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Annexe 1 AGENDA

Monday, 22 July 1996

Chairman:Gavin Thomson 
09:15Opening by Assistant Director-General,
FAO Agriculture Department
09:30Keynote address
Morbilliviruses into the 21st Century
Tom Barrett
Session 1The distribution and nature of rinderpest 
Session Chairman: Alex Donaldson
10:30Current Global Status of RinderpestMark Rweyemamu
10:40Current Status of Rinderpest in AfricaWalter Masiga
10:50Current Status of Rinderpest in India, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, Nepal & Sri Lanka
K. Rajan
11:00Current Status of Rinderpest in Pakistan and AfghanistanRafaqat Raja
11:10Current Status of Rinderpest in the Near East and Central AsiaGholam Ali Kiani
11:20Epidemiological and clinical features of rinderpest in the 1990'sPaul Rossiter
Session 2Diagnosis and surveillance 
Session Chairman: William Taylor
14:00Laboratory Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Rinderpest 
- the role of the Reference LaboratoriesJohn Anderson
14:10Diagnostic technology support to GREP by the FAO/IAEA 
Martyn Jeggo 
14:20Training field veterinarians in recognition of tropical epidemic diseasesGavin Thomson 
Session 3Communications and GREP 
Session Chairman: Masiga 
15:40Communication techniques in support of GREPPhilippe Van der Stichele
16:00The role of multimedia technology in EMPRES and GREPJulian Hilton
16:30Discussion and Recommendations 
Tuesday, 23 July 1996 
Session 4Technical strategies for GREP 
Session Chairman: Alain Provost and Roger Morris 
08: 40The World Without Rinderpest - the socio-economic justificationAndrew James
09: 00The World Without Rinderpest - Outreach to the inaccessible areasJeffrey Mariner
09:20The World Without Rinderpest - Outreach to the inaccessible areas. 
 The case for a community-based approach with reference to Southern Sudan Tim Leyland
Mark Rweyemamu
09:40The World Without Rinderpest - the technical Strategy 
11:00The World Without Poliomyelitis - The WHO surveillance programmeMaureen Birmingham 
11:20The World Without Rinderpest - Contingency planning and emergency preparednessGareth Davies 
11:50The World Without Rinderpest - Sustainable Veterinary StructuresYves Cheneau
14:00The World Without Rinderpest - OIE Standards for
Epidemiological Surveillance Systems for Rinderpest
Alain Provost 
14:15The World Without Rinderpest - Global Early Warning against rinderpest and other major epidemicsWilliam Geering
14:30The World Without Rinderpest - Global Early Reaction against rinderpest and other major epidemicsPeter Roeder 
15:45Recommendations - GREP Strategy 
Wednesday, 24 July 1996 
Session 5Financing 
Session Chairman: Yves Cheneau
09:00Financing the eradication of rinderpest and other major epidemic diseases - the EU strategy and experience in AfricaMichael Dale
09:15Financing the eradication of rinderpest and other major epidemic diseases - the EU strategy and experience in Asia Alain Vandersmissen
09:30IFAD experience of a multi-donor initiative for financing the eradication of the NWSW and the follow-up Ahmed Sidahmed
Chairman: Gavin Thomson
11:00Recommendations of the Meeting 
12:00Closure by Dr T. Fujita, Director,
Animal Production and Health Division

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