Changes in forest policy and legislation in Peninsular Malaysia

                           Total land area
                      !                      ! 
               Total forest stock      Non-forest stock
                      !                      !
            !                      !                     !
       Permanent forest    Wildlife sanctuaries,   Stateland forest
          estate           national parks, etc
    !                          !  
Production             Non-production     
forests                    forests

Pre-1978 state forest enactments

     ------------------------------   -   -  -  -   - 
     !              !         -   !                 !
Production     Protection      Amenity     Research and education
  forests        forests       forests            forests

National Forest Policy (1978) --->Revised National Forest Policy (1992)

      !                             !
      !                 -----------------------
      !                 !                     !
  Production    Totally protected     Partially protected
   forests          forests                forests
      !                 !                     !
    Timber      Wildlife sanctuary      Water catchment
              Virgin jungle reserve     Soil reclamation
                     Amenity             Flood control
                  Soil protection       Federal purposes

National Forestry Act (1984) --> National Forestry (Amendment) Act (1993)