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University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ 85721
Telephone +1 (602)621-3859 Fax +1 (602)621-7196

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Working languages English
Scope of interest Water conservation for traditional crops such as cotton, small grains, vegetables, alfalfa; low water-consuming crops such as jojoba, guayule, buffalo gourd; water harvesting techniques; plants tolerant of alkaline soils; toxic parameters of poisonous plants; vegetation establishment and reclamation of disturbed areas such as surface mines; wildlife and domestic animal interaction and competition for food on semiarid rangelands; grazing productivity of semiarid rangelands; temperature stress; combat of insects and diseases of plants and animals in arid areas; alternative energy sources to supplement or replace traditional sources

Research program
Subjects Major projects completed in each area listed above in Scope of interest; efforts to be expanded to maintain economically advantageous agricultural productivity in Arizona and Other arid and semiarid areas of the world

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Colin Kaltenbach, Director; Vice-Dean, College of Agriculture

Office Full resources of University available to staff; extensive laboratory Facilities also available at all centers
Subcenters Experimental farms in arid areas of Arizona: Maricopa Agricultural Center, Citrus Agricultural Center. Stafford Agricultural Center, Yuma Agricultural Center; and in Tucson area, Campus Agricultural Center, West Campus Agricultural Center, Marana Cultural Center

Serials Professional journals, bulletins, reports

Established in 1891 when the University became a land-grant institution


University of Arizona

Mail address Emil Haury Anthropology Building, Room 317A, Tucson, AZ 85721
Telephone +1(602) 621-6282 Fax +1(602) 621-9608

Nature Academic
Mission Research, training, instruction
Financial support State support, grants
Working languages English, Spanish, Portuguese, French
Scope of interest Social and economic change, household adaptive strategies, agricultural and rural development, cross-cultural education and cognition, gender-related issues, natural resources anthropology, social impact assessment, environmental impact analysis, food policy analysis, socioeconomic survey research, social forestry, marine resource use

Research program
Locations Sub-Saharan Africa, South America, Mexico and Central America, Southwestern US, Near East, NIS States (formerly USSR)
Subjects Socioeconomic survey, economic policy analysis, food security, adoption of new technology, cross-cultural learning
Status Some completed, some ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Director
Divisions Sections of (1) Borderlands, (2) Anthropology and Education, (3) Women in Development, (4) Culture and Agriculture, (5) Native American Cultural Resources, (6) Language, (7) Refuse Analysis
Division heads (1) James B. Greenberg, (2) Norma Gonzalez, (3) Helen Henderson, (4) Timothy Finan, (5) Richard Stoffle, (6) Emory Sekaquaptewa, (7) William Rathje
Professional staff 21
Total staff 25

Office Administrative and research offices
Library Access to University of Arizona library
Computer catalog Yes (University library), using Innovative Interfaces, Inc. software
Remote access The University's catalog is available on SABIO, the campus-wide information service, which is accessible on Internet (telnet to [email protected] )
Computer searches Available
Exchange Facilities Available

Serials Working paper series
Other Numerous Publications
Publications list Available

Established in 1952 as Bureau of Ethnic Research; given present name in 1982


University of Arizona

Mail address Harvill Building, Box 2, Tucson, AZ 8572 1
Telephone +1 (602) 621-1652 Fax +1 (602) 621-2889
E-mail [email protected] (Dr. David A. Plane, Head)

Nature Academic
Mission Research, instruction
Financial support State of Arizona, contract grant funds
Working languages English
Scope of interest Land, population, culture in major natural and cultural regions of arid southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico, with emphasis on changing character of environment due to human occupancy, arid lands, landforms, climate, hydrology, soils, vegetation, and animal life, and particular emphasis on interaction of these phenomena locally; development problems and strategies in arid regions; restructuring of local smalltown economies

Research program
Locations Arizona, New Mexico, Russia, Sweden
Subjects Local public finance, water resources policy, GIS

