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36. The Delegation of Thailand presented the guidelines drafted based on the Thai system. The Delegation explained the description of, the need for, and the location of Codex Contact points, National Codex Committees, Office of the National Committees, and examples of procedures. Many delegations welcomed and supported the guidelines.

37. The Observer from Consumer International reported its study on current situation of consumer involvement in Codex work in the Region, stressed the need to reflect consumers’ opinions in Codex work and recommended that a National Codex Committee should be set up as a matter of priority where there had been none in a country. It was emphasized that funding for attending Codex meetings must come from neutral sources.

38. Some countries stated that once a National Codex Committee had been established, the Codex Contact Point should be within the National Committee.

39. Several delegations mentioned the difficulty in following the guidelines due to the differences in government systems or because existing National Codex Committees had different structures. The Committee decided to include one paragraph at the end of Introduction as follows:

“The following Guidelines are reference examples for establishing new Codex Contact Points and National Codex Committees. Should there be an existing organization that is functioning with the effective liaison occurring with industry and consumers, introduction of a new organization may not be necessary. However, the government may appoint such an organization as a National Codex Committee.”
40. In response to the questions raised by the Delegation of Malaysia regarding the relationship between Codex Contact Points and SPS Enquiry Points and whether the guidelines were included in “standards, guidelines and other recommendations” stipulated in the SPS Agreement, the Representative of FAO stated that in Member countries, usually the Codex Contact Point and SPS Enquiry Point were located in different ministries or agencies, nevertheless, there should be good collaboration between them. It was agreed that the question concerning Codex guidelines not specifically related to safety matters and their status under the SPS Agreement should be referred to the Codex Legal Advisors for clarification.

41. The Committee agreed to advance the Guidelines as amended[16] to Step 5 for adoption by the Executive Committee.

[15] CX/ASIA 96/6, CX/ASIA 96/6-Add.1 (comments from Consumer International).
[16] Appendix V of this report.

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