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Worksheet 20: Questions to Define and Clarify Your Mission

Your organization's mission is the broad general reason for its existence. Answer the following questions, first individually and then in group discussions. This can be helpful at both national and decentralized levels. It can provide the focus for workshops that convene leaders from other agencies, NGOs, community groups, industry associations, and other interest groups.

1. What are our principal functions and services? In other words, why does our organization exist? What is unique about us?

2. What are our priority programs at the present time? What do we spend the most money on? What activities occupy the most personnel? Should this be changing? How and why?

3. What philosophical issues are most important in our organization? (related to public image, environmental matters, division of public and private activities, and so on)

4. What interest groups do we principally serve? Is this what is intended by existing legislation, national development plans, and policy statements?

5. What groups and individuals do we not serve well? What are the reasons for this?

6. With what organizations do we compete or overlap (public and private), and in what ways?

7. In what ways are we different and the same than these other organizations? What are our special capabilities and strengths? And what are our weaknesses?

8. For functions and services that we provide now, which could be transferred to other agencies, private enterprises, NGOs, and community groups? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this (for each case)?

9. What is different about what we do now as compared with five years ago?

10. What will (or should) be different about our mission five years in the future?

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