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. David A. Plane, Head
Professional staff 3
Total staff 18, plus about 18 graduate teaching and research assistants

Office Faculty offices, traditional cartography lab, darkroom, spatial analysis lab (computer and computer cartography)
Library Small specialized "reading room" with about 1,000 volumes, 10 journals, complete set of Department theses and dissertations
Exchange Facilities Occasionally we are able to otter space, Library privileges and access to visiting faculty and graduate students

Serials Informal discussion paper series (individual numbers available for a nominal duplicating cost upon request)
Other Arizona atlas, The Functional Roles of Arizona Communities
Publications list Available

Established in 1961 as the Department of Geography, Area Development, and Urban Planning, within the College of Business and Public Administration


University of Arizona

Tucson, Arizona 85721
Telephone +1 (602) 621-7492 Fax +1 (602)621-9291

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Working languages English
Scope of interest Solar energy systems, nuclear waste containment and transportation in arid regions, mechanics of arid land soils, water and wastewater treatment, water resources systems theory, arid watershed hydrology

Research program
Subjects Design of solar energy systems, environmental impact of nuclear waste in arid regions, desalination Facilities, statistical decisions concerning energy and water resources allocation, utilization of sand dune and arid environment soils in highway construction, hydrology, global change

Internal Organization
Chief official Peter F. Mather, Associate Director

Office Water Treatment Laboratory, Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Hydrology Laboratory, Environmental Laboratory

Established in 1941


University of Arizona

Mail address 2601 East Airport Drive, Tucson International Airport, Tucson, AZ 85706
Telephone +1(602)741-1990 Fax +1(602)573-0852

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Scope of interest Marine and freshwater aquaculture for desert climates, domestication of halophytes for salt water crop production, marine seaweed culture, environmental planning studies, conservation biology of desert ecosystems, environmental engineering with emphasis on water quality and wastewater treatment

Research program
Locations Arizona, Molokai (Hawaii's arid island), Mexico, Saudi Arabia
Subjects Integration of fish culture and field crop irrigation, use of agroecosystems for remediation of trace contaminants in power plant stack gases, growing halophytes to reuse saline wastewater and to remove carbon from the atmosphere, developing outdoor environmental education Facilities

Internal Organization
Chief official Donald J. Baumgartner, Director
Divisions (1) Bioresources, (2) Systems Ecology, (3) Environmental Applications
Division heads (1) Edward P. Glenn, (2) Robert J. Frye, (3) Martin Yoklic
Professional staff 15
Total staff 30

Office Over 40,000 ft² Of experimental greenhouses and laboratories
Library Small, specialized collection of 1,800 books and 40 journals, emphasizing current research areas such as aquaculture, seawater agriculture and solar energy
Computer searches Library has no computer catalog, but card catalog searches are available
Subcenters Cooperative relationships have been established with field stations in Mexico and Saudi Arabia
Exchange Facilities Office and laboratory space provided for researchers on sabbatical leave or post-doctoral projects

Other Articles currently available in the following subject areas: aquaculture, halophytes, solar energy, and outdoor comfort
Publications list Available

Established in mid- 1950's as Solar Energy Laboratory of Institute of Atmospheric Physics; in 1968, became separate University department with current name and location


University of Arizona

Mail address PAS Building, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721
Telephone +1(602)621-6831 Fax +1(602)621-6833
E-mail [email protected] (general Institute contact)

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Financial support State of Arizona, Natl. Science Foundation (NSF), Dept. of Energy (DoE), Natl. Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Working languages English
Scope of interest Climate and global change, atmospheric radiation, aerosol science and remote sensing, atmospheric dynamics, atmospheric chemistry, lightning and atmospheric electricity, weather analysis and forecasting

