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Worksheet 14. Checklist of Information Needed in Maps.

Maps are one of the best methods to display and integrate a large amount of information for strategic planning. Below are examples of information that you may want in mapped form. Use check marks to indicate which maps are available and satisfactory. Then, specify additional maps that may be needed, but which are not presently available. Also, which maps are not compatible with each other?

Climatic zones (precipitation, temperature, evapotranspiration)
Forest cover (vegetation classes, primary vs. second-growth, open vs. closed, etc.)
Topography (and elevation)
Soil types (and geological factors)
Watersheds (drainage patterns)
Water availability
Eco-regions (based on combinations of climate, topography, soils, etc.)
Potential land uses (capability for irrigation, intensive farming, grazing, forestry, etc.)
Present land uses

Political boundaries (provinces, departments, districts, municipalities, etc.)
Population density
Population growth (current and projected)
Internal migration patterns (i.e., from. Region X to Regions Y and Z).
Colonization zones (active forest clearing)
Land ownership
Indigenous territories
Transportation routes (present and future)
Pipelines, gaslines, electric grid, and other infrastructure (present and future)

Forest regions (administrative units)
Forest reserves, national parks, wildlife refuges, etc. (i.e., officially protected areas)
Forest concessions (i.e., leases and utilization contracts on public forests)
Areas of harvesting and processing forest products
Areas reforested or afforested (present and future)
Areas covered by forestry projects
Zones of greatest land-use conflict

What other information do you need in the form of maps? And which maps need to be remade?

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