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Agenda 21 and the "Forest Principles" adopted by UNCED emphasized the need to protect the environment and for people's participation to achieve sustainable development in the long run in addition to maintaining the contribution of forests to economic development. With this shift in emphasis in forest development has come a need for new approaches and processes for forestry planning. The purpose is to establish a workable framework for forest use and conservation which incorporates the economic, social and environmental dimensions on a sustainable basis. The framework is about creating a shared vision of how forests will be used and protected. This can be summed up in a single central question: Trees and forests for whom and for what? The question is not new but what is new is the perception that so many different groups have an interest in the reply. Some interests may be competing but there is an underlying perception of a shared stake in the benefits of forests and trees. The challenge is to develop a new approach and process for planning which:

· makes planning for forests work more effectively in reaching a balance between development and the protection of the environment,

· puts people at the center of forestry planning, and

· achieves a sustained contribution of forests to development.

The present Working Paper, which is concerned with strategic planning for forests, has been written with these challenges in mind and not solely for the professional forester or the planning specialist but rather, to serve the wide variety of individuals who should be participating in, observing, and evaluating the planning. This Working Paper was prepared by the Planning and Statistics Branch of the Policy and Planning Division of the Forestry Department of FAO under the supervision of Yves C. Dubé, Forestry Officer (Planning) and with the support of an interdisciplinary group from various Divisions in FAO. Dr. Jan G. Laarman from the Forestry Department of the North Carolina State University drafted the original version.

This Working Paper is being issued for the purpose of practical testing in a variety of planning situations. The results of the testing will help in finalizing these draft guidelines into a consolidated reference framework. The approaches to be finally recommended are intended to contribute to the achievement of conservation, development and social objectives called for by UNCED's Agenda 21 and the Forest Principles.

M.R. de Montalembert
Policy and Planning Division
Forestry Department

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