Research program
Locations Mostly carried out at Institute; however, many faculty work closely with National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado; Institute also carries out field experiments at its High Altitude Laboratory north of Tucson
Subjects Current research includes land-surface processes and global climate change, regional climate change from streamflow records, satellite remote sensing radiative transfer, winter precipitation in Arizona, air pollution modeling, optical lightning studies, and short- and longterm weather forecasting
Status Ongoing
Findings Implications of global warming for soil moisture and water resources, effects of climate change on natural vegetation and agriculture, development of biological and antibiological catalysts for solar-assisted decontamination of groundwater, short- and medium-range weather forecasting methods

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. E. Philip Krider, Director
Professional staff 16
Total staff 50

Office Offices for staff and students, machine shop, physical meteorology laboratory, optics laboratory, atmospheric chemistry laboratories, computing Facilities and classrooms with modern workstations, library, editorial office
Library Departmental library, with many leading journals, about 2,2(}0 texts and reports on meteorology, physics, mathematics, and related sciences, and climatological data for selected cities and states
Formal networks Internet
Subcenters High Altitude Laboratory in the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson
Exchange Facilities Facilities and Office space occasionally available for visiting scientists

Arizona climate: The First Hundred Years ( 1986); Microphysical Processes in Clouds (1993)

Established in 1954


University of Arizona

Mail address Building 58, 105 W. Stadium, Tucson, Arizona 85721
Telephone +1 (602) 621-6469 Fax +1 (602) 621-8229
E-mail [email protected] (Malcolm K. Hughes, Director)

Nature Academic
Mission Research, instruction
Financial support State; private, state and federal grants
Working languages English
Scope of interest Development and application of dendrochronological techniques to dating of past events and reconstruction of former environmental conditions such as climate, hydrology, air pollution; arid lands topics include agronomy, energy, forestry, horticulture, livestock, remote sensing, renewable natural resources, wildlife, archaeology

Research program
Locations Russia, China, Chile, Argentina, Morocco, western United States
Subjects Tree growth and environment in North America, Europe, Asia, Morocco, Southern Hemisphere; timber use by native Americans in arid southwest U.S
Status Ongoing
Findings Laboratory provided absolutely dated materials on which recalibration of radiocarbon timescale is based; developed techniques for using tree rings as proxy records of past climate including rainfall, river flow, soil moisture

Internal Organization
Chief official Malcolm K. Hughes, Director
Professional staff 14
Total staff 35 faculty & staff; also 18 graduate students and 21 undergraduates

Office Staff and faculty Office and laboratory space
Library International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB), in-house data files for thousands of tree-ring collections from living and archaeological wood, relevant climate and hydrological data
Computer catalog Both ITRDB and Library books are cataloged by computer
Remote access Available for ITRDB
Computer searches Only by special arrangement
Local databases Climate reconstructions from tree rings
Formal networks Internet
Exchange Facilities By special arrangement

Serials Tree-Ring Bulletin (in cooperation with Tree-Ring Society, since 1934)
Other Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Chronology Series l-VI
Publications list Available

Established in 1937 as a result of pioneering tree-ring research at University by A.E. Douglass in 1906


University of Arizona

Mail address 845 North Park Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719-4896
Telephone + 1 (602) 621 - 1955 Fax + 1 (602) 621 -3816

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Working languages English; Spanish and French on individual projects
Scope of interest Interdisciplinary approach to problems of managing arid lands resources, native economic plants, remote sensing applied to inventorying and monitoring arid areas, information systems and management, desertification, farming systems research, environmental and policy analysis, water conservation and reuse, economic development; administrative home of the International Arid Lands Consortium

