spain, Africa
Subjects Agronomy, environment, soil, plants, water

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Alfredo Perez-Gonzalez
Divisions (1) Environmental Biology, (2) Soil Conservation, (3) Environmental Contamination and Chemistry, (4) Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, (5) Plant Protection, (6) Geochemistry and Mineralogy, (7) Agroecology
Division heads (1) Dr. Agustín Sanchez Lopez, (2) Dra. Trinidad Aleixandre Campos, (3) Dr. Jose Antonio Diez Lopez, (4) Dr. Jose Manuel Puzuelo Guanche, (5) Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez Ponce, (6) Dra. Maria Teresa Garcia Gonzalez, (7) Dr. Antonio Bello Perez
Professional staff 47
Total staff 200

Office Different kinds of laboratories (soil, water, plant, etc.)
Library Collection on plant science, forestry, ecology, geology, soil science, agriculture, environmental science, and water resources, with 16,000 books, 1,900 periodical titles, aerial photographs, maps, and grey literature
Computer catalog Yes, using ALEPH
Remote access Access to CSIC Gopher available via Internet: Telnet 161. 111.10.11, username: ALEPH, Terminal type (2) VT100, for English enter ?/ENG, Contact person: Elvira Gonzalez Sereno (E-mail: [email protected])
Formal networks Internet
Subcenters Two experimental farms, in Arganda (Madrid) and Santa Olalla (Toledo)
Exchange Facilities Available

Environmental monographs, maps
Publications list Available

Established in 1942 as Instituto de Edafología y Biología Vegetal



Mail address Avda. de la Fama, I, Apdo 4195, 30080 Murcia
Telephone +34 (968) 215-717 Fax +34 (968) 266-613

Sponsoring agency Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Nature National government
Mission Research
Financial support European Union, national and local administration, public and private companies
Working languages Spanish, English
Scope of interest Desertification, agronomy, forestry, renewable natural resources, biogeochemistry of fragile ecosystems

Research program
Locations Murcia, southeastern Spain (Mediterranean area)
Subjects Urban and food processing industry waste recycling; pollution hazards associated with heavy metals and land disposal of urban wastes; effects of soil degradation on desertification in Mediterranean areas; loss of soil quality and techniques for remediation; recuperation of saline-degraded soils; causes, evolution and prevention of gullying in the Mediterranean peninsular region of Spain; methodologies for vegetation restoration in semiarid regions
Status Some completed, some ongoing
Findings Addition of urban refuse with high polysaccharide content improves soil structural stability and reclamation of saline soils; while urban refuse application significantly decreased mycorrhizal populations during the first year, populations recover significantly by 3rd year after application; enhancement of microbial populations seems directly involved in the first stage of aggregate formation; combining urban refuse addition with mycorrhizal inoculation Improves growth of P. halepensis in arid soils, given correct choice of fungal species and refuse application rate; biomass respiration and enzymatic activities increase with the addition of organic wastes to soil; the assay of soil enzymes is a sensitive method to determine the effects of industrial pollutants in soil

Internal Organization
Chief official Prof. D. Antonio Cerdá Cerdá, PhD Chemistry, Director
Divisions Soil and Water Conservation, Management of Organic Wastes (the Other four departments of the Center are not involved in arid lands research)
Division heads Dr. D. Juan Albaladejo Montoro, Dr. D. Antonio Lax Muñoz, Dra. Da. Teresa Hernández Fernández, all with PhD in Chemistry
Professional staff 10 in Department, 33 in Institute overall
Total staff 17 in Department, 120 in Institute overall

Office Laboratories for physical, chemical and biochemical analysis, field experimental plots and greenhouses
Library 5,000 books and 419 journals, with 115 journals currently received
Computer catalog In process, using ALEPH
Remote access Available
Subcenters Two experimental catchments
Exchange Facilities The CSIC has Exchange Facilities for visiting scientists

Book chapters, books, numerous journal articles

Established in 1954



Dirección postal C/ General Segura, 1, 04001 Almería
Teléfono +34 (950) 236-500 Telecopía +34 (950) 266-299

Institución matriz Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Tipo de institución Gobierno nacional
Misión Investigación científica y técnica
Apoyo financiero Presupuestos generales del Estado; proyectos de investigación financiados por la CEE, CAYCIT, otros
Idiomas oficiales Español
Areas específicas de investigación Paisajes y ecosistemas mediterráneos áridos y semiáridos: hidrología, suelos, sistemas erosivos, vegetación y biología marina

