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1. Criteria for Evaluating Acceptable Methods of Analysis for Codex Purposes (ALINORM 97/23A, para. 15)

2. Measurement Uncertainty (ALINORM 97/23A, para. 37)

Member countries and interested international organizations are invited to send information on the above or comments on CX/MAS 97/3 and CX/MAS 97/7 directly to the Delegation of the United Kingdom (for address and contact numbers, see Appendix I of ALINORM 97/23A). For the item 1, the Committee agreed that information and comments should be sent as soon as possible.

3. Definitions of "Limits" (ALINORM 97/23A, paras. 26 & 28)

The Committee decided to request the Inter-Agency Meeting to recommend whether it would be appropriate to include "limits" in the selected terminology for Codex use and to elaborate their definitions. Member countries and interested international organizations are invited to send comments on the following to the IAM Secretariat, Mr. R. Christensen, Executive Director, General Counsel, AOAC International, 481 North Frederick Ave. Ste. 500, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877-2417, USA (Fax: +1 301 924 7089) with a copy to the Chief, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy, no later than 31 July 1997:

(a) Whether it is appropriate to include "limits" in the selected terminology for Codex use;

(b) Rationale for the above;

(c) If (a) is affirmative, what "limit" should be included; and

(d) Proposed definitions of the "limits" specified in (c) above, in accordance with internationally agreed definitions.

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