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CL 109/1

Provisional Annotated Agenda

CL 109/2

Participation of EC and EC Member States, Representing their Overseas Territories outside the Geographical Scope of the Treaty of Rome , in FAO Meetings and Intergovernmental Agreements under FAO Auspices

CL 109/3

No document

CL 109/4

Reports of the Seventy-third Session of the Programme Committee and of the Eighty-second Session of the Finance Committee
(Rome, 4-15 September 1995)

C 95/Series


C 95/2

The State of Food and Agriculture 1995: Summary

C 95/2-Sup.1

Update to the State of Food and Agriculture

C 95/3

Programme of Work and Budget 1996-97

C 95/3-Corr. 1

Corrigendum to C 95/3

C 95/3-Sup. 1

List of 1996-97 Scheduled Sessions and Selected Publications

C 95/8

Programme Implementation Report 1994-95

C 95/9

Medium-term Plan 1996-200 1

C 95/9-Corr. 1

(French only)

Corrigendum to C 95/9

C 95/12

Arrangements for the 28th Session of the Conference

C 95/14-Rev. 1

Fourth Progress Report on the Implementation of the Plan of Action for Integration of Women in Agricultural Development

C 95/14-Sup.1-Rev.1

FAO Plan of Action for Women in Development

C 95/17

World Food Summit

C 95/20-Rev. 1

Draft Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

C 95/22-Sup.1

Proposed Standard on Pest Free Areas

C 95/22-Sup.2

Updating the International Plant Protection Convention

C 95/22-Sup.3

Updating the International Plant Protection Convention

CL 109/INF/Series


CL 109/INF/1-Rev. 1

Provisional Timetable

CL 109/INF/2-Rev. 1

Provisional List of Delegates and Observers

CL 109/INF/3

Provisional List of Documents

CL 109/INF/4

Note on the Methods of Work of the Council

CL 109/INF/5

Invitations to International Non-Governmental Organizations which do not have Status with FAO

CL 109/INF/6

Index of Conference and Council Decisions (November 1977 - June 1995)

CL 109/INF/7

Implementation of Decisions taken at the 108th Session of the Council

CL 109/INF/8

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions

CL 198/INF/9

Officers of the Conference and Council

CL 109/INF/10

No document

CL 109/INF/11

Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States

CL 109/INF/12

Work Programme of the Joint Inspection Unit for 1995

CL 109/INF/13

No document

CL 109/INF/14

JIU Report on National Execution of Projects (JIU/REP/94/9)

CL 109/INF/14-Sup. 1

Comments of the ACC on the JIU Report entitled National Execution of Projects (JIU/REP/94/9)

CL 109/INF/15

ACC Comments on the JIU Report entitled Communication for Development Programmes in the UN System (JIUIREP//9414)

CL 109/INF/16

ACC Comments on the JIU Report entitled UN System Support for Science and Technology in Africa (JIU/REP/94/1)

CL 109/LIM/Series


CL 109/LIM/1-Rev.1

Financial Position of the Organization

CL 109/LIM/2

Appointment of a Second Alternate Chairman of the FAO Appeals Committee

CL 109/REP/Series


CL 109/REP/1 to CL 109/REP/7

Draft Reports of Plenary

CL 109/PV/Series


CL 109/PV/1-Rev.1


CL 109/PV/2 to CL 109/PV/6

Provisional Verbatim Records of Plenary

CL 109/OD/Series


CL 109/OD/1 to CL 109/OD/3

Orders of the Day

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