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The SADC decision to increase its efforts in the region to promote small scale aquaculture and small water bodies resources development through coordinating activities and information services (Section 3.7.3) has been noted by the Mission Team as a positive sign of interest. Part of the proposed activities include the take-over of ALCOM Information Service and library.

Even if this decision results in closing down ALCOM according to the first Scenario discussed previously (Section 8.1.1), this is still considered to-day as the most probable scenario. Until now no active step has been taken to save the ALCOM Model and its wide regional knowledge.

All resource persons interviewed by the Mission Team, including SADC/IFSTCU staff, agree that it would be a waste of resources to close down ALCOM now. Full results of its activities are not yet available and diffused to the extension services involved. They are in fact embodied in a combination of a critical mass of professionals, unspecified activities and a network of well worked-out relations, both at upper and lower levels within the SADC Region.

This points to Scenario four, the institutionalisation of ALCOM (Section 8.1.4), as the best one. But the constraints attached to it are still so severe (mobilisation of new donors, resistance to creation of a new institution in SADC Region) that the probability to immediately implement this best scenario is very small. As there are no financial resources within SADC to take over this kind of advanced activity in the short term, it would also create unwanted dependence from donors for a continuous implementation. Therefore, the Mission Team does not recommend this alternative as an immediate solution.

In order to save as much as possible of the ALCOM model and knowledge, the Mission Team instead recommends that Scenarios two and three, the survival of ALCOM in its present form (Sections 8.1.2 and 8.1.3), be seriously considered by the donors:

Practically, this would mean that the ALCOM Core Programme (Sweden) should be supported for a couple of years more during which:

As far as the SWB Project is concerned, it should preferably be kept united to the ALCOM Core Programme for reasons explained earlier. The overall concept of aquatic resources development for small-scale farmers should be pursued whole rather than separated into aquaculture and SWB fish resources. It is recommended that the present project be at least shortly extended until the end of the transition period proposed above for the core programme.

The ALCOM Steering Committee has confirmed rather than managed the activities so far. A great part of ALCOM central activities have been also outside the formal control of FAO, such as workplans for example, even if the informal control which has been maintained in direct contact with higher authorities and FAO-HQ has worked well in practice. Nevertheless, the “steering system” should be reconsidered, not necessarily to develop a new, formalised, resource - demanding control system. New forms of closer collaboration with SADC are needed, in which SADC officials should act instead of only react, in relation to aquaculture development activities.

Information activities have worked very well so far, within the ALCOM setting. There are several good reasons to keep up such high quality of services. This is the only point which conflicts with the SADC decision to start new aquaculture coordinating activities in Lilongwe, Malawi. The Mission Team recommends to SADC to build up this new activity slowly and to wait for the proposed finalisation of ALCOM activities according to Scenarios two or three (see above), before planning for the transfer of ALCOM library. Guidelines for the transfer of FAO project fisheries libraries are given in Annex 28 for information.

Because of:

the Mission Team recommends that SADC/FANR, the SIDA/FAO FARMESA Programme and eventually UNDP (Zimbabwe) be considered as the primary target organisations to become involved in the later transfer of ALCOM model and knowledge. Such transfer process would of course be facilitated by concrete collaboration prior to any transfer, including temporary financing of at least part of the core activities and/or the three most successful core pilot projects.

If within such setting SADC finds that the ALCOM model is fruitful and that regional development needs a more cross-sectoral approach than the proposed transfer to SADC/IFS, it is the responsibility of SADC only (not SIDA, FAO or anyone else) to decide on the future location of the institutional setting to be developed to support small-scale aquatic resources development in the region.




10.5.1 SADC Secretariat

10.5.2 Malawi

10.5.3 Mozambique

10.5.4 Tanzania

10.5.5 Zambia

10.5.6 Zimbabwe


At the last ALCOM Steering Committee, Sweden reported that ALCOM Phase III could be extended, if necessary, until end June 1997.

A revised date for the end of Phase III should be agreed upon as soon as possible, considering unspent allocated funds (and if necessary bridging funds) for the following purposes:

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