Technical papers on sustainable forest management

Readings in sustainable forest management. 1994. FAO Forestry Paper No. 122. Rome.ISBN 92-5-103401-X.

This collection of technical papers on sustainable forest management had its origins in the 10th World Forestry Congress which issued the Paris Declaration in 1991. The declaration called on the world's decision-makers to raise awareness and inform the public so that forest issues could be better understood and appreciated.

The papers have already been synthesized in a companion volume, The challenge of sustainable forest management: what future for the world's forests?. This was aimed at a non-technical audience, including decision-makers and concerned members of the general public, and it contributed to putting the Paris Declaration directly into effect.

The papers presented are divided into two parts: developing systems for the implementation of sustainable forest management; and creating a supportive environment for sustainable forest management.

The papers in this book were mainly prepared and submitted during the first half of 1992. The delay in their publication arose from the decision to concentrate on the preparation and issuance of the "popular" volume, which was expected to make the most impact in the immediate post-UNCED period. It is hoped that their publication will make available to professional foresters and others valuable technical information that will be relevant to their work.

Several of the papers have been edited to reduce their length and explanatory footnotes have been added in some instances to relate the author's statements to FAO's position.

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