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Other Business, Future Work and Date and Place of the Next Session (Agenda Item 11)

Future Work

72. The Delegation of South Africa introduced the proposals presented in CRD1 and stressed the need for definitions of the different vegetarian categories, namely "Vegan", "Ovo-lacto Vegetarian" and "Lacto Vegetarian", for possible inclusion in either the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods or, as conditional claims, in the General Guidelines on Claims. The Delegation also proposed new work to develop Codex guidelines on the so-called "Sport drinks" and "Energy drinks".

73. The Committee agreed to request the approval of the Commission regarding the elaboration of definitions for the claim "vegetarian".

74. With regard to the guidelines on "Sport drinks" and "Energy drinks", many delegations expressed their view that, since such guidelines largely consisted of compositional requirements, it would be more appropriate for the Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) than the Committee on Food Labelling to consider their elaboration. The Delegation of Denmark expressed a general reservation against the development of specific products standards as the horizontal approach should be generally followed.

75. The Observer from the European Community informed the Committee that the EC Scientific Committee on Foods was reviewing various issues relative to so-called "Sport drinks" and "Energy drinks", and its report would be made available shortly. The Observer from the International Dairy Federation indicated that the definition of "Beverage" mentioned in the document prepared by South Africa would need to be expanded to include milk and milk products.

76. The Observer from Consumers International supported the development of Codex guidance in this area as the wide range of product descriptors and claims for such products created some confusion for consumers.

77. The Observer from the International Soft Drink Council stressed the need to address the issue on a horizontal basis, by recalling that the Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) had recognised soft drinks as a food category within the General Standard for Food Additives, with sport drinks as a sub-category. It was noted that concerns relating to claims should also be addressed in the framework of the General Guidelines on Claims.

78. The Committee agreed to request guidance from the Commission on the need for the CCNFSDU to undertake new work in this area.

79. The Delegation of Australia informed the Committee that the World Customs Organization was in the process of elaborating the Rules of Origin, which might not be consistent with Codex labelling provisions. The Committee requested the Codex Secretariat to provide relevant information on this matter at its next session.

Date and Place of the Next Session

80. The Committee noted that its next session was tentatively scheduled to be held in Ottawa in the Spring of 1998, the exact date to be determined between the host country and Codex Secretariats.


Subject Matter


Action by

Reference in ALINORM 97/22A

Proposed Draft Amendment to the Standard for Quick Frozen Fish Sticks


22nd CAC

para. 51
Appendix II

Draft Guidelines for Organically Produced Foods


26th CCFL

para. 42
Appendix III

Proposed Draft Amendment to the General Labelling Standard (Hypersensitivity)


22nd CAC

para. 48
Appendix IV

Proposed Draft Amendment to the General Labelling Standard (Class Names)


22nd CAC
26th CCFL

para. 25
Appendix V

Proposed Draft Amendment to the General Labelling Standard (Biotechnology)


26th CCFL

para. 60
Appendix VI

Proposed Draft Recommendations for the Use of Health Claims


26th CCFL

para. 71
Appendix VII

Proposals for new work:

- Revision of the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling

22nd CAC

para. 65

- "Vegetarian" claim

22nd CAC
South Africa

para. 73

- Sports and Energy Drinks

22nd CAC

para. 78

[14] Accelerated Procedure

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