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List of Standards and Related Texts Adopted by the 21st Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission

Part I. Standards And Related Texts Adopted at Step 8

Standard or Related TextReferencesDecision
General Standard for Food Additives: PreambleALINORM 95/12 Appendix IIAdopted. See paragraph 39.
Specifications for the Identity and Purity of Food AdditivesALINORM 95/12 Appendix IV
ALINORM 95/12A Appendix IV
Amendments to the International Numbering System for Food AdditivesALINORM 95/12 Appendix VAdopted.
General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods: PreambleALINORM 95/12A Appendix VIAdopted.
Recommended Method of Sampling for the Determination of Pesticide Residues in Milk, Milk Products and EggsALINORM 95/24A Appendix IIAdopted.
Revised List of Methods of Analysis for Pesticide ResiduesALINORM 95/24A Appendix IIAdopted.
Maximum Residue Limits for PesticidesALINORM 95/24A- Add.1Adopted. Including the deletion and amendment of certain Codex MRLs as contained in the reference.
Maximum Residue Limits for the following Veterinary Drugs:
Estradiol 17-β
Trenbolone Acetate

ALINORM 91/31 Appendix IV

ALINORM 93/31 Appendix II

ALINORM 95/31 Appendix II


Code of Hygienic Practice for Spices and Dried Aromatic PlantsALINORM 95/13 Appendix IIAdopted.
(Latin America and Caribbean Regional) Code of Hygienic Practice for the Preparation and Sale of Street- Vended FoodsALINORM 95/36 Appendix IIAdopted. See also para. 50.
Codex General Methods of Analysis for ContaminantsALINORM 95/23 Appendix IIIAdopted.
Recommended Protocol for the Design, Conduct and Interpretation of Method Performance StudiesALINORM 95/23 Appendix VAdopted.
Harmonized Protocol for the Proficiency Testing of (Chemical) Analytical LaboratoriesALINORM 95/23 Appendix VAdopted.
Principles for Food Import and Export Certification and InspectionALINORM 95/30A Appendix IIAdopted with minor amendments: see para. 54.
Guidelines for the Exchange of Information in Food Control Emergency SituationsALINORM 95/30A Appendix IIIAdopted.
General Statement on Provisions concerning Inspection and Certification in Codex StandardsALINORM 95/30A paras. 96Adopted for inclusion in Procedural Manual.
General Standard for Quick Frozen Fish FilletsALINORM 95/18 Appendix IIAdopted with editorial changes.
Standard for Quick Frozen Raw SquidALINORM 95/18 Appendix IIIAdopted.
Revised General Standard for Quick Frozen Blocks of Fish Fillets, Minced Fish Flesh and Mixtures of Fillets and Minced Fish FleshALINORM 95/18 Appendix IVAdopted.
Revised Standard for Quick Frozen Finfish, Eviscerated or UnevisceratedALINORM 95/18 Appendix VAdopted.
Revised Standard for Quick Frozen LobstersALINORM 95/18 Appendix VIAdopted.
Revised Standard for Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (Fish Fingers), Fish Portions and Fish Fillets - Breaded or in BatterALINORM 95/18 Appendix VIIAdopted with editorial changes.
Revised Standard for Quick Frozen Shrimps or PrawnsALINORM 95/18 Appendix VIIIAdopted.
Revised Standard for Canned Crab MeatALINORM 95/18 Appendix IXAdopted with amendments. See para. 61.
Revised Standard for Canned FinfishALINORM 95/18 Appendix XAdopted.
Revised Standard for Canned SalmonALINORM 95/18 Appendix XIAdopted with an editorial changes.
Revised Standard for Sardines and Sardine-Type ProductsALINORM 95/18 Appendix XIIAdopted with an editorial change.
Revised Standard for Canned Shrimps or PrawnsALINORM 95/18 Appendix XIIIAdopted.
Revised Standard for Canned Tuna and BonitoALINORM 95/18 Appendix XIVAdopted.
Revised Standard for Salted Fish and Dried Salted Fish of the Gadidae Family of FishesALINORM 95/18 Appendix XVAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with omission of Steps 6 & 7.
General Standard for Edible Palm OleinALINORM 95/17 Appendix IIAdopted.
General Standard for Edible Palm StearinALINORM 95/17 Appendix IIIAdopted.
Standard for Whey PowdersALINORM 95/11 Appendix IIAdopted.
Standard for Edible Casein ProductsALINORM 95/11 Appendix IIIAdopted with minor amendments; see para. 71.
Standard for LitchiALINORM 95/35 Appendix IIAdopted.
Standard for AvocadoALINORM 95/35 Appendix IIIAdopted with minor amendment; see para. 73.
Code of Practice for the Packaging and Transport of Tropical Fresh Fruit and VegetablesALINORM 95/35 Appendix VIIAdopted.
Standard for RiceALINORM 95/29 Appendix IIIAdopted.
Standard for Wheat and Durum WheatALINORM 95/29 Appendix IVAdopted.
Standard for PeanutsALINORM 95/29 Appendix VAdopted.
Standard for OatsALINORM 95/29 Appendix VIAdopted.
Standard for CouscousALINORM 95/28- AppendumAdopted.
Standard for Wheat FlourALINORM 95/29 Appendix VIIAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Maize (Corn)ALINORM 95/29 Appendix VIIIAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Whole Maize (Corn) MealALINORM 95/29 Appendix IXAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Degermed Maize (Corn) Meal and Maize (Corn) GritsALINORM 95/29 Appendix XAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Certain PulsesALINORM 95/29 Appendix XIAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Sorghum GrainsALINORM 95/29 Appendix XIIAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Sorghum FlourALINORM 95/29 Appendix XIIIAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Durum Wheat Semolina and Durum Wheat FlourALINORM 95/29 Appendix XIVAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for GariALINORM 95/29 Appendix XVAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Whole and Decorticated Pearl Millet GrainsALINORM 95/29 Appendix XVIAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Pearl Millet FlourALINORM 95/29 Appendix XVIIAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Edible Cassava FlourALINORM 95/29 Appendix XVIIIAdopted at Steps 5 & 8 with ommission of Steps 6 & 7.
Standard for Formula Foods for Use in Very Low Energy Diets for Weight ReductionALINORM 95/26 Appendix IIAdopted.
Revised Standard for Bouillons and ConsommésALINORM 95/20 Appendix IAdopted. See also para. 83.

