Disseminating sustainable logging techniques in Paragominas


The objective of the Manual on forest management is to provide a didactic tool for the divulgation of sustainable logging techniques. As such, it will cover forest inventory, plans for felling (including directional felling and preharvest elimination of vines), plans for skidding and indications of the reduced costs that could be achieved in the production and transport of timber. The manual is directed at managers and workers in Paragominas logging firms, local landowners, government agency personnel and trainees in forestry schools.


The objective of the video Forest management in Paragominas is to inform a wide public of the need and potential for sustainable logging by demonstrating improved extraction practices as a basis for monitoring and certification. The video presents images of unmanaged logging and improved management techniques, interviews with logging entrepreneurs in favour of sustainable practices and graphical illustrations of the potential economic advantages of sustainable practices. The video has been used as part of environmental education programmes in public schools and has been shown to government agency workers as well as on national television broadcasts. It has also been used by non-governmental organizations in training and public awareness campaigns.