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5.4. Literature of interest

Barnabé, G. 1990. Harvesting zooplankton. In: Aquaculture. Vol. 1. G. Barnabé (Ed). Ellis Horwood Ltd., UK, pp 265-272.

Fukusho, K. l980. Mass production of a copepod, Tigriopus japonicus in combination culture with a rotifer Brachionus plicatilis, fed w-Yeast as a food source. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 46(5): 625-629.

Fukusho, K., Arakawa, T. and Watanabe, T. 1980. Food value of a copepod, Tigriopus japonicus, cultured with w-Yeast for larvae and juveniles of mud dab Limanda yokohamae. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 46(4): 499-503.

Kuhlmann, D., Quantz, G. and Witt, U. 1981. Rearing of turbot larvae (Scophthalmus maximus L.) on cultured food organisms and post-metamorphosis growth on natural and artificial food. Aquaculture, 23: 183-196.

Kuroshima, R., Sato, M., Yoshinaka, R. and Ikeda, S. 1987. Nutritional quality of the wild zooplankton as a living feed for fish larvae. The Suisanzoshoku 35(2): 113-117.

Machacek, J. 1991. Zooplankton collecting, sorting, transport and storage. Report of the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology, Vodnany, Czechoslovakia, 12 pp.

Naess, T. and Bergh, O. 1994. Calanoid copepod resting eggs can be surface-disinfected. Aquacultural Engineering, 13: 1-9.

Nellen, W., Quantz, G., Witt, U., Kuhlmann, D. and Koske, P.H. 1981. Marine fish rearing on the base of an artificial food chain. In: European Mariculture Society, Special Publication No. 6, Bredene, Belgium, pp 133-147.

Nellen, W. 1986. Live animal food for larval rearing in aquaculture. Non-Artemia organisms. In: Realism in Aquaculture: Achievements, Constraints, Perspectives. Bilio, M., H. Rosenthal and C.J. Sindermann, (Eds). European Aquaculture Society, Bredene, Belgium, pp 215-249.

Oiestad, V. 1983. Growth and survival of herring larvae and fry (Clupea harengus L.) exposed to different feeding regimes in experimental ecosystems: outdoor basin and plastic bags. PhD. Dissertation, University Bergen, 299 pp.

Pederson, B.H. 1984. The intestinal evacuation rates of larval herring (C1upea harengus L.) predating on wild zooplankton. Dana, 3: 21-30.

Støttrup, J.G., Richardson, K., Kirkegaard, E. and Pihl, N.J. 1986. The cultivation of Acartia tonsa Dana for use as a live food source for marine fish larvae. Aquaculture, 52: 87-96.

Sturmer, L.N. 1987. Zooplankton composition and dynamics in fingerling red drum rearing ponds. In: Manual on red Drum Aquaculture. Chamberlain, G.W., R.J. Miget and M.G. Haxby, (Eds). Sea Grant Technical Report, Corpus Christi-Texas, USA, pp III-53-74.

Tilseth, S., Blom, G. and Naas, K. 1992. Recent progress in research and development of marine cold water species for aquaculture production in Norway. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 23(4): 277-285.

Urup, B. 1994. Methods for the production of turbot fry using copepods as food. In: Turbot Culture: Problems and Prospects. Lavens, P. and R.A.M. Remmerswaal, (Eds.). European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No. 22, Gent, Belgium, pp 47-53.

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