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Proposal to Establish Codex Standard for Kimchi[24]

68. The Delegation of Korea explained the characteristics, processing, trade and other aspects of kimchi, a fermented vegetable product. Several delegations concurred that the production and consumption of kimchi were increasing in their countries. The Delegation of Japan stressed the need to study the situation of kimchi in producing and consuming countries. As a majority of the delegations supported the elaboration of the standard for kimchi, the Committee decided to seek approval of the Executive Committee to initiate the work. The Delegations of Korea and Japan indicated their interests in participating in drafting of such a standard pending the approval.

Micronutrient Malnutrition in Asia and the Potential Role for the Codex Alimentarius Commission

69. The Delegation of Thailand reported the chronic and prominent problems of micronutrient malnutrition, specifically iodine, iron and vitamin A deficiencies. Importance of food fortification in tackling the problems and the role of the Commission in establishing science-based harmonized standards for fortified foods and ingredient approvals were emphasized. The Delegation proposed to include this matter on the agenda of the next session of the Committee with a view to proposing the elaboration of standards for fortified foods in future.

70. The Committee was informed of the meetings dealing with fortification, i.e., Vitamin A Fortification Meeting (5-22 May 1996, Guatemala), Forum on Food Fortification (December 1995, Ottawa), and FAO Export Consultation on Food Fortification[25] (November 1995, Rome)

71. The Committee agreed to inform the Commission of the urgent need to take up work related to food fortification and to include this item in the agenda for the next session of the Committee. The Delegation of Malaysia commented that foods with naturally occurring micronutrients should be given consideration at the next session.

Draft Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods

72. The Delegation of Japan commented on the Draft Guidelines being elaborated by the Codex Committee on Food Labelling that Asian specific conditions should be taken into consideration. The Delegation hoped the Member Countries to express actively their opinions based on their farming conditions at the forthcoming session of the CCFL.

[24] CX/ASIA 96/10, CX/ASIA 96/10-Add.1 (comments from Viet Nam).
[25] Report will be ready in April.

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