TABLE 4. Uruguay Round change in tariff escalation of selected products in developed countries
Product category by stage of processing Weighted average Change in
tariff escalation
Hides, skins and leather
Raw 0.1 0.1 0 NA
Semi-manufactures 4.6 3.6 22 -22
Finished products 8.7 7.0 20 -20
Total 5.2 4.1 21 NA
Raw 0.1 0.0 100 NA
Semi-manufactures 5.5 3.3 40 -39
Finished products 5.1 3.6 30 -67
Total 3.4 2.3 32 NA
Wood in the rough (logs) 0.0 0.0 0 NA
Wood-based panels 9.4 6.5 31 -30
Semi-manufactures 0.9 0.4 50 -50
Wood articles 4.7 1.6 67 -67
Total 2.0 1.1 43 NA
Pulp and waste 0 0 0 NA
Paper and paper board 5.3 0 100 -100
Printed matter 1.7 0.3 83 -83
Paper articles 7.3 0 100 -100
Total 3.5 0 99 NA
Fibres 0 0 0 NA
Yams 5.4 0.1 98 -98
Fabrics 5.7 3.2 43 -43
Total 5.1 1.8 64 NA
Unwrought 0.9 0.7 30 NA
Semi-manufactures 4.3 3.1 28 -28
Total 1.7 1.2 29 NA
Unwrought 0.5 0.3 40 NA
Semi-manufactures 2.6 1.0 63 -68
Total 0.7 0.4 48 NA
Unwrought 2.1 1.6 23 NA
Semi-manufactures 5.9 4.8 17 NA
Total 3.0 2.4 20 NA
Unwrought 2.4 1.3 45 NA
Semi-manufactures 4.5 2.8 37 -29
Total 2.4 1.4 44 NA
Unmanufactured 14.7 11.5 22 NA
Manufactured 22.1 9.2 58 -131
Total 17.3 10.7 38 NA

Note: UR = Uruguay Round; NA = not applicable.
Tariffs are based on weighted averages on imports from all sources.
Tariff escalation is defined as the tariff wedge between the processed and unprocessed or raw product.
Source: GATT (1994).