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Estimation of the dietary intake of pesticide residues

In response to recommendations of a Joint FAO/WHO Consultation on Guidelines for predicting the Dietary Intake of Pesticide Residues held in York UK in 1995, the 1996 Joint Meeting extended its estimations of residues to include calculations of the median residue levels found in supervised trials (STMR levels) in order to provide a basis for the estimation of the dietary intake of the pesticides reviewed.

The estimated STMRs are included in the Tables of Recommendations in the Appraisals of the compounds reviewed and in the Table of ADIs and MRLs in Annex I. Further details of the response of the 1996 JMPR to the York Consultation and information about an informal workshop held in The Hague, The Netherlands, in April 1996 to consider the implementation of the York recommendations by the JMPR are given in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.3 of the report of the Meeting.

The report of the Hague Workshop is reproduced as Annex III to these evaluations. It explains in detail the procedures used in the calculation of STMRs and directs attention to the associated changes in the Tables of residues resulting from supervised trials and in the presentation of the Appraisals.

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