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Under the prevailing conditions, the observed forest operation could by definition be called "low impact" because of the extraction rate of approximately one tree per hectare. However, as with any harvesting operation, gains are possible toward the objective of sustainable forest practices. By comparing measured results of the operation to the recommendations outlined in the FAO Model Code of Forest Practices, the following conclusions are observed:

The impact of this type of forest management lies not only in the visible effects caused by operating heavy equipment. Unseen impacts with high potential for positive or negative effects lie in the growth dynamics of the future forests on this site. Commercial and non-commercial species in the residual stand and regeneration will be affected. Future operations should concentrate on developing management plans that ensure the sustainability of forest products and the total forest system.

The final decision on a commitment to Sustainable Forest Management in this region will be driven mainly by economic considerations. Additional operating costs will have to be balanced with higher returns, reduced costs elsewhere, higher efficiency, or be financed by the public. The government will have to decide the relative benefits of Sustainable Forest Management, such as higher commercial and biological value of the forest, when balanced against the immediate needs of the government, the private enterprise and the people of the region.

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