Research program
Locations Main offices on campus; Bioresources Research Facility at 250 E. Valencia Road, Tucson, AZ 85706
Subjects Remote sensing, including development and application of multispectral video systems, vegetation resource inventories, monitoring of vegetation change along U.S.-Mexico border and agriculture in Senegal River basin; economic crops, including basic research to develop economically promising crops for arid lands agriculture; plant breeding and chemical analysis of candidate plants, industrial product-testing of plant resins, biotransformation program to link biotechnology and applied research, chemistry and genetic makeup of closely related plant species, conservation of arid-adapted plant biomass and chemicals, propagation and preservation of rare native plants; applications of farming systems research, including nutrition in agricultural development, water harvesting techniques in agriculture, arid lands aquaculture systems; urban water conservation and reuse; bioremediation techniques for wastewater treatment; enviromnental impact and risk assessment; housing, habitat, survivability; ecology, ethnobotany, History; economic development, demographic change, local impact of agribusiness; information management, including technical assistance to developing country documentation centers; continuing development of resident document collection; indexing and abstracting; preparation of bibliographies, directories, newsletters, technical papers; electronic publishing via the World Wide Web on the Internet (the Arid Lands Information Network can be accessed by any Web browser at: ); training in online services
Status Ongoing
Findings Published in journals, reports, proceedings, books, Arid Lands Newsletter

Internal Organization
Chief official Kennith E. Foster, Director
Divisions (1) Arizona Remote Sensing Center (ARSC), (2) Arid Lands Information Center (ALIC), (3) Bioresources Research Facility (BRF), (4) Desert Research Unit (DRU), (5) Economic Development Program (EDP)
Division heads

  1. Charles F. Hutchinson, Director (E-mail: [email protected] ),
  2. Barbara Hutchinson, Director (E-mail: [email protected] ),
  3. Joseph Hoffmann, Director (E-mail: [email protected] ),
  4. Martin Karpiscak, Director (E-mail: [email protected] ),
  5. Lay Gibson, Director

Professional staff 38
Total staff 73

Office Main office, 1,100 m²; Bioresources Research Facility, 5,700 m², plus field plots, greenhouses
Library About 30,000 items on various aspects of arid regions including desertification, sustainable agriculture; subscriptions to 50 periodicals on arid lands Subjects; special collections on desertification, economic crops, dryland forestry, and West Africa with emphasis on Niger and Mauritania
Computer catalog About 1/4 of the Library collection (the most recent acquisitions) is catalogued in a computer database, using ProCite bibliographic software
Computer searches Available
Local databases Famine Mitigation Literature, Dryland Forestry, Desertification, Biodiversity in Arid Lands
Formal networks Internet
Exchange Facilities Visitors and visiting scholars welcome

Serials Arid Lands Newsletter (semi-annual research magazine); Arid Lands Series (monographic series of books on broad range of arid lands research topics, published in cooperation with The University of Arizona Press)
Publications list Catalog available

Established in 1964 as interdisciplinary research organization within University with original Mission of inventorying geographical research on world desert environments; incorporated as unit of the College of Agriculture in 1982


University of Arizona

Mail address 350 North Campbell Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721
Telephone +1 (602)792-9591 Fax +1 (602)792-8518

Nature Academic
Mission Research, public information, coordination of water research at Arizona's three state universities
Financial support State appropriation and federal funds
Working languages English
Scope of interest Riparian protection strategies, ecosystem management, groundwater law, constructed wetlands, Arizona Water Education for teachers

Research program
Locations Arizona
Subjects See Scope of interest

Internal Organization
Chief official Hanna J. Cortner, Director
Divisions (1) Research, (2) Information Transfer
Division heads (1) Gary Woodard, Associate Director; (2) Lawrence Sullivan, Associate Director
Professional staff 6
Total staff 17

Office Central office
Library Document collection
Local databases Directory of water expertise at the three state universities in Arizona
Exchange Facilities WRRC arranges contact and meetings with extensive Arizona water research community

Serials Arroyo (quarterly newsletter), Arizona Water Resources (10 times/year), Arizona Water Research News (intermittently); subscriptions tree, call or write with mailing information
Other Issue paper series, project completion reports, directories of information sources
Publications list Available

Established in 1954 as Institute of Water Utilization; renamed in 1965


University of California

Mail address PO Box 1 738 ,Palm Desert, CA 92261
Telephone +1 (619) 341-3655 Fax +1 (619) 779-8076