Programa de investigación
Temas de investigación Grupo Geoecología: estudio de la evolución de los ecosistemas Mediterráneas semi-áridos y su sensibilidad a variaciones climáticas, especialmente cuando se interrumpe la actividad humana (cambios en el uso del suelo). Grupo Silvopastoralismo Mediterráneo: estrategias de superviviencia de especies persistentes del sudeste árida español en respuesta al estrés ambiental (desertización y pastoreo). Grupo Conservación de Ungulados en Peligro de Extinción: conservación de especies en peligro, incrementación del conocimiento de las mismas y mejoramiento de su manejo. Grupo Instrumentación: desarrollo, fabricación y mantenimiento de sensores y, en general, equipo de medida de parámetros físicos


Organización interna
Jefe de la institución Dr. D. Juan Puigdefábregas Tomás, Investigador Científico
Departamentos Grupos de Trabajo en: (1) Geoecología, (2) Silvopastoralismo, (3) Conservación de Ungulados en Peligro de Extinción, (4) Instrumentación Jefes de los Departamentos (1) Dr. D. Juan Puigdefábregas Tomás, (2) Dra. Dña. Inmaculada López Alados, (3) Dra. Dña. Teresa Abaigar y Dra. Dña. Mar Cano Pérez; (4) Dr. Sebastián Vidal Pezzi
Personal professional 26
Número total de empleados 35

Gerencia, Secretaría, Laboratórios (análisis de suelos, microscopía óptica, electrónica, zoología)
Biblioteca Biblioteca especializada en ecología de zonas áridas con 6,000 monografías, 700 títulos de Publicaciones periódicas (90 abiertas), 576 mapas, 2,000 separatas
Catálogo computarizado Si, con ALEPH
Acceso remoto Disponible
Busquedas computarizadas Disponible
Redes formales de computadora CIRBIC (Catálogo colectivo de las bibliotecas del CSIC), disponible on-line y en CD-ROM
Subcentros Parque de Rescate de la Fauna Sahariana (Finca "La Hoya", C/Chamberí, s/n. 0400 Almeria, España)

Lista de Publicaciones Disponibles

Fundado en 1947


Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology

Mail address Jaime Roig, 11, 46010 Valencia
Telephone +34 (6) 369-0800 Fax +34 (6) 393-0001 Telex 64197 AYTVE

Sponsoring agency Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Nature National government
Mission Research
Financial support National funds and European Union funds for research projects
Working languages Spanish, English
Scope of interest Desertification, soil erosion, land degradation, land use and management, pollution, forest fires

Research program
Locations Spain and Other European countries, mainly in the Mediterranean basin
Subjects Erosion processes and modeling, forest fires, abandoned lands
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. J.L. Rubio
Professional staff 4 researchers
Total staff 9, plus 3 PhD students and I associated researcher

Office 4 offices, 1 laboratory, access to Other Institute laboratories and services
Library Institute library; also connected with all bibliographic centers of the CSIC
Computer catalog Yes, using ALEPH
Remote access Available
Formal networks IRIS, Internet, DECNET
Exchange Facilities Programs for Exchange through the European Union and the Spanish Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Science and Education

Articles, book chapters and proceedings regarding research Findings

Founded in 1986 as Desertification Research Unit


The Sunseed Trust

Mail address Apdo 9, 04270 Sorbas
Fax +34 (50) 364-455

Nature Non-profit, non-government charitable organization
Mission Research, education
Financial support Grants, donations, visitor and volunteer contributions
Working languages English, Spanish
Scope of interest Desertification, appropriate technology, solar technology, agroforestry, forestry, renewable natural resources, sustainable arid land management

Research program
Locations Almeria Province, Southern Spain
Subjects Multipurpose tree evaluation, dryland reforestation techniques, sustainable rainfed agriculture in semiarid enviromnents, low-cost solar cookers and stills, semisealed underground greenhouses; in addition, visitor education and raising public awareness of desertification issues, both in the U.K. and in Spain
Status Ongoing
Findings Growth performance of native and exotic multipurpose trees under local conditions; viability of using adobe construction for solar cookers

Internal Organization
Chief official Project Manager
Divisions Appropriate Technology, Tree Research, Support Services
Professional staff 4
Total staff 10

Office Research and working volunteer center, consisting of 2 offices and one simple laboratory
Library Small collection of selected books and journals
Exchange Facilities Limited; support program exists for research students

Serials Newsletter for past visitors and supporters, published several times a year
Other Various reports and memoria of ongoing investigations
Publications list Available

The Sunseed Trust, based in the United Kingdom, was formed in 1984; Sunseed Desert Technology, the Spanish Research Station of the Sunseed Trust, has been in operation since 1986