Part II. Draft Standards and Related Texts Adopted at Step 5

Standard or Related TextReferencesDecision
General Standard for Food Additives: Annex A - Guidelines for the Estimation of Appropriate Levels of Use of Food AdditivesALINORM 95/12A
Appendix III
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods: Criteria for the Establishment of Maximum Levels in Foods Procedure for Risk Management Decisions Format of the StandardALINORM 95/12A
Appendix VII, Annexes I, II and III
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Maximum Residue Limits for the following Veterinary Drugs: Levamisole DiminazeneALINORM 95/31
Appendix IV
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Guidelines on the Use of Health and Nutrition Claims; and

Draft Table of Conditions for Claims for Nutrient Contents
Appendix III

Appendix III
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6. See also para. 49.
Draft Guidelines for the Use of the Term HalalALINORM 95/22
Appendix IV
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft (African Regional) Code of Hygienic Practice for Street FoodsALINORM 95/28
Appendix II
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft (Revised) International Code of Practice: General Principles of Food HygieneALINORM 95/13
Appendix II
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Guidelines for the Exchange of Information between Countries on Rejections of Imported FoodALINORM 95/30A
Appendix IV
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Standard for Edible Fats and Oils not Covered by Individual StandardsALINORM 95/17
Appendix V
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Standard for Named Animal FatsALINORM 95/17
Appendix VII
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Standard for Named Vegetable OilsALINORM 95/17
Appendix VIII
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Standard for Olive Oils and Olive Pomace OilsALINORM 95/17
Appendix X
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Standard for MayonnaiseALINORM 95/17
Appendix XI
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Revised Code of Practice for the Storage and Transport of Edible Oils and Fats in BulkALINORM 95/17
Appendix IV
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Revised Standard for ButterALINORM 95/11
Appendix IV
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Revised Standard for Milkfat ProductsALINORM 95/11
Appendix V
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Revised Standard for Evaporated MilksALINORM 95/11
Appendix VI
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Revised Standard for Sweetened Condensed MilksALINORM 95/11
Appendix VII
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Revised Standard for Milk and Cream PowdersALINORM 95/11
Appendix VIII
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Revised Standard for CheeseALINORM 95/11
Appendix IX
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Revised Standard for Whey CheeseALINORM 95/11
Appendix X
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Standard for MangosteenALINORM 95/35
Appendix V
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Guideline Levels and Sampling Plans for Total Aflatoxins in Peanuts [Intended for Further Processing]ALINORM 95/29
Appendix II
Adopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Standard for SugarCL 1995/5-S Annex IAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.
Draft Standard for HoneyCL 1995/5-S Annex IIAdopted at Step 5 and advanced to Step 6.

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