Sponsoring agency Department of Biology, University of California at Riverside; Natural Reserve System, University of California
Nature Academic
Mission Research and teaching related to biology of desert organisms and ecosystems
Financial support University of California
Working languages English
Scope of interest Arid ecosystems, physiological ecology of plants and animals, conservation biology

Research program
Locations Many throughout the Coachella Valley of Riverside County, California
Subjects Diverse projects, logistic support for independent researchers from any academic institutions
Status Several hundred projects completed and ongoing since 1959

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Allan Muth, Director
Professional staff 3
Total staff 3

Office No user Office space; 2 laboratories, l collections lab
Library Several hundred reference books and reprint collections
Local databases Meteorology: temperature and precipitation of six stations on an elevational transect from 250 m to 1,334 m
Exchange Facilities Dormitory space for up to 12 researchers and teaching area and campground for up to 25 short-term users, available for modest tees

Other Birds of Deep Canyon, Ants of Deep Canyon, Grasshoppers of Deep Canyon, Plants of Deep Canyon, Deep Canyon Desert Wilderness for Science, Bibliography of Research Publications, Vertebrate Species Lists

Established in l 959



Mail address Armory Building 206, Box B-19, Boulder, CO 80309
Telephone + 1 (303 ) 492-6221

Nature Academic
Mission Research, instruction, extension
Working languages English
Scope of interest Water policy, climatology, remote sensing, economics, energy, grasslands, wildlife management

Research program
Subjects See Scope of interest

Internal Organization
Chief official President
Divisions Departments of: Political Science/Public Policy; Economics; Sociology; Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences; Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research; Environmental, Population and Organismic Biology; Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering; Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences; College of Environmental Design; Institute of Behavioral Sciences

Founded in 1876


University of Nevada, Reno, Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture

Reno, NV 89557
Telephone +1 (702) 784-6237 Fax +1 (702)784-6604

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Scope of interest Range, watershed and game management; breeding and genetics; soils; water use; fertilizers; animal nutrition and genetics; veterinary science; phreatophytes; land rehabilitation; remote sensing; recreation area management

Research program
Locations 84 ha experimental land in Fallon, Logandale, Austin; 120 ha at S-S Field Station in Wadsworth; 8 ha leased land in Pahrump; 560 ha plus 28,000 ha adjacent Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land at Gund Ranch in Beowawe
Subjects Factors related to rural water systems and land use allocation and livestock; feeding, management, reproduction of cattle and sheep; water quality; plant-soil-water relationships; water and soil testing; revegetation; environmental impacts on animal populations; management of renewable natural resources; remote sensing applications; conservation biology

Internal Organization
Chief official Dean and Director
Divisions Environment and Resource Sciences, Biochemistry, Agricultural Economics, Veterinary Medicine, Nutrition, Human Development and Family Studies
Professional staff Ca. 39 (full-time equivalents)
Total staff Ca. 33 (full-time equivalents)

Office Adequate laboratory Facilities, plots, greenhouses
Library Specialized Library holdings include 350 journal titles; USDA, FAO, and technical reports
Subcenters See Locations
Facilities Limited

Serials Technical bulletins, circulars, reports

Established in 1888


University of Wisconsin-Madison

Mail address 1357 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715
Telephone +1 (608) 262-3657 Fax +1 (608) 262-2141
E-mail [email protected]

Nature Academic (university research center)
Mission Research
Financial support Various international donors, primarily USAID
Working languages English, French
Scope of interest Land tenure, social structure, resource use, rural institutions

