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Proceedings of the first INBAR Biodiversity, Genetic Resources and Conservation Working Group (7-9 November, 1994, Singapore)

Bamboos and rattans are unique groups of tropical woody monocotyledons that have been traditionally utilized by the rural people in the Asia/Pacific region for a wide variety of purposes. They are of immense social and economic importance, and in great need of further research, evaluation and conservation. In 1993 the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) joined with the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) to support research on conservation and utilization of bamboo and rattan genetic resources.

The first meeting of the Biodiversity and Genetic Resources Working Group of INBAR was hosted by the IPGRI Regional Office for Asia, Pacific and Oceania and held in Singapore from 7-9 November 1994, and the proceedings of this meeting have been published in 1995. The proceedings include nine papers giving information on genetic diversity and resources, reproductive biology, improvement and conservation in bamboos and rattans.

The meeting was noteworthy in that it marked the formal inclusion of the Genetic Resources Working Group under INBAR, provided the opportunity for genetic resources activities in bamboos and rattans in the region to be discussed and documented and developed concrete plans for future research activities. The meeting included participants from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines (FORTIP, FAO), Singapore (IPGRI) and USA (INBAR).

Copies of the report are available from:

IPGRI Regional Office for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania
Tanglin, PO Box 101, Singapore 258352 or

IPGRI Office for South Asia,
c/o NBPGR Pusa Campus
New Delhi 110012, India

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