Research program
Locations Latin America, Africa, Albania, China, NIS states (formerly USSR)
Subjects State divestiture, land reform, natural resource management, commons, property rights, mapping, land law
Status Several completed, several ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official William C. Thiesenhusen, Director (E-mail: [email protected] )
Divisions One central Office in Madison, several permanent field staff; draw heavily on consultants and Other faculty
Division heads Project managers: Mark Schoonmaker Freudenberger, David Stanfield, John Bruce, Michael Roth, Susana Lastarria-Cornhiel, Greg Myers, Julie Fischer, Mark Marquardt
Professional staff 10-15
Total staff 20-25

Library 70,000-volume collection on rural development issues
Computer catalog Yes
Remote access Available through University on-line service
Computer searches Within reason
Local databases Database of LTC Publications
Formal networks Internet
Subcenters Field offices in Albania, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, Guinea, and Guatemala coordinate programs in those countries
Local networks Not yet
Exchange Facilities Nearly constantly hosting visiting scholars and policy-makers; outside of project funds, little or no Financial support available

Serials Biannual newsletter (write to LTC to subscribe), two Publications series
Publications list Available

Established in 1962



Mail address Route 3, PO Box 376, Morrilton, Arkansas 72110-9537
Telephone +1 (501)727-5435 Fax +1 (501)727-5242 Telex 248589 WIDC

Nature Independent, private sector
Mission Research, instruction, extension
Financial support Grants, contracts, private donations
Working languages English, Spanish, French
Scope of interest Agronomy, forestry, livestock, renewable natural resources

Research program
Locations Asia, Africa, Latin America, Caribbean, U.S., Eastern Europe, NIS states (formerly USSR)
Subjects Renewable resources, agricultural systems and policy, socioeconomics, livestock and range management
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Robert L. Thompson, President and CEO
Divisions Geographical regions: Asia, Africa, Latin America, Caribbean, U.S., Eastern Europe, CIS; Program areas: Renewable resources management, agricultural systems, agricultural policy, human capital development, national agricultural research and development systems
Division heads Dr. Earl D. Kellogg, Senior Vice President, Programs; Hugh T. Murphy, Vice President, Administration; Dr. Dick Cobb, Vice President, Global Projects and Programs (Arlington-based)
Professional staff 120
Total staff 196

Library Working libraries at headquarters and Arlington, Virginia, office
Formal networks Internet
Subcenters Headquarters in Morrilton, Arkansas; regional offices in Arlington, Virginia, USA; Manila, Philippines; Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Local networks Yes


Serials African Rural Social Science Research Network Newsletter Farm Forestry Newsletter, Farmer - to - Farmer Newsletter, Tree Farm Newsletter, ARSSRN Bulletin d'Information, Common Property Resource Digest
Other Publications catalog, Agribookstore catalog, Netline
Publications list Available

Created in 1985 by merger of Agricultural Development Council, International Agricultural Development Service, and Winrock International Livestock Research and Training Center



Mail address 1709 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20006
Telephone +1(202)638-6300 Fax +1(202)638-0036 Telex 64414 WRI WASH
E-mail [email protected] (Policy Affairs), [email protected] (Library staff)

Nature Nongovernment, nonprofit
Mission To conduct policy research and provide technical assistance to governments, the private sector, environmental and development organizations, and others on issues concerning sustainable development
Financial support Private foundations, governmental and intergovernmental institutions, private corporations, and interested individuals
Working languages English, Spanish, French
Scope of interest Natural resources management, forestry, biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, socioeconomics, climate change, energy policy, environmental policy, technology transfer

Research program
Subjects Policy development, biodiversity conservation, natural resources management, alternate transportation strategies, forestry and land use, sustainable agriculture. sustainable development
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Jonathan Lash, President
Divisions Biological Resources and Institutions; Economics and Population; Climate, Energy and Pollution; Technology and the Environment; Resource and Environmental Information; Center for International Development and Environment

Library 10,000 books and reports, 400+ journals and newsletters
Computer catalog Yes, using Pro-Cite
Computer searches Available
Formal networks Internet, Econet

Other Books, research reports, policy papers, occasional papers
Publications list Available

